Friday, May 1, 2020

Ya Just Gotta Shake Your Head! The Demon Swedes are Now "Future Models!"

A month ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) demonized Sweden because, instead of locking down and destroying their economy, they exercised modest restraints and urged their citizens to take personal responsibility. The sick and vulnerable were warned to stay home; the young and healthy were encouraged to practice common sense distancing. Omigosh! The world was coming to an end! Sweden would experience Armageddon, not to mention the invasion of the body snatchers.

The dire predictions about the outcome in Sweden never came to pass, however; and now, lo and behold, they've morphed into a "future model" for how to handle the kind of crisis we're experiencing with the coronavirus according to Dr. Michael Ryan of WHO. Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming.

Dr. Ryan isn't just some low level flunkie in the WHO bureaucracy. He's the "top emergencies expert" in the organization. 

Here's what he said according to the New York Post:
“I think there’s a perception out that Sweden has not put in control measures and just has allowed the disease to spread,” Ryan told reporters. “Nothing can be further from the truth.” 
Ryan noted that instead of lockdowns, the country has “put in place a very strong public policy around social distancing, around caring and protecting people in long-term care facilities.” 
“What it has done differently is it has very much relied on its relationship with its citizenry and the ability and willingness of its citizens to implement self-distancing and self-regulate,” Ryan said. “In that sense, they have implemented public policy through that partnership with the population.” 
He said the country also ramped up testing and had adequate capacity in hospitals to handle any outbreaks.
“I think if we are to reach a new normal, Sweden represents a model if we wish to get back to a society in which we don’t have lockdowns,” Ryan said.
Yes, Sweden had more deaths per 100,000 (22) versus some of their lockdown neighbors. But we still don't know the death toll from the lockdowns. There is a price to pay from throwing millions into unemployment, destroying livelihoods, putting incredible stress on families, and frightening people away from receiving necessary emergency treatment. Not only that but disruptions in the food supply threaten famine of "biblical proportions" especially in the Third World. 

Coronavirus pandemic leaves staggering amount of food waste!
We need to hear the cry of the poor like "Suleiman Hussein Suleiman, a 22-year-old logistics worker from Hemo village in Syria":
"We lived in hardship before, and now it is even harder. It is hard for us to find food every day. If things go on like this, the people will erupt like a volcano — they will say, 'Better that we go back to work and die of coronavirus than that our children starve to death!'"
It's time to stop the hand-wringing cry that "even if it saves one life" the lockdowns must continue. The only good the continued lockdown serves is the goal of the population controllers who see massive death as a blessing to the planet. Not only that, it provides them a useful famine to spin as being caused by overpopulation. Think they wouldn't do it?

Let us pray today for the intercession of St. Joseph the Worker that breadwinners can go back to work to put food on the their families' tables. It's way past time -- especially in regions little impacted by the virus.


  1. “What it has done differently is it has very much relied on its relationship with its citizenry and the ability and willingness of its citizens to implement self-distancing and self-regulate,” Ryan said. “In that sense, they have implemented public policy through that partnership with the population.”

    In other words, the leaders in Sweden have treated their citizens like thinking, caring adults who share love of country and fellow human. I wonder what that feels like...

  2. Good article.

    BTW - if you want to irritate those around you during quarantine, every time you hear 'World Health Organization' said on TV or radio, say "who?"

  3. Let's be clear that Sweden has a bad totalitarian record in other areas especially persecuting homeschoolers. They are the favorite country that socialists point to as a " good" socialism example that shows communism can work out. So if they were correct on covid, see it as a broken clock thing and not an endorsement of their regime.

  4. Totally agree, rohrbachs, but it is hilarious that the Left who absolutely love socialism are going ballistic now over their failure to follow the globalists totalitarian plan. Get out the popcorn and watch the bad guys eat each other!

  5. Ah yes. Sweden. That country of leftists where there is not a true male to be found since they have all been emasculated by the country's rabid feminism. Sweden longs for true masculinity therefore is running full speed into the arms of Islam and its uber hyper masculine culture for which the Swedes long - since their own Swedish masculinity has been outlawed. Islam will soon have the feminists under their control wearing burkas and being beaten into submission. Holding the Swedes up for Western admiration demonstrates self loathing...a self hatred that pines for death.

  6. Not WHO! WHOA World Health Organisation of Antichrist. The Medical Profession. The most evil profession on God’s earth. Just ask all those millions of butchered babies who didn’t get to celebrate their first birthdays. And while I’m at it, the majority of Irish people who died Covidly were Catholics over age 65, very many of whom voted in this Month of Mary two years ago to give the most evil profession the right to deprive preborn Irish babies of temporary life and eternal beatitude. Almighty God to whom all things are possible has likely shown many of these “faithful” departed their voting slips which they signed in secrecy. Nothing is secret to God the Creator of all things visible and invisible including visible baby bodies and their invisible souls.

  7. Well thank you for publishing that.

  8. I have no problem posting comments that don't include insults and ad hominem attacks. I still pray for poor Ireland as well as my own abortion-loving country. The judgment is coming and perhaps is already here with the coronavirus and natural disasters.
