Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Fall is Bee-Feeding Time to Help Hives Survive the Winter....

Honey bees fill me with wonder! These little creatures of God have a lot to teach us. I share our eight years of beekeeping experience at The View from Camp Kreitzer. Today we gave them a final fall feeding of sugar syrup. Later when it's frigid, we feed hard sugar patties if the girls need extra help.

If you've ever thought about becoming a beekeeper like the monks of the middle ages, Lucia of Fatima, and St. Gobnait, one of the patrons of bee-keepers, visit my Bee-keeper's diary at The View from Camp Kreitzer. Bee-keeping is one of the joys of life as every beekeeper knows. And they are a cure for those who believe we all "evolved" from the primordial soup. There is no way the social system of the honeybee developed one little step at a time!


  1. Fascinating stuff, these little bees. So necessary for us all, and thank God there are people able and willing to take the stings.

  2. There are two occupations with low levels of arthritis - copper miners (see those people wearing copper bracelets?) and beekeepers. I am a retired 85 year old arthritis free beekeeper. God bless

  3. I knew all those stings were worth it. Thanks, Erik. Our mentor, the dear man who got us into beekeeping, was in his 90s when he died. He used to have 500 hives that he transported up and down the Shenandoah Valley to pollinate the apple orchards. God bless Gordon and may he rest in peace. Thinking about him always brings a smile to my face.
