Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Think Masks are No Big Deal? This Article Dispels that Notion!

Masks Can Be Murder

"We all understand that people will say things online that they would never say face-to-face. And masks create a similar sense of anonymity for the aggressor, empowering face-to-face violence and hostility across our nation....Doctors tell us that masks contribute to acne, anxiety, depression and heart disease. Dentists tell us that masks are causing gum disease and other dental problems. I cannot speak to these medical pros-and-cons of masks. But I can state, without hesitation, that having our entire population wearing masks, is one of the most physically and psychologically harmful things we can do. There can be no doubt that it will lead our nation into even deeper depths of violence, death, despair, and heartache."


  1. I am sorry to watch the reaction by SO MANY, including people on Fox News, pointing fingers and blaming victims in Trump circle who have covid without expressing sympathy or concern for their recovery. They add they don't know for sure where they got the virus but leap to say it was Amy Barrett's Rose Garden announcement ceremony.

    Those naughty defiant people! Those uncaring irresponsible citizens! Unsaid but you know they are thinking, "They deserve to die and the sooner the better!" It's as if they have been waiting for this I TOLD YOU SO opportunity.

    Mask wearing is no longer a matter of health. It is a sign of your willingness to think collectively rather than an individual with Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

    Adolf Hitler said, "We don't need to socialize banks and factories. We socialize people."

  2. Trump Calls Mask Wearing ‘Patriotic,’ Tweets Photo Wearing One

  3. Mask wearing is a matter of prudence. High risk individuals can stay home or wear masks in situations that put them in close contact with others. If you are outside or in a well ventilated indoor location with social distancing, wearing a mask is unnecessary and even dangerous for some people. I choose not to wear a mask except in rare situations like going to the hospital with my husband for his knee surgery. Mandatory mask wearing for everybody, all the time, everywhere is simply political.

  4. Since it has been proven that masks are ineffective to stop the ‘virus,’ we can surmise that our handlers have a different agenda. I imagine there are multiple benefits to those in power over us, the primary ones being control and fear. As far as Trump and masks go, he knows they are bogus, but he plays along so that businesses can open, and especially so that the people will get out and vote in person. As soon as the election is over, if not sooner, we’re going to see those mandates disappear as fast as the election flu.

  5. The Republican Mayor of Miami..........

  6. That article is three months old, elpine. What's the status today?
