Saturday, February 26, 2022

Last Saturday of the Month: Random Thoughts about Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

If we end up in a shooting war with Russia and the draft is resurrected to include women, will Joe Biden's 20-year-old granddaughter, Finnegan, be drafted
 or will she get special treatment? 
  • Are you joining in the novena for peace in the Ukraine? We've seen too many innocent people die in wars since the beginning of the 20th century. Mary is the ultimate peace broker. Let us pray the novena and the rosary for peace to be reestablished.
  • Many experts are saying that the war in Ukraine was totally avoidable. By assuring Russia that Ukraine would not become a member of NATO, Putin had less reason to invade Ukraine. Russia has a legitimate fear of being surrounded by NATO forces with missiles aimed at their cities and troops marching on their border. We didn't want Russia in Cuba for the same reason. But anyone who points this out is being called a "f***ing traitor." Just look what they're saying about Tulsi Gabbard!
  • Consider Biden and Clinton's collusion with Ukraine. Perhaps we need to look more closely at what's happening. Hillary, was behind the fake Russian dossier and colluded with Ukraine officials to smear Trump. The New York Post said it should have been called the "Clinton dossier." Do we ever get the truth from the liberal left who all sound like rabid warmongers? What's really going on? Do the liberals want this war? Lots of people make lots of money off war. The military industrial complex hits the jackpot. War is a business bonanza
  • And are you aware that while all eyes are on Russia, China violated Taiwan's air space? It's been happening with increasing frequency in recent years, but this violation was just hours after Russia entered Ukraine. As Russia and China join hands, do you really think the eunuchs developing U.S. defense policy have the ability to protect us against these giants if we end up in a confrontation? The administration has been pushing Putin into the arms of China, a really stupid move. We may still have the second largest arsenal of nuclear weapons on the planet after Russia, but no one wins in a nuclear war. And China has a huge body of military-aged men to put boots on the ground. They haven't been feminized by an army offering pregnancy uniforms for soldiers. And a country that's murdered millions of its own citizens will have no compunction about murdering their enemies.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping 
  • Who do you think will be called on to fight if we end up in a shooting war with Russia? Will the draft be re-instituted and will women be forced to register? Will your wives, sisters, daughters and granddaughters be drafted as well as your husbands, brothers, sons, and grandsons? Do you think Biden's grandchildren will be called up? 
  • Better have your rosary beads going through your fingers every day. Since Ukraine is not part of NATO, we have no formal obligation to enter the fray as we would based on our commitment to NATO allies. But with our incompetent and demented president, who knows what idiotic things they'll do next. Sometimes having an idiot for a leader is more dangerous than having a tyrant. We are in the unfortunate position of having both.
  • It's the last Saturday of the month and a good time to meditate on the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, or hell. We know not the day or the hour, but it looks like we may be about to get chastisement big time for the massacre of the innocent. As my friend Laura Gies said recently on Facebook -- the invasion of the Ukraine reminds her of the invasion of the mother's womb in an abortion. We are reaping the consequences of 50 years of child-killing that dwarfs every atrocity in history from the killing of Cain, to human sacrifices by the Aztecs, to the numerous genocides of the 20th century.... Let every one of us repent for our own complicity by our silence, our indifference, and even our active participation in the murder of the innocent.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, pray for us!

All you angels and saints of God, pray for us!


  1. I said this elsewhere, but I’m seeing people get defensive/aggressive/divided over the Ukraine issue—as if the last two years of manipulation never existed, & they don’t remember it.

  2. Anytime the left walks in lockstep over an issue, you have to ask why? The situation in Russia/Ukraine is complicated. Is the Russian government a devil and Ukraine government an angel? Somehow I doubt it. It would be nice to have a grownup discussion, but you can't ever have a grownup discussion with a liberal. They have all the answers and control the narrative.

  3. Per President Trump in Orlando last night...Democrats rush to defend Ukraine's borders as sacred while not bothering to defend our own borders.

    When criticized for saying that Putin is smart, Trump replied, "Of course he's smart. The problem is that our leaders are dumb."
