Wednesday, February 17, 2021

What’s with the Weather?

 Is it just a coincidence that one of the worst winter storms in U.S. history is taking taking place within days of what looks to be the worst administration ever occupying the White House?  75% of the country is covered in snow and ice. Oregon’s ice storm left about 330,000 people without electricity, the worst blackout in the state’s history.

My own son in the Austin area received 10 inches of snow and the area is dealing with rolling blackouts to customers during single digit temperatures. Three million are currently without power. At my son’s house they have no water because their pipes are frozen, not a pleasant situation when you have six children still at home. They are anxious about what will happen when the pipes thaw out. I’m betting Texas plumbers will be doing a booming business! Wind turbines, and other renewable “clean energy” sources are responsible for about a third of the lost power. Makes you appreciate coal and fuel oil, eh?

I’m in Florida at present visiting a friend, but I head home today on the auto train where I expect to wake up tomorrow morning to heavy snow in Virginia where they are expecting 6-8 inches of the white stuff in Woodstock. The drive home may be harrowing.

So what’s with the weather? It certainly isn’t “global warming” which the great hysteria factory renamed “climate change” a few years ago when the data failed to support their doomsday predictions. Who has control over wind and weather, stormy seas, etc.? It sure isn’t Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the other freaks in the D.C. sideshow! Fr. John Hardon (the living proof that there were a few holy Jesuits left before he died in 2000) always said, “Nothing just happens.” Bad weather and disasters are an invitation to turn back to the author of life who loves us enough to shake us up and get our attention. Are you awake yet?


  1. No, Mary Ann, it is indeed global warming. If perverse sexual acts are the same as marriage, if boys can change themselves into girls, if bad equals good, if error equals truth, a thought which is continually drummed into our heads by the controlling leftists, then certainly cold equals warm.

  2. Every part of the country seems to get whacked now and then with something. If I were them, if I had enough gas in the car, I'd pile kiddies or Grandma in the car and drive to a nearby state until things improve. But it takes a lot of gas to get across such a big state. It's terrible, seniors are prone to hypothermia, they can't be cold like this.
    Prepping is thing we all need to do. Try to be prepared for weird situations like this, because the truth is you never know what could be coming that would take out water, heat, food, etc. Who would ever see this coming for Texas? Keep emergency blankets on hand, alternate safe source of heat like kerosene heaters (vented) or woodstoves. Keep extra food including canned goods.
    It's heartbreaking to see it happen, and from here there is nothing we can do except pray.
    Lord, have mercy on the good people of Texas and other places where weather has happened.
    The nutty Democrats are going to claim this is because of man-made climate change. If there was an ice age and mammoths reappeared they still say it. Logic and reason are not strong suits and some people believe everything they're told.

  3. It's none of the above. NORTHCOM is engaged in weather warfare. They have the technology. I've seen the technical papers going all the way back to the 1960s. It is far advanced now.

  4. It is not just the US:
    God bless

  5. Simple home emergency heater using a terra cotta pot and candle. You can even use a small jar of crisco with a birthday candle inserted for a wick. Have sent this on to friends in TX, OK and it works!
    People are really suffering, especially the old and frail.

  6. Watch the skies for a comet coming into our orbit around the Sun.
    Preturburations occurring all over our planet and elsewhere in our solar system..
    Maybe these skywatchers are correct and maybe Our Slow to Anger God is sending us a Chastisement for our wandering and sinful nature
