Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Watch a Traditional Latin Mass Altar Boy in Training

This video was created by two brothers who are among eight youth running a website called Deus Vult (God Wills), a "blog by and for young Catholics." The cameraman is eighteen and the "acolyte in training" is his 15-year-old brother. They live on a farm as you no doubt figured out when the cow came over to check out the visitor to his field. They attend an FSSP parish. Spend five minutes on the website and you will experience great hope for the future and a sense of absolute delight.

"Are you crazy?" you may ask. It's run by only eight kids! Well...Jesus started his public life calling just two fisherman who immediately left their nets to follow him. These youth want to inspire others to follow Him as well. It doesn't take much yeast to leaven the loaf.

I was particularly encouraged by the manliness of the boy contributors and the mature understanding the girls have for true femininity. Contributions are anonymous. The kids use names like "Crusader4Christ" and "ManAliveandInnocent" (surely a hat tip to G.K. Chesterton), and "1girl1farm1life."  Everything I've read on the site is articulate and impressive. I particularly liked the article on The Need for Penance. Would your sons or grandsons write something like this? Here's how it begins:
One common fault among men is their desire for comfort. This is especially true in our times. The technological advances enjoyed by mankind today has given us many luxuries, unnecessary ones. Man seems to have forgotten that he isn’t meant for this world and has indulged himself in frivolous pleasures. The unfortunate consequences of this is that as a whole, our society has grown more sensual and more susceptible to temptation. It’s no wonder then why the sins of the flesh are so widespread today. Men no longer have to will to fight them. Frankly, few even care about them at all. 
However, Holy Mother Church, knowing the danger these unnecessary luxuries posed to her children, cautions them against it. She instead encourages us to embrace our cross and mortify our passions....
And here's an even stronger statement from another post by the same writer:
The unfortunate fact is that this is a realistic reflection of men today, in what are the ruins of western culture. We’ve grown slothful in a world full of unnecessary conveniences, uncaring in our churches, workplaces, and families where we are needed most, and sensual as we are surrounded at all times by a society saturated in sex. Moral men are needed, guided by principles. At a time where strong men need to reclaim society, weakwilled men who have become slaves to their desires hide away.
How many young people do you know who can write like that? How many young people do you know who think like that? Visit the site and post it to your social media. These young people deserve their message to be spread far and wide. (Hat tip to Old Curmudgeon whose post today gave me this delightful experience!)

I'll be following this site and I urge you to do the same. We all need hope for the future and reading this blog offers that in abundance. Young people especially are starving for truth. Share this blog with them. It truly magnifies the true, the good, and the beautiful! Don't we all need that?

Share it. Deus Vult!


  1. I was expecting something completely different than what I just saw.

    Dry bones that I am, their message has something for me in it, too.

    Thanks for sharing this. It was very good. An allegory for how all Catholics should live. Well done, boys!
