Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Michael Matt Explains It All For You: "Our Religion Calls Us to be Color Blind!"

The left is a group advancing "racist pandering rot." They fundraise on it! They need racism. They campaign on it! "How dare they project their racism on the rest of us?"

Look at history. Moral anarchy leads to barbarism. Will that help inner city residents -- black or white? Will defunding the police help the poor or leave them at the mercy of hoodlums? Welcome to the new world order! The only way to victory is moral revolution and the law of God! "Without God's law, lawlessness is inevitable."

1 comment:

  1. He does not go far enough back. Nicholas V, with his"Dum Diversas" in 1453, set the precedent for the transatlantic slave trade, and thence for the historically low participation of blacks in the church. There was medici influence then just as there is plutocrat influence now, and I suspect a long held debt holds sway.
