Sunday, June 21, 2020

Look at the Data: Is "Systemic Racism" Real?

Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert
I receive a daily summary of articles from Lew Rockwell, a libertarian website. Scanning the headlines generally leads me to at least one article on a timely subject. Today it was this one, Hysteria Based on Phony Numbers, BLM EditionThe author, Tom Woods, challenges his readers to check the data. Question! Study! Don't just accept uncritically the talking points you're being fed!

Over and over at every recent protest we hear that police officers target blacks, that all whites are racists, that racism is systemic. Woods describes a challenge by cartoonist Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) for anyone to give a real example of systemic racism in America. Adams has yet to get one. 
Woods asks the reasonable question,  "why are we having mass protests about police killing black citizens at a higher rate than other groups when the data says otherwise?" He goes on to say that leftist experts are AWOL on this, because they will face severe blowback for honesty. 

Interesting eh? People are losing their jobs and being shamed publicly for tweeting the truth about a popular leftist cause or wearing a t-shirt with the "wrong" message. Many are immediately taken to the woodshed and beaten into submission. They hang their heads, make a groveling apology, and give further power to the manipulators. 

Woods writes that, "Cancel culture has forced white people to lie to black people for self-preservation. No solutions are possible when debate is effectively outlawed and the data experts are in hiding." 


He also writes, "So much of what people think they know is contradicted by readily available data that they don’t bother to consult or even know where to find if they did want to consult it."

Ignorance is far from bliss because when a lie is enshrined, we are all expected to embrace the lie and repent of... well... whatever we're accused of. Public shaming is the alternative and many cave in under the barrage of attacks.

It's a sad thing to see people turn their brains over to mob control and substitute reasonable argument with an on-going stream of ad hominem attacks. I see it myself from a handful of trolls who come almost daily to my blog, like moths to a flame. They blather on in comments about much I hate, how un-Christian I am, and how much I have to answer for. I laugh, say a Hail Mary for them, and dump their trash worthy comments in my spam folder. I'm happy to publish opinions that disagree with mine, but for those who habitually engage in personal attacks...the only appropriate place is comment jail, i.e., the trash can or the spam folder.

The mind, as they say is "a terrible thing to waste." Whenever someone hurls scripture at me saying "Don't judge!" (which shows how little they understand Holy Scripture), I remind them that the mind is called "the seat of judgment." Have they ever been to court where a "judge" sits on the bench? Have they ever read the "Book of Judges" in the Bible? Have they ever made a decision between two alternative choices? 

Jesus told us not to judge the state of a man's soul. Only God knows the ultimate destination, heaven or hell, of the sinner. As for "judging," He held up his cousin, John the Baptist, as the greatest man among men. John was beheaded for "judging" the actions of Herod and Herodias. Elijah, the prophet taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire, judged Ahab and Jezebel and the evils in Jerusalem under their rule. 

We not only need to judge, but we need the facts in order to make intelligent judgments. And in that light, I offer another article from Lew Rockwell today that looks at another timely subject. 

Lies, Damned Lies and Covid19


  1. I have never been ashamed of white people, which I am as well, as I am right now. To see the mass psychosis of all the white apologists, apologizing for what they never did, inflict harm on black people. But they rush to do it! It's like the Olympics and the competition is to see who can provide the most nauseatingly puke-worthy display of humiliation! Dan Cathy is at least a Silver Medal, as the owner of Chik-fil-A, he accused ALL white people of racism, and said we need to repent! Then, he got down on his hands and knees and shined the shoes of a rapper, I don't know who, what's the difference. There are photos, see for yourself.
    This is just embarrassing, I am seriously embarrassed by these simpering bum kissers.

    Want another truth? In point of fact, volumes could be written about how, far from being the minority in America, black culture is DOMINANT. Black culture dominates the music industry, just completely, and this has deep effects on the culture, including fashion, Hollywood, films, and pop culture. Blacks in prison wear their saggy pants? All teens wear saggy pants. Blacks wear a certain sneaker, hairstyle, use a certain vocabulary? There it is in the entire population, because black culture is considered cool and white people are considered nerds and everybody wants to be cool. In the music world, you haven't made it, until some black musician says you are good. That is the highest praise and every white person shivers with excitement if they get that affirmation. It's true, and we all know it! The adulation goes in one direction only. All kinds of accolades and praise get showered on the accomplishments of our black population, but I can think of virtually no time it is reciprocated. At best, it's feint praise, but white people just loooove it. It's better than an Academy Award. Is this "systemic racism"? Absolutely not. It's adoration.
    And now we have black supremacism rearing it's violent, ugly, hateful head, and all the dumb white people are like, "Oh PLEASE, approve of ME! Please accept me, look, I am flogging myself as totally unworthy, for all the sins my great-great-great-great-great grandfather did, oh, except my people came over from Ireland in 1900, but if there were here, they would have been rotten! Do you love me NOW??". Only they won't, even when you write out that reparations check, they ain't gonna love ya. It's all a big, futile exercise in nothing. In the nation that has offered black Americans the best opportunity to be a Justice on the Supreme Court, Attorney General, President, and affirmative action always gives black Americans first crack at anything, yet there is "systemic racism". Okay.
    Now the data on race and crime is right there on the Department of Justice website. In it you will see that there is a connection. Blacks are far more likely to be involved in crimes against white people or each other. Far more. Not so much white against black. And police officers actually shoot more WHITE people than black, a lot more.
    But Americans can't see facts right now, they can't handle those racist old facts, and the people who want black supremacism are going to throw hissies if you bring it up, and oh boy, we don't want that. We can't handle it. We want so much to be LIKED.
    Sorry for the long comment. I'm so done with this whole farce.

  2. Message to trolls. Don't bother commenting on this blog. Once I see your vicious streak, you're done. To be specific, Acolyte, Sojourner and Brooklyn are all blocked on this blog. And when I see a comment signature from any of you I immediately dump it in the trash bin or the spam folder, usually without reading it. So don't bother coming and don't bother commenting. Take your liberal claptrap somewhere else. You won't get a platform here. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
