Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Email to my pastor - The NON TANGERE of Ash Wednesday

Someone forgot that touching is forbidden.
Dear Father,
Supposedly it isn't your fault that you cannot touch our foreheads with ashes but that of Bergoglio the Jesuit, Bishop Noonan and other left leaning Marxist bishops all of whom dispense blasphemous dictates to Catholics across the world as if we are all stupid.

Ashes in our hair is the most stupid thing yet. Possibly the Vatican should pass out salt and pepper shakers to all parishes in the world for Ash Wednesday - the day Catholics are to have a Cross of ashes on our forehead which is a witness to the world ALL DAY LONG so that every person we interact with during the day can SEE the Cross and know that we believe in God. Plus, with salt and pepper shakers, priests, deacons and whoever else is dispensing ashes on top of our heads in our hair wouldn't have to dirty their hands with actual ashes at all. Holy Ash Hair Shakers could be manufactured then sold in Catholic religious articles shops across the world. Just think of the millions, possibly billions, the Vatican could make on this one. Holy Water and Holy Water bottles out, Holy Ash Hair Shakers in.

My biggest concern is for bald men with ashes on top of their head. It will look as if they forgot to wash or perhaps never wash at all. Oh well. Just another flaw to work out for the many new fashionable directives these days. 

HOWEVER - you might want to reconsider a few words in future homilies so that the meaning of your message resounds with the reality of what you are actually doing. Yesterday, just after announcing that you will not be touching anyone with ashes on our forehead, but sprinkling the ashes into the hair on top of our head, you then said in your homily that Christ TOUCHED Peter's mother-in-law to heal her. At least two, if not three, times you said that Christ had to TOUCH Peter's mother-in-law to heal her. Yet, priests are NOT TO TOUCH the sheep - probably ever again. So much for Bergoglio's famous shpeel about priests "living with the smell of the sheep". What a farce.

Just stare at my wound and believe.
Two thousand years ago it isn't as if they didn't have the dreaded contagious disease of leprosy 
yet Christ did not sprinkle mud across the blind man's face. Christ did not stand 6 feet away wearing mask and gloves in Simon Peter's mother-in-law's doorway. Christ did not tell the Samaritan woman to get on the other side of the well and put on her mask before speaking to Him. Christ did not tell the woman anointing His feet with oil not to touch Him, and He did not tell Thomas to just stare at the wound in His side and believe. He didn't even ask Thomas to put on rubber gloves.

So, just a suggestion....if you are not to touch the sheep yet are telling us that Christ touched people when He healed them, either touch us or don't mention the elephant in the room - that Christ touched people when ministering to them.


  1. I guarantee that at my parish we will have ashes on our foreheads. But they we do not register, limit, or wear the masks of subjugation either. No outbreaks. Why is it that the more traditional minded parishes are not buying the fear and hype and have no issues????

  2. Ditto re: the above. "Why is it that the more . . . ?" 1. They have brains they think with and have done research re: the hype; 2. They actually believe in God the Father, Christ the King, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, not that there aren't some who attend the NO who also believe. Divine providence anyone?; 3. And on rare occasions, there is a bishop who "recommends" but leaves it up to the pastors to decide what is best for their parishioners. That being said, "traditional" minded pastors don't have to worry about being hammered by the NO diocesan bureaucrats down the road for having done what is best for their parishioners. In fact the only normalcy left are the traditional parishes where masks, face shields and the "I can smell your body order" 6' distance, isn't mandated. Of course, they are also the only parishes that have all of their Masses full on Sundays.

  3. It is only in English speaking countries that ashes in the shape of a cross is done. The sprinkling has been used everywhere else long before Pope Francis.
    Yes there are a lot of concerns I have about Pope Francis. But you are letting Satan distract you by getting hung up on something that is NOT a real problem.
    I fully expect to get flamed for daring to speak the truth. But I will have a clear conscience for doing so when standing before God.

  4. I also highly doubt my comments will be published because it shows you are wrong. But as I said I'd rather be right then please you and be wrong

  5. Your comments do not show that I am wrong. It shows that you have been reading Wikipedia. Perhaps non-English speaking countries where you say ashes are placed in a person's hair means that those non-English speaking countries were/are under Communism....where walking around with a big cross of ashes on one's forehead all day would be a sign of belief in God (forbidden in Communist countries) and would put the faithful in danger. It is much harder to witness to the world with ashes in one's one would ever know.

    But we do live in America...and it would be good for Catholics to have ashes on their forehead for one more year since who knows how long we will be a free people under Biden and his ilk who cheated and stole America with his (Obama's) political coup. Perhaps it will be the protestants who carry on the tradition of ashes on the forehead since the Catholic Church has caved on yet another demand from the WHO. When I was a little protestant girl I wore ashes on my forehead, never in my hair.

    And, no. The devil isn't "distracting" me. The devil is distracting the USCCB and the hierarchy of the Church. It is they who are being distracted and "getting hung up" on things that are a "real problem" by thinking that there is no problem with all the problems they cause. Do you know how powerful Holy Water is? But we no longer can have Holy Water in our churches. Do you know how powerful the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is? But we are no longer required to go to Mass because the bishops took over 2 billion dollars in COVID money and as a result closed churches....because if one takes the money, one has to obey the rules.

    So ashes silently sprinkled in our hair - after the priest says only ONE TIME from the altar "From dust you came...." or in some dioceses, ashes put on foreheads with a Q-tip! - truly shows how the bishops' faith is disintegrating, that is, if they had any to begin with.

    So you say ashes in the hair and I say ashes on the forehead - but it isn't the same thing.
