Thursday, December 31, 2020

Random Thoughts on New Year's Eve


Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. 

  • FINALLY -- The year from hell is coming to a close. Of course the new year will find Satan as active as ever, but perhaps our prayers, fasting, and almsgiving can bind him and release many of those enslaved in his service. I'm praying for that! My new years resolutions are 1. to pray a Memorare for that intention every day along with the Angelus three times a day, 2. to make little acts of sacrifice for that intention, and 3. to make almsgiving in the form of practical assistance and financial aid a weekly intentional activity. 
  • I think one of the biggest obstacles to Satan's plans comes in the form of praying families. Every family that prays together and strives for holiness is a major obstacle on the road leading to hell. We are the little domestic church. Building strong families builds up the Church with a capital C and gives us the grace to grab those racing headlong for the kingdom of Satan. In my civics book in junior high there was an illustration of a community. The "building blocks" were the families in the community. Did you ever wonder why society is falling apart? Simple, the state of the family! 
  • And speaking of building, my project today is building little graham cracker houses for grandchildren (and children at heart) to decorate on Saturday. It's become a tradition and we do it most years during the holidays. "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it." As I put these together I'm praying a Hail Mary for each of my dear ones who will decorate them. I'm trying to think of a game to sanctify the event. Hmmm...."If you were building your house for a saint, who would it be?" Other ideas anyone?

  • My sister just left after a two-day visit. What a delightful time! I hope she comes back soon. She's nine years younger than I am so we didn't know each other well growing up. When I left for college she was only eight, and I was only home a few summers after that and working. I was one of ten and have six living siblings since three of my four brothers have died. I pray for them all every day, but I'd like to spend more time with them as well. 

  • I probably won't stay up to watch the ball drop. Larry and I will spend some of our New Year's Eve in our little living room "chapel" with lights dimmed and candles lit praying the rosary. We'll remember all you dear ones. By reading my blog you've touched my life and I've touched yours. We are woven into the fabric of each other's tapestry. What a glorious reunion it will be for those of us who meet merrily in heaven. 


  1. Thank you, Mary Ann, and to everyone else at this site, for doing what you do.

  2. Thanks Mark and happy new year. We'll be praying our rosary shortly and will remember you and your family by name. May God fill all our hearts with grace and families with peace and joy.

  3. Thank you for a wonderful visit. I cherished the entire time and look forward to bothering you again.

  4. And Happy New Year to all you dear ones as well. Come again soon, Laura. There's so much more to do!
