Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Fr. Tom Collins: Does Church Policy Respect the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharistic Particles?

Priests frequently touch the communicant
when they give Communion in the hand.
Current Church policies seem to be indicating that it is more important for Catholics to show profound respect for the potential presence of the impersonal microscopic Corona virus in our churches than for the Real Presence of Christ in the microscopic Eucharistic particles, which are routinely left on the floor by many who receive Communion in the hand.
It is worth Googling Communion in the hand to read the stipulations in the 1969 indult permitting that practice – stipulations, which were rarely, if ever, fully implemented. These stipulations required that special care had to be taken to ensure that no Eucharistic particles are allowed to fall onto the floor. Failure to respect the sacred Presence of Christ in Eucharistic “crumbs” has opened the way for people to disregard:  
1) the sacredness of newly-conceived human lives killed by abortifacient “contraceptives”,  
2) the sacredness of the marginalized (i.e., the “crumbs of society), and, 
3) the desecrating power of even venial sins. “Relevance” has de facto aborted the sense of reverence. Even clergy, embracing the flawed fundamental option theology, were led to think, “Since I am such a dynamic bishop/priest and am doing so much good for the Church, an occasional dalliance with pedophilia is not all that serious”.
But, then again, to quote Hillary Clinton famous flippant comment about the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”.

Meanwhile, the Church’s hemorrhaging of souls into the desecrating secular cesspool of cynicism, sin and Satanism continues with hardly a whisper from our pastors. And those who do object are often censured or marginalized by the hierarchy.

1 comment:

  1. Is it ignorance or lack of Faith in the Real Presence that has led some Catholics to dismiss the possibility /probability of profanation of the Sacred Host when they receive Holy Communion in the hand?

    The twin heresies of transignification and transfinalization have wreaked havoc with the Faith of many Catholics. According to Pew Research, only 30% of Catholics believe in Transubstantiation, a dogma of the Catholic Church. Given the deficiencies in seminary training, do all priests believe in Transubstantiation? Do all the Bishops?
