Friday, June 26, 2020

Well...It's Official...Catholic Charities is Racist. Rob the Racist explains it!

Thanks to One Mad Mom for alerting me to gosh, I can't call it what it is. Ladies don't use that kind of language so I'll just call it horse hockey! Be sure to read One Mad Mom's commentary. Rob McCann, the featured madman, is CEO of Catholic Charities Eastern Washington. By supporting an organization that champions intrinsic evils like sodomy and Marxist principles, he demonstrates how decidedly un-Catholic he is.

Frankly, I wasn't very surprised to see Rob the Racist saying the organization supports Black Lives Matter, since the organization embraced godless liberalism years ago. They are notorious for supporting intrinsic evils like contraception. I'm curious, does Rob speak for all of Catholic Charities around the country? Did he get approval from his bishop before making this video? Has Rob the Racist read the website of BLM? Has he listened to the founders saying flat out they are Marxists who want to deep six Trump and western culture?

This man has bought into the narrative that every white person is a racist. I reject that narrative (which just proves I'm a racist according to Rob). This is the insanity that runs through the deep Church. Some of us refuse to drink the Kool-Aid because madness doesn't help anyone. I wonder...has Rob the racist ever prayed the rosary at an abortion business that kills babies of color with abandon or offered help to the women (of all colors) coming there? Or is this politically correct virtue signaling his version of wide phylacteries and long fringes?

I believe you, Rob. You're a racist. But you don't speak for me or anyone else. You speak for yourself! I, for one, refuse to join the song and dance that chants, "I'm a racist, you're a racist, every white's a racist." It's a foul lie and one that endangers our culture and increases the racial divide.

By the way, working for the poor is a lucrative business as the Lepanto Institute showed in their 2015 article Charity as Industry.  As Scripture says, "Love of money is the root of all evils," and many in the charity "business" grow fat and rich helping the poor.

Sad, ain't it?

Now, the question is, do the bishops agree with this idiocy?


  1. Don't you just love his pronouncement that the Catholic faith is built on the premise that Jesus was born a white baby? How did we ever survive these two millenia without such precious pearls of wisdom?

  2. The best way to beat racism is to redo the 1964 civil rights act so that it only protects blacks with regard to hiring and not sex. Thenact never should have included women, who then flooded the job market making it even harder for black male providers to get a job. Some victory for blacks, just to be snatched away in the same act! And another effect was to set up structural abortionism, since the employer is not going to want his trained employee to go out the door when she's pregnant. Nor will she want to, if she's been conditioned to be a working woman. But now with all the jobs thrown up in the air by covid, wouldn't it be nice if they came back down to sole breadwinners who need them rather than double jobdipping mothers who could be homeschooling their children

  3. Your headline made me laugh. It's getting almost comedic.
    He needs fasting.
