Thursday, August 13, 2020

#DefundtheUSCCB: And Demand they fire Donna Grimes

I'm not in favor of riots, but this is one building that the rioters and looters are welcome to!
USCCB official 'elated' over Harris, Biden's pro-choice VP pick

Donna Toliver Grimes is the associate director of African American affairs in the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church. She said Kamala Harris will make, “policy that is favorable to people on the margins.”


Harris is the darling of Planned Parenthood. What will she do for the "people on the margins" who live in the womb? And what about their moms and dads who are told that the solution to poverty is to kill their children? Grimes just encouraged people to support a woman who champions many evils condemned by the Church. Voting for her and Biden would be a mortal sin!

Donna Toliver Grimes should immediately be fired from the USCCB. Hire a "person of color" who cares about little people of color in the womb. I will gladly make some recommendations!

Grimes won't lose her job, of course, because that evil bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. is filled from top to bottom with liberals of all colors. An employee I know who worked there during the Obama campaign (an orthodox Catholic) said the parking lot was chock full of Obama-Biden bumper stickers. I'm beginning to think there's a demon gatekeeper working in the personnel office who makes sure they only employ gay friendly, abortion/contraception-supporting, Democrat-donating, liberals. It's sickening. Why is an organization claiming to be Catholic, and representing the bishops, doing this? And don't tell me the USCCB does a lot of good. Would you drink a ten ounce glass of water that contained a teaspoon of cyanide? The USCCB not only undermines the faith, but creates an old boys network that dilutes the authority of the individual bishops and creates tremendous peer pressure for them not to speak out. "DefundtheUSCCB" and shut it down!

If you still give to your parish's general collection, you support this evil bureaucracy. Your donations are "taxed" and a percentage goes to the diocese which then sends a portion to the USCCB. Restrict your donation to parish maintenance unless your bishop pulls out of the USCCB which more and more resembles the corrupt, Satanic bureaucracy in C.S. Lewis's novel, That Hideous Strength. Visit the Lepanto Institute for more about the USCCB scandals! Remember, their so-called "charity," the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), gives numerous grants to liberal organizations that fund intrinsic evils like abortion, contraception, same-sex marriage, etc. and work to elect politicians that support them. The USCCB has been instrumental, through CCHD, in replacing pro-life legislators with abortion champions.



  1. Our parish priest in the Archdiocese of Washington told me to tell everyone I know that if your give to your parish include a note requesting that ALL the money stay at that parish and not go to the Archdiocese. We have stopped putting money in the collection basket and instead send a check each quarter to the parish office with a letter. There is canon law that requires the priest to honor the wishes of the donator.

    Here's what we wrote: "Please note that we are donating this money to (insert name of parish) and that all the money stay within the parish. Please respect our wishes that no part of this donation be transferred to the Archdiocese of (insert name of diocese). We are happy to support your work because we know that your leadership is faithful to the Catholic Church and Her timeless teachings."

    You can also ask for an accounting of your donation so you can see that it stays with your parish priest.

  2. The Diocese of Arlington (and most others I have explored) takes 10% of every donation to the Parish, EXCEPT the Parish Building Fund, which stays completely in a Parish Account. (There are nuances; the Diocese owns the Church and the property it sits on, so approves large Parish spending plans, but the money cannot be re-programmed to CCHD, for instance). I still contribute to the general collection, to keep my pastor out of trouble, but only nominally; most of my contributions are designated to Building Fund.
    Friend of St. Joseph

  3. The Diocese of Arlington (and most others I have explored) taxes all contributions to the Parish Collections, EXCEPT the Parish Building Fund. (There are nuances, in that technically the Diocese owns the churches and their property. So they have to approve major expenses against the Building Fund. But they cannot re-direct the funds to CCHD, or even the bureaucrats who enable CCHD.)
    I contribute nominally to the General Collection, to keep my pastor out of trouble. But the Building Fund gets a big chunk of what I give (and that is NONE to CCHD or CCC, etc.).
