Monday, November 2, 2020

How Can You Recognize a Bad Bishop? (Or Priest...Or Pope...)

He praises and helps to advance and spread intrinsic evils. 

Bishop Robert Barron already had little credibility despite his media empire. But when he praised a book on prayer by Fr. James Martin, S.J. he placed himself squarely in the enemy's camp. 

And I do mean THE ENEMY, as in LUCIFER! He prowls around the world like a ravenous lion seeking souls to devour and, with Barron's help, not to mention his minion Martin, he's bound to swallow a lot of souls struggling with same sex attraction.

Life Site News' reporter, Doug Mainwaring pegged it all with this article:

Bp. Barron hit with massive backlash after praising pro-LGBT Fr. James Martin

Here's a wee bit from the article that caught my attention:

Perhaps the most poignant — and most important — reaction came from Joseph Sciambra, a former gay porn actor who returned to the Church, despite having suffered sexual abuse from predatory homosexual priests.  

My abuser: “You were born gay; God made you that way.” 

James Martin: “God made you this way.”

[Pope] Francis: “God made you gay.” 

In less than 40 years, the script used by predator priests has moved through the hierarchy — all the way up to the Pope.

Earlier this month, LifeSiteNews reported on Bishop Barron’s murky, equivocating commentary on what he described as the “intense dilemma” Catholics face with regard to their vote.  The net result was to obscure the clear pro-life choices Catholics and other people of faith face in the presidential election which is already upon us.

Barron, with his pathetic endorsement of Martin's idea of prayer, makes himself completely irrelevant to any Catholic who embraces the true faith. The faithful's view of our bishops already suffered from their spineless silence, particularly on abortion, contraception, the sanctity of marriage, and religious liberty. But this is, indeed, a bridge too far as author Leila Miller states in the LifeSiteNews article. Pray for Fr. Martin and Bishop Barron, but don't mince along with them on the primrose path of dalliance surrounded by rainbow flags. Underneath their "winsome" sheeps' wool they are wolves in roman collars.


  1. Dear Mary Ann,

    I am sadden with both Bishop Barron and Father James Martin. I have read a few of Martin's book from a long time ago. The books were helpful and edifying. Now I would not buy anything he writes now. Father Martin causes scandal and confusion. I would not want to be in his shoes when he is held accountable for the confusion and harm he has done.

