Thursday, February 11, 2021

Extremist Rhetoric from the Left is Way Out of Hand!

 Really? The protest at the Capitol was like Pearl Harbor? Wow! Kamakaze fighters, the Arizona sunk with tremendous loss of life! My Dad was there. What an insult to the Great Generation for the Senate snowflakes to dare compare a mob with flags and backpacks for weapons to what my dad and went through in World War II. 

Really? The protest at the Capitol was like 9/11? What an insult to the victims, the first responders and the  patriots who protected the Capitol from flight 93 when they decided to “roll” against the hijackers.

Really? The protest at the Capitol was like the Rwandan genocide when over a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were slaughtered, many with machetes, while the government called them deplorables cockroaches? What a racist statement to compare the skedaddle of mostly white legislators to the massacre of millions of black Africans. Just goes to show who the real racists are. 

And now a journalist for the Atlantic says covering Trump was like storming Omaha Beach! 


Alexander Nazaryan needs a brain transplant. Let’s make the guy sit down and watch some of the footage of Omaha Beach with soldiers under fire and the water red with blood. About 2500 died that day and several hundred thousand died in the Normandy invasion. 

Don’t you just want to tell these people to stuff a sock in their mouths? 

All of these comparison should make any American with even a little knowledge of history want to vomit.    As for those who lost loved ones in these events, I can’t imagine how this makes them feel.

By the way, let’s remember that the five people who died at the Capitol on January 6th were ALL Trump supporters. As for AOC, we all know the poor little thing nearly died of fright even though she was nowhere near the Capitol, but isn’t she cute when she fakes being scared?


  1. I wonder how many of our Representatives & Senators remember or know of the 1954 Capitol shooting of 5 Representatives by Puerto Rican nationalists/terrorists? No one brought this incident to the fore as an example for comparison. If you don't know your history (or choose to bury it)you can make any number of fanciful comparisons to show your true character and poor education.

  2. They desire to lash with their words; they desire to maliciously insult while believing they are superior in morals and intelligence. “It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” Thomas Sowell How sad a life to only find enjoyment in such a dark and evil way.

    We are blessed abundantly! May all of your family know God's blessings of grace upon grace every day!
