Thursday, July 16, 2020

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Funds Groups Calling to Kill Cops! #DefundCCHD

The Lepanto Institute exposes the abject evil of of CCHD. They are a major contributor to Marxist community organizing. The goup was poison from the beginning, a plan hatched by Msgr. Jack Egan and Saul Alinsky to pick the pockets of American Catholics using the poor as window dressing.

Over the decades money has been funneled into community organizing groups that support intrinsic moral evils like contraception and abortion and work to elect political liberals. Longtime pro-life congressman Bob Dornan from California was defeated by liberal pro-abortion Democrat Loretta Sanchez whose campaign was supported by groups funded by the CCHD. Thanks to Catholics in the pew a champion for life was replaced by a woman with a 100% commitment to abortion. Here's the Catholic hero she replaced. 

It's long past time to defund and shut down CCHD,  a bogus Catholic charity that funds diabolical evil. It was founded for the express purpose of funneling money into Alinsky organizations. Any bishop who takes up the collection for the so called Catholic Campaign for Human Development is a big part of the problem. #DEFUND CCHD!


  1. A rather late discovery about the CCHD. It has been known as a supporter of hard left causes for decades. I long ago ceased donating to the annual Sunday collection but it seems to have mattered little as their rich supporters, who have no interest in religion itself, keep financing their programs.

  2. Some of us have been fighting the CCHD for over two decades. Stephanie Block was warning about it in The Wanderer beginning decades ago. The Bellarmine Forum has dozens of her articles going back to 1999, but she was writing about it long before that. The organization has been poison from the outset. That the bishops continue to fund it is a shameful scandal!
