Sunday, October 4, 2020

It's Time to Call Our Bishops to Do Their Duty!

Biden's Bishop Enables Joe Biden by His Silence! Sad to say, he has abandoned Joe by not exercising the spiritual work of mercy: TO ADMONISH THE SINNER! Shame on you, Bishop Francis Malooly. "Do Your Job!" Save the bodies of the babies and do your best to save the soul of Joe Biden who is gripped in the claws of the evil one!

1 comment:

  1. If the Bishop lacks the courage to tell Joe Biden that he is not to present himself to receive Holy Communion because of his support for abortion and sodomy, he should resign his office. A firm purpose of amendment is required for sins to be forgiven. It is obvious that Biden embraces both abortion (murder) and sodomy - two sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance. How can Biden claim that he is properly disposed to receive the Real Presence? Is he not heaping coals upon his head by receiving Holy Communion sacrilegiously? His Bishop doesn’t know what awaits him for his failure to stop both sacrilege and scandal. The Bishop needs our prayers.
    Rosemary Therese Reid
