Thursday, July 9, 2020

Wisdom from Alice von Hildebrand

If you've never met Alice von Hildebrand, this is the perfect opportunity to explore her wisdom. I recommend everything she's ever written! I especially love her Memoirs of a Happy Failure.

Philosophical and Scriptural Reflections

Reminder: I'm on retreat and will not be posting comments until I return on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mary Ann,

    Alice von Hildebrand is certainly a Catholic philosopher of the highest order. I enjoyed reading her books and often gave her book, By Love Refined: Letters to a Young Bride, as a wedding gift. What changed my life was her Feminism and Femininity series, which originally aired on EWTN. Her words convinced me to stop using birth control (this was before I became Catholic). I had the pleasure of meeting Alice at a speaking engagement in Virginia. I gave her a picture of my four children and thanked her for my two youngest children, who were born directly as a result of her powerful words. I believe she was touched at the gesture.
