Sunday, June 14, 2020

Will America Survive the All-Out Attack? Step One: Know the Enemy!

We are under attack as surely as if a line of tanks, a fleet of warships, and a squadron of fighter jets were all heading our way manned with tens of thousands of enemy troops. Sadly, the enemy is within our borders. It was predicted by the Soviets years ago. The way to victory was infiltration. Subvert the institutions and destroy from within. 

Every day, we witness the success of the strategy. An article in the Washington Times by Cheryl Chumley last month lays it out with links illustrating the socialist agenda. "Never let a crisis go to waste." What to do? The first thing a general does is to be sure to know the enemy and study the enemy's tactics. We need to embrace the biblical admonition to be as "sly as serpents and as gentle as doves." Let us harbor no illusions about the diabolical nature of the attack and the agenda behind it:

America's scarily sharp COVID-19 turn toward socialism

As COVID-19 continues, as America’s free market languishes, as America’s entrepreneurial spirit withers away, as Americans’ private businesses fall into bankruptcy and outright close — the Democratic Socialists of America are, quietly, behind closed doors, cheering.
They smell opportunity. 
Out of crisis, here they come. And there are scores of Democrats in Congress riding the same COVID-19 train as the socialists. 
This is red-flag-waving, alarm-call-clanging, sound-the-troops-and-play-the-trumpet warning time for freedom-loving Americans. The chance for socialism to spread its rot, using COVID-19 as cause, is real. 
“Only a crisis — actual or perceived — produces real change,” the Democratic Socialists of America wrote in an early May dispatch posted on the organization’s website. “We knew well before COVID-19 that capitalism was killing us.” 
Sen. Bernie Sanders may have gone the way of failed presidential candidates — again. But the DSA hasn’t disappeared. 
They’re like vultures, scouring for death. They’re like buzzards, circling for easy prey. They see the desperate 35 million unemployed as opportunity.
“Our job as socialists,” the DSA wrote, “[is] to build a new world on the ashes of the old. … We must organize ourselves and fight.” 
It’s interesting the DSA would outright label its members “socialists;” after all, many DSA members, most notably, Sanders, have gone out of their way to insist democratic-socialism is not socialism and democratic-socialists are not socialists. Apparently, the distinction — which never was a real distinction — is no longer necessary. The cloak’s off; secret’s out: DSA admits what most freedom-loving Americans already knew — democratic socialists are one and the same as socialists. 
Which is pretty much one and the same as communists. [Continued at the Washington Times...]
Chumley offers a "Bold and Blunt" podcast on many of the issues we're facing today. A good Sunday activity would be to listen to her program on  the COVID-19 War on Churches. You can find it here. Let us pray for the conversion of our country. We are paying now for the murder of the innocent and the destruction of the family through sexual immorality. Virtue is the answer! Mary is heaven's messenger. But is anyone listening? 

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