Wednesday, June 3, 2020

An Important Message from Archbishop Vigano to the People of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.

Former U.S. Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Issues Urgent Warning to Priests and Faithful of the Diocese of Washington

Written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Editor's comment: False Shepherd Wilton Gregory, walks in the footsteps of his predecessors, McCarrick and Wuerl. Wake up, Catholics. Don't follow these hirelings. Gregory was identified by Dr. Richard Sipe as a homosexual. He can't be trusted?
“I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree... [Saint Pope John Paul II] certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence, scatter or intimidate them for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace.” 

- Archbishop of Washington, Wilton D. Gregory, on President Trump’s visit to the National Shrine in the wake of violent protests which left 50 Secret Service agents wounded and the historic St. John’s Church (within stone’s throw of the White House) in flames

Grace and Peace are always with you, in Jesus Christ, our only Lord. Although I am no longer among you in Washington D.C. as Apostolic Nuncio, I feel particularly united to all of you in this time of so grave moral and physical trials with which you are afflicted, and I wish to send you the sentiments of my deepest affection in Christ.

Unfortunately, the Catholic Church is led by many false pastors. Over the past twenty years, your Diocese of Washington, in particular and now for the third time, has been and continues to be deeply afflicted and wounded by false shepherds whose way of life is full of lies, deceits, lust and corruption. Wherever they have been, they were a cause of serious scandal for various local Churches, for your entire country and for the whole Church.

Do not follow them, as they lead you to perdition. They are mercenaries. They teach and practice falsehoods and corruption!

Follow with perseverance the teachings and examples of the holy pastors and priests who are among you.

Mary, Mother of the Church, Mother of Mercy, pray and intercede for us with your Son Jesus Christ, so that He may have mercy on all us sinners.

I bless you with all my heart.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

June 3rd, 2020

Hat tip to The Remnant! Visit their website.


  1. 50 Secret Service agents injured.
    This is not correct.
    Initially thought to be 50 it was revised and lowered to 14. This was posted by FOX NEWS on May 31, 2020

    Archbishop Gregory a homosexual.
    Dr. Sipe said the same thing about Pope Benedict. You can Google it.
    Homosexual orientation is not the same and homosexual acitvity.
    Neither Pope Benedict or Archbishop Gregory have ever had an accusation made against them period.
    Now on the other hand that is not the case for Archbishop John Nienstedt former Archbishop of Minneapolis/ Saint Paul
    1. Visited gay bars in Canada
    2. Found to ' cruise' parks in Detroit known for gay sex
    3. Close friends with a priest who he shielded from review in Minneapolis who is serving time in jail for rape of little boys
    4. Accused a grabbing the butt of a little boy during a confirmation photo.
    5 Preyed on priests and seminarians for sex and retaliated against those who did not comply.
    When the two Auxiliary Bishops of the Archdiocese presented the independent findings to Vigano in person (including 25 statements from priests and seminarians from all the areas Nienstedt had served )in 2014. Vigano shut down the investigation.
    This was after a phone call from Nienstedt to Vigano. Please note: they both worked together previously as peers in the Vatican Secretary of State.

    Pope Francis requested the resignation of both Archbishop Nienstedt and one of the two Auxiliary Bishop's on the same day.
    A move without precedent in the U.S. church. Nienstedt has never been held accountable for his actions in Church Courts. Vigano has said NOTHING. So just like with McCarrick we are left waiting and wanting to know more on this sad clerical culture that allows this to continue.

    So is it fair for Archbishop Vigano who continues in hiding from the Pope whom he has a VOW of obedience to continue to issue cryptic statements?
    Archbishop Gregory is accused of partisan attack but yet Vigano gets a pass?

    Did Nienstedt make threats to somebody in Rome or blackmail someone to ensure NOTHING IS EVER RELEASED? Vigano needs to come clean on this one..

    Archbishop Gregory is the ordinary and Archbishop of Washington.

    Archbishop Vigano - not so much.
    (on the run)

  2. The number of agents injured on Sunday was fourteen. The weekend toll was 50 or more.

    As for Gregory. He's been promoting LGBTQ crap his entire career. At the Dallas meeting he was instrumental as head of the USCCB in keeping the bishops from being included in the sex abuse guidelines. Free pass for them. He was one of Bernardin's boys and part of that hive of corrupt bishops. He is an avid supporter of all things homosexual and promotes aberrant Fr. James Martin. "By their fruits you shall know them."

    Not sure what your point is about Nienstedt. Hiding behind orthodoxy is nothing new. I'm guessing the number of homosexuals in the U.S. hierarchy would shock most people. Very little shocks me at this point. I pray for the conversion of all unfaithful shepherds because they will have a very heavy accounting on Judgment Day.

  3. Via Email

    I think the comments made by Gregory were reprehensible. His political bias was obvious. He seems to be trying to sway his flock to the party of baby killers. Is it intentional? He must know that spineless Catholics easily have their heads turned by something someone with a little power says. How sad we give such people that power, not only in the political world but in the spiritual one.

