Saturday, May 9, 2020

Thoughts on the Pandemic from Lew Rockwell: Of "Criminal Manipulators" and "Pathetic Ignoramuses"

Can you find the conspiracy nut in that pile!
Someone commenting about the Sarah/Vigano fight on another blog dismissed the archbishop as a conspiracy nut with all the talk about the virus being used to move us toward one-world government. 

Sorry Charlie, but that's exactly what's happening and the pandemic panic is the perfect vehicle to take many giant steps toward that goal. An article at Lew Rockwell this morning puts it in stark perspective:

The Coronavirus Response: The Ultimate Goal is Control of All Humanity
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” ~ Edward L. Bernays (1930). “Propaganda” 
Propaganda is the most useful tool of those that desire to hold power over others, and for the global ruling class, this equates to power over all. It is first necessary to create some sort of broad chaos or crisis in order to present a particular scenario meant to initiate fear. This will immediately trigger the herd mentality in the masses, and an escape toward safety will be sought. The next step once the herd is gathered is to first offer protection, and then to offer a solution to guarantee future safety. Once the herd accepts this premise, control by small outside forces becomes possible. As long as the propaganda continues and is accepted by the herd, which requires a continuance of fear, the more control that will evident....
Those that are responsible for this massive coup are few, but those involved in its implementation include many. The many are made up of all the enforcers, including the entire political class from bottom to top, the police, the military, and even much of the compliant citizenry; those that are the eyes of the state that voluntarily monitor their neighbors due to false fear. These are pathetic ignoramuses, for they are directly responsible for causing their own enslavement by helping to advance the agenda of their masters. Most of them have no concept of this contradiction, for they are not able mentally to grasp the reality of their actions. (Read the rest here.)
After I read this, I wanted to climb under the bed and suck my thumb. Then I slapped myself upside of the head and asked, "Who is in charge?" It ain't George Soros or Anthony Fauci or Bill Gates or Lucifer Himself. God allows evil that He might bring good out of it! "Fear is useless, what's needed is trust." So put on the armor of God, you coward, and resist on the evil day!

I started pondering on that a bit while I was praying my virtual Mass at St. John Bosco (with three other people in the church). The saying, "All politics is local," is a great reminder. I can't have much impact on the world, but I can have a profound impact on my family and local community even if they don't know it. (How many people know you are praying and sacrificing for them?)

At the farmers' market this morning I smiled and said thank you to the local farm lady, Judy, who serves us. I can walk around my town sprinkling holy water and praying for all the residents of our community: the post mistress with her blue/pink highlighted hair, the manager at the grocery store and the young kids who work the register, the bread lady who makes the yummiest rosemary/olive oil loaf, the priests and deacon from our parish whom we mention every night in our rosary and our lovely parish secretary.

When the restaurants open up, we can leave big tips for the waitresses we've come to know and love at Cracker Barrel and Ben's Diner and express our concern and support for them. I can call some of the elderly residents in the parish who are alone just to check up on them and say hi. One friend I called the other day chatted for a long time and talked about how hard the isolation has been.

I refuse to panic in all this. Having our grandchildren over every week has continued regularly since the shutdown. Yesterday we baked cinnamon buns which we immediately gobbled up and then made a zucchini lemon bread for brunch tomorrow. And, in fact, our Sunday brunch continues. Only once did my daughter's family cancel because of sick kids. 

Some parishioners are so fearful of the virus they've dropped out of adoration despite the fact that there are never more than four or five people in the church at one time. Goodness! It can accommodate about 300.  Are you really endangering yourself by sitting thirty feet from everyone else? Several elderly friends have lamented the fact that not everybody (including me) is wearing a mask. "They don't care about us old folks." 

You know matter how much you shut yourself up in a protective bubble, you are going to die. "Not today," one said. I laughed. "How can you know that? You could have a heart attack tomorrow." I've come to the conclusion that conversations like that are pretty pointless with people who are afraid. But it's particularly disappointing when they serious Catholics. Goodness! Are we all still in the upper room trembling in fear? Aren't we a Pentecost people?

Please! Get a grip! I lament with little Francisco of Fatima, "Love is not loved." And yet, love can overcome fear. What better place to be during these trying times than in front of the tabernacle. That's why bishops locking their churches is so evil. I'm grateful to our bishop for NOT doing that. And I think I'll send him a thank you note saying so. As of May 15th things are going to loosen up. Why? Not, I'm sorry to say, because our bishop decided it, but because our baby-killing governor allows it. Really? Thank you, Caesar.

But enough of this rant. What I need is more prayer time. So I'm going into my closet for awhile. Hope you join me in your own. May God give us all the gifts of the Holy Spirit as we maneuver the obstacle course of this "valley of tears." 

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.

Mother Mary, intercede for us.

St. Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family, pray for us


  1. It's time to resist. The police in this story illustrate exactly what's described in the article. The response of the community is exactly what's needed. Put on the armor of God and fight like hell, because that's what you're fighting against!

  2. The MSM is our enemy and an enemy of the truth. It is the propaganda arm of the elites and major corporations who, evidently, support the global One World, New World Order who wish to control us with fear and panic.

    Anti-pope Bergoglio is on their side along with many Bishops who have shown their true colors by voting Democrat and going along with government mandates on the Scamdemic.

    We must resist all of this and pray to Our Lady and St Michael for courage and strength.
