Saturday, January 29, 2022

Some Good News for a Change!

 We all need a little good news in these crazy times of daily insanity. So here are a few headlines to cheer the Christian heart.

Michigan AG admits Defeat! Religious Adoption Orgs Can Refuse Same-Sex Households

The Canadian Truckers are the Best!!!

Florida plans to protect parents’ rights!

Watch for the points of light. Darkness is nothing, i.e., no thing. And all it takes to dispel it is a lit match and a lighted candle. Let’s continue to light up the darkness with the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. 



  1. Pray and act. You know Mary Ann, one thing we all need to realize, it takes all of us. Watching Canada is thrilling, but we are the people standing on the side of the road with signs in the freezing cold, or we need to be. It is not enough for us keyboard jockeys, and I'm pointing at myself, we have to do our part. Our part can be small, but we darn well better play it. Example: Neil Young just did the unthinkable, at least to my mind, he tried to use his leverage to silence someone he disagrees with, one of the most stinking and disagreeable, tyrannical actions one person can commit on another. He gave Spotify an ultimatum, Joe Rogan or me. They chose Rogan. But we can support that by signing up for Spotify! We can support that by subscribing to Joe Rogan! When we support the victims, we stand up for liberty. One guy who definitely could always use the support, who has really stuck his neck out, is Mike Lindell of My Pillow. What a grand patriot he is. There are things large and small, we can do. Pray, certainly, but action as well, and it can look a million different ways. Send emails thanking for what you like, criticizing what you don't. Everyone in corporate America knows one email represents thousands, so if you like something you are going to see more of it, complain, and you speak for many.
    So lets get active. Those truckers are sustained and encouraged by the thousands of people who just got out there and cheered them as they flew past. It is up to the people to show the government they support the truckers AND the goal, to reclaim liberty for their nation.

  2. Totally agree and the best place to be is outside the abortuaries offering help to the moms or at the crisis pregnancy centers offering counseling and support. !’ve spent most of my adult life on the front lines and still do some sidewalk work, but not as much as when I was younger. Seems my family needs me more these days and, as my mom always said, “Charity begins at home.”

  3. Newbie.....I respectfully disagree about "supporting" Joe Rogan. Between filthy language and ideology, he is a pathetic example of anyone to emulate or stand behind. My son is in the military, loves JR's podcasts while he works out, so I sampled them here and there. In my opinion, there is nothing redeeming about his outlook or output as a very popular Youtuber.
    The shock jocks like him and Howard Stern, as I just turned 59, make me grieve oldies but goodies like my father's hero Walter Cronkite, etc. His ilk were true reporters and commentators. I think two of the last were David Bloom, who perished from DVT as we entered Iraq, and Tim Russert. They had a humility I cannot find on any news outlet, as so many talking heads are more celeb than journalist.
    If you like real-time accounts of war or danger, Sebastien Junger wrote The Perfect Storm and other amazing non-fiction about Serbia, etc.

    These Youtubers click-bait to make a buck. Every time you watch any of their *monetized* videos, you are putting $ in their pocket. Buyer beware. Cheers.

  4. Not sure why my name wasn't posted. One amazing commentator re: rights about Covid/masks/shots is Ben Shapiro. Another one my son shared, who has facts stored in his head like a human encyclopedia, with funny bursts of humor. I do not always agree with Mr Shapiro, but his content is researched and "doxxed," where he shows whatever screen shot to which he refers.

    Most days I watch fame trail camera footage from Wisconsin or Minn, or historical videos about the Royal family. The rhetoric can get so disheartening, and rarely sways my beliefs.

    For the best pick-me-up, my daughter and I love Fr Mike's comments and kindness.

    Here's to February :0)

  5. I have no idea re the name issue, Unknown, since all I do is click the “approve” button to post a comment.
