Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Mainstream Media do NOT Certify the Vote: Read this from the President of Catholic Vote

CatholicVote President Brian Burch issued the following statement following today’s media declaration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of the 2020 election: 

“This election is far from over, and no American should accept the outcome until states certify their results, and all legal challenges have been resolved. The American people are entitled to the assurance that every legal vote was counted, and that irregularities did not have any impact on the election outcome. 

“Premature declarations of a winner only serve to inflame the already deep divisions within our country. The media does not decide the winner of our elections. We have laws and courts for a reason. It’s important to note that multiple states are still counting ballots, with recounts likely. In addition, the courts are now reviewing several lawsuits, with more expected in the coming days. The outcome of these cases could alter the vote tallies in several states.  

“We call on county officials in key contested states to immediately publish the full voter roll so that observers can resolve questions related to ballot and voter irregularities. These voter rolls are always made public months after the election, yet today remain hidden. Failure to make them available now is shielding the public from critical information to which they are entitled.”  



  1. It's an uphill battle for team trump.
    He's the right person for this battle but the fight for the truth isn't going to be easy. Unless he has indisputable evidence, and even then, his colleagues are probably eager to see him concede.... and get on with life in our country without Trump.
    HEY. We have a Catholic Presodent with Biden.

    1. Already one Michigan county had to flip from Biden to Trump after they manually counted those ballots that had been tweaked by the Pelosi-affiliated machines. There are eye witnesses of tampering. All these must be explored.

  2. "HEY. We have a Catholic President with Biden."

    I suspect you have your tongue firmly in your cheek when making that comment.
