Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Lord Speaks to His People by Raising Up Prophetic Voices among Us!

Editor's Note: My friend, Angie, a deeply spiritual woman, offers a prophetic voice about all that is happening in these troubling times. 

I offer the message she sent today and urge you to reflect on it and, particularly, to pray for our bishops and priests. We have seen the ease with which the sacraments are denied. Even now, there seems to be little concern for the precious lambs who have been denied their First Holy Communion because of the virus. Their souls do not appear to be a priority. No wonder so few Catholics believe in the Real Presence! Even worse, as Angie relates, is the willingness to let people face the moment of death without the consolation of the sacraments. God have mercy on us!


My dear family in Christ,
As I have explained in previous e-mails (particularly in the last one I sent two days ago), God is asking much more of me these days; in terms of being His voice in speaking His TRUTH. If any of you (in my general list) did not receive my Spiritual Reflection two days ago, my apologies; as it has happened before, they were blocked and returned. If you wish to receive that particular Reflection (or any of the others), please let me know and I will send to you directly. Again, though difficult to express in words, I cannot deny the CALL of God within my soul to respond to His Grace; especially during these difficult times of tribulation, as He is asking us to BE NOT AFRAID, but to prepare SPIRITUALLY and remain in His HOLY PEACE filled with HOPE.

God knows, my brothers and sisters, that all that I ever say, all the more when I have spoken firmly in truth about objective facts which must be addressed, I have done in fraternal correction, ALWAYS for the Greater Glory of God and the sanctification of ALL souls. It is the Divine Will of God that each and all of us examine our conscience, repent and amend our life NOW. It is in His INFINITE LOVE and DIVINE MERCY that He is allowing these trying times, in order to increase our faith, trust and hope in Him; before His Time of DIVINE JUSTICE, due to the level of global GRIEVOUS SIN, which so greatly offends Him. If we convert and grow in union with Him in His Divine Will NOW, He will grant us the abundant necessary GRACES for us to live HEROIC VIRTUE; as it will be required of us during great suffering. GREAT SAINTS will rise in these End you not want to be among them?!

This is why, dear family, I have had to speak directly and firmly to The Shepherds, with a heart full of God's Love for their own souls and the many souls entrusted to their care. If the Bishops and Priests of the Holy Catholic Church do not live holy lives in the Divine Will of God, as true ALTER CHRISTUS (Other Christ), they are not able to guide the Flock, as Jesus THE GOOD SHEPHERD would; willing to lay down their lives in sacrifice for the sanctification of souls.

My deepest agony, in union with Christ, has been the many souls who have not received the Sacraments; most importantly at the hour of their death. The FEAR of Bishops and Priests have deprived these children of God of the consolation which God Himself Desires to grant them for the salvation of their souls. GOD WANTS AND NEEDS HOLY SHEPHERDS OF SOULS!
When I have written about the extreme measures that Bishops and Priests have taken in the churches during this "global crisis", I stated that the specific details have not been mandated by the government, but based on each Bishop's interpretation and perspective of their recommendations. Some Bishops have made a general rule for the diocese, while others have delegated some responsibilities to each Parish Pastor. This has caused discrepancy and confusion among the faithful; which is not only not spiritually fruitful, but detrimental to souls. 

I have commented on some examples of these decisions; besides what the faithful are allowed to do or not, I emphasized other factors, such as the obvious visual distractions caused by the physical methods that priests have used, in some cases limiting the capacity to a far less number of persons than recommended. Even if one tries to remain recollected by not looking at these, but keeping the eyes closed or head down; some of the noises are inevitable. In one parish, the Pastor decided to cover the pews seats with adhesive plastic, which is wrinkled up; this causes a loud noise each time a person sits down or moves in the seat. Also, this Pastor had instructed in a video (with young parishioners as "the actors") that before proceeding with their faces covered to receive Holy Communion (in the hand), each should sanitize their hands. Under this "misguided obedience and false charity for others", those who have chosen to comply with these "guidelines", take out their hand sanitizers and one can hear the various clicking of the plastic caps; all this at the Sacred moment when there should be absolute silence and sincere recollection of heart, mind and soul. Of course, others have shared that in their diocese their Bishop has not yet open the churches; in others, they have imposed the mandate of wearing a mask or you may not attend, and in some, they have mandated Holy Communion in the hand, and you are denied receiving on the tongue. 

My dear family, none of this is of God...HE IS NOT PLEASED! We are a Holy Universal Church, with Christ as Her Head; thus we cannot abide by civil law nor the "human thinking" of Bishops and Priests. It is to this fact that God is calling attention. I assure you that my sadness is not for myself but for the many souls affected by all this; the many who have not returned to church and the many who will not enter for the first time. We remain united in prayer in faith, trust and hope.

God bless you and Blessed Mother, in union with Saint Joseph guide you + + +
Angelica ~ Angie

Father Jonathan Meyer (video on Jesus in the Eucharist-current demonstrations) 

Father Michael Scanlan (prophecy received in 1976) 

Father James Altman (video on the Ten Commandments-current demonstrations/Archbishop Gregory )

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