Friday, June 19, 2020

Guest Post: The Face Mask Delusion Unmasked

By David Martin
Really? Can't wait to see the tan lines!

While people have frantically rushed to the stores to get their face masks for the prevention of COVID-19, they apparently haven't been aware that wearing face masks can increase the infection risk for COVID-19.

It is no secret that the COVID-19 scare was politically motivated to empower government elites and restrict our liberties. Many state "authorities" have been spreading COVID-19 under the guise of preventing it.

This is evident by their down-talking of remedies that can help in the fight against Coronavirus, their unwillingness to properly treat those with Coronavirus (e.g. denying them ventilators), their promotion of government "vaccines" designed to ruin our immunity and reproductivity, and their requiring of face-mask wearing that often does more harm than good.

The reason face masks are effective in protecting doctors and nurses from infectious disease is because they use the right kind and they are properly trained on how to use and dispose of them, but by impulsively wearing the same germ-saturated mask 12-hours a day, people are doing themselves more harm than good. 

Face mask wearing:

— Reduces oxygen up to 60%
— Increases the chance of CO2 poisoning
— Causes increased face touching

The facts are that:

— Masks collect viruses and bacteria that saturate the outside of the mask
— Touching mask and surfaces spreads germs
— Contaminants that sit within mask fibers get re-inhaled
— Fresh air is vital for good immunity needed to resist COVID-19

The reason global elites have needlessly maintained a sense of urgency over COVID-19 is to "justify" their continued lockdown of society and church. How often have we heard foreboding threats from people like Bill Gates or governors Cuomo and Newsom that 'stage-two of the "pandemic" is on the way and we better get ready for another 18 months of lockdown.' This is nothing more than socialist mind-manipulation through fear—the same fear that has driven people to the local Walmart to get their face masks.

The mere fact that the infamous World Health Organization has stressed the wearing of face masks is every reason not to wear them. The WHO is all about murder and crime (esp. abortion) under the guise of health, which is why President Trump finally broke it clean with them.
The foregoing is not to mention that face masks look hideous and bandit like. Wearing face masks give society the image of being Jihad like and could give Jihads a chance to camouflage themselves when committing their crimes.
The best response is to ignore all the protocol and to simply observe due distancing and bolster immunity through good eating and rest. The fact that state health officials repeatedly downplay the importance of good immunity for avoiding COVID-19 supports the allegation that they are culturing it for political reasons. True medical experts have made it clear that poor immunity will make one more susceptible to COVID-19. Does it take a learned person to know this?

Common sense should dictate. Rest and eat well, take vitamins and supplements, avoid crowds, and don't wear germ-saturated face masks.

P.S. from the Editor -- Another doctor warns that face masks are not for the healthy!


  1. Thank you for this. I have 2 adult children with Autism, and the place where they normally go during their days has said to start wearing your mask around the house to get used to it for when they re-open. RIGHT. This is not going to happen in our home, and thanks to you, I have something to back me up.
    God bless you!

  2. I will be praying for you and your family. We are living in such trying times. On this Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I am asking the Lord to bless and protect your family and shower you with all the blessings He wants to give in the love of His most Sacred Heart.

  3. I can hardly bear a church full of masked faces, or endure being controlled by corrupt officials. How can people not see how they are lied to and manipulated? I know Americans who take as gospel everything their TVs spew out. But then again, I feel that satan sends his minions to Mass to be his reps, sort of like Crowds on Demand - need a crowd of actors to show the sheep everybody's doing it? - call Crowds on Demand!

  4. I refuse to go anywhere that demands a mask. Although - if I absolutely have to I will be claiming medical immunity.

    When I go to wallyworld it's always about 7 am to avoid the crowds and the goofy mask wearers. I've noticed that all the peeps wearing masks look really angry (and stupid.)

  5. Every Catholic, worthy of the name, should never forget that believing is human while believing in is Divine. What Catholic Saint ever believed in another human being? Did Our Lady the Mother of Divine Catholic faith believe in any mere human creature? I think that the Catholic Church defines the “gates of hell” as the (lying) tongues of heretics. Lots of modern Catholics look on obvious heretics as “heroes” God help us. The first commandment is first because it is the most important and disobeying it leads directly to hell if we do so because it is a direct insult to our God the Blessed Trinity. If the just man shall scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?
    I think it was Hilaire Belloc who said that when people stop believing in God they end up believing everything and anything. I know “Catholic” men here in Ireland who go about believing that the pope is infallible. Just like that! Ask them what were the last two dogmas of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Catholic Church and they haven’t a clue. But everyone should know them because we will not have any more.
    They are the most beautiful last dogmatic truths from the Holy Ghost we can ever need. Only one human creature conceived without the original sin virus of Adam (call it ADAM-1) which we all contract at conception and prevents eternal beatitude. And the Dogma of the Assumption, the sinless Virgin Mother assumed body and soul into heaven. Only those washed immaculate by the Precious Blood of her Son will follow her on the day of Resurrection. “Who can make him clean that is conceived of unclean seed?” Really, what more Holy Truths do we deserve from the Holy Spirit who has led us into all truth?
