Monday, December 20, 2021

Did You Ever Think the Grinch Would be Elected Pope?

Every Trad down in Tradville loved the Old Mass a lot.

But the man in the papal apartment, Did NOT!

The Pope hated that Mass and all of Tradition!

“If they love Mass in Latin, they favor sedition!” 

(Read the rest; it's hilarious and sadly too true! But ends with hope for Pope Francis. Share this everywhere!)


  1. Please keep in your prayers my priest Father Vincenzo--he celebrates the TLM exclusively. He has been an outcast with the large majority of the priests in my diocese as a result (I am a Canadian and our country is fast becoming the devil's playground). Father is so devout and faithful. My heart is broken for him. I only recently (last 1 1/2 years) began attending the TLM (although I have known Fr. Vince for about 15 years as he was deacon at my regular parish before he was ordained). The Bishop had told him this summer that he could continue, but I'm not so sure that the new restrictions will allow it going forward. Thank you!

  2. I will add Fr. Vincenzo to my priest prayer list. The pope is treating his spiritual sons like the Pharisees treated Jesus. How much he has to answer for when he stands before the seat of God. Priests like Fr. Vincenzo may end up saying Mass in the catacombs and the homes of the faithful. I keep looking around my house wondering what little corner would make a priest's hole. We could use St. Nicholas Owen to help us in these challenging times.


  3. SSPX is going to be growing a lot. Michael Voris will be apoplectic.

  4. Thank you Mary Ann, I'm sure Father will appreciate your prayers.

    Have a blessed Christmas. Laura
