Saturday, February 19, 2022

Tell Us Again How Good the Experimental Death Jabs Are!

Just ask Dr. Science. The jab has lots of benefits from his point of view and his cohort of elitist allies who think of the rest of us as untermenchen. Hey, the jab is a blessing from heaven and Jesus Himself would stick out his arm for it if he walked the earth today. Just ask Pope Francis. Take the poison and like it! And hey, no matter how many teen boys die of myocarditis, it's safe, safe, safe for kids. Give it to your toddler!

So here are some of the great reasons to cooperate with Big Brother and take the jab because it’s such a benefit to mankind!

1) The manufactured virus took care of lots of old people. We won't have to spend all that money on useless eaters. It may even help Medicare become solvent.

2) And now the jab is killing lots of babies and young people! The jabs are better than abortion and who needs all those teenagers who will probably grow up to be hoodlums! We’re overpopulated and killing all those babies and other kids will reduce the stress on the planet from man-made global warming. Even if we all are going to die anyway within the next decade when all ice caps melt. Maybe the depopulation efforts will delay the catastrophe. 

3) Another great benefit of the jab is that it is so safe that complications are rare and totally expected and hardly ever happen and “if we can save one life” then all the dead and injured jabbed victims are worth it! 

Speaking of the dead and injured, here are some of them:

Claire Bridge, aspiring model, has both legs amputated after double jab.

Euro System Records Mass Deaths and Injuries from Experimental jabs

The mRNA shots are killing teenagers

COVID jab giving people cancer and AIDS

Jab Deaths are being hidden and suppressed

Fetal Deaths

Jab injuries in the military - 1,000% increase in neurological issues

Question: where are all the folks who said if we could save one life the lockdowns, job loss, mental health catastrophe, damage to children, etc., etc. were all worth it?


  1. I looked up just one of your stories. Claire Bridge lost her legs after developing Covid, not because of the "jab":

    "Claire Bridges is facing the greatest challenge of her life.

    Those who know the 20-year-old say she makes everyone smile and lights up a room. She’s now recovering in a hospital room at Tampa General Hospital.

    Last week, doctors amputated part of her both of her legs. Covid-19 complications forced doctors to make the decision. Her dad posted on Facebook she’s had some rough days since."


    And even your main story is nothing but BS.

    "Nine deaths of adults have been linked to a causal relationship between the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine and TTS, a rare event that causes blood clots with low platelets. But there are no confirmed deaths involving children linked to the vaccines.

    The latest tally of children who have died with COVID-19 is 771.

    Federal data show 771 deaths involving COVID-19 among children. Nine deaths have been associated with one of the COVID-19 vaccines, but none were children.

    The claim of nearly twice as many children being killed by COVID-19 vaccines — 1,312, when none have been confirmed — is false and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire."

    How in the world do you live with yourself, Mary Ann? Someday you are going to have to stand in front of Jesus Christ and explain why you lied and misled people. I truly do fear for your soul.

  2. Ah...the moth returns to the flame.

    I don't usually post your comments, Mary because of your ad hominem attacks like the one you include here. Thank you for judging my soul once again; it's good for my humility. And it reminds me to pray for you which I did this morning even before I saw your comment.

    Clare Bridges was double jabbed. Aren't you a big vaccine believer? Isn't it supposed to protect people from serious consequences? You can't have it both ways, girl! As you have so often claimed the vaccine should have protected her from COVID. Instead, it not only didn't protect her, but it probably severely compromised her immune system's ability to fight off the disease and gave her myocarditis. You seem to be completely on board with the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, and WHO. The VAERS data that is showing an astronomical number of deaths and complications compared to previous vaccines is now being ignored and called disinformation. In the past it was used to do real investigations of vaccine safety. Not now.

    As for a "politifact" rating of "pants on fire" please don't make me laugh. Maybe you should do a little more research. Politifact is a project of the Poynter Institute funded by George Soros and other liberals. The Media Research Center has exposed them for the liberal shills they are. Of course those "fact checkers" would lie about the children dying from the jab. But since you didn't bother doing the research, here's a link you can read.

    There's nothing rare about the deaths and complications from the jabs. They all attack the immune system and we are already seeing increasing deaths from ALL causes among working age Americans, including cancer, as the CEO of the insurance company in Indiana pointed out.

    But keep on drinking the Kool-Aid, Mary, if it tastes good to you. BTW I thought you were never coming to my blog again. You might just keep that promise because I doubt if I'll post any more of your comments.


  4. Catholic in Brooklyn,

    Do you read a variety related to things? Check out things that Dr. Mercola has written about related to COVID. Also, look at blogs on the left side of the page on Vax Cantoris Blog. Look back in time, since this has been going on. Read Donald McClarey's Blog, The American Catholic Blog. I have told you a couple places to start. Please dig in. Thank you.
    Yes, I am a Catholic traditional but not a traditionalist.

  5. Keep fighting, Mary Ann, but those with ears but do not hear and eyes that do not see will ignore you or scoff at you just as they did to Jesus.

    John b.

  6. I stopped getting the local liberal scandal sheet called the daily Herald years ago but my neighbor is kind enough to save them for me to use on the bottom of my Parakeets huge flight cage. I think its very appropriate. Anyway while cleaning the birds cage the other day I ran across an article by an Ann and Robert J Lurie of Chicagos childrens hospital. In it they interview a Dr. Frank Belmonte also of Advocate Children hospital. He writes Myth vs Fact the problem is he has it reversed. The myth is really fact and the fact he describes is the myth. They are pushing this on the children now and that is criminal. Here is an example of his clap trap. "Myth: Vaccines were rushed and may not be safe for children. Fact: The vaccines are safe for children and clinical trial data showed the Pfizer-Bi-oNtech Covid vaccine to be safe and effective for ages 5 and up..........................vaccines for Coronaviruses have been studed for decades. This vaccine is a product of those studies" Big deal you can study all you want but bottom line is there is no clinal trials on this poison. The critical trails is now to see how many children they can kill off. He goes on to talk about how effective the vaccines are. More gossip. I have a client who was suckered into into not only one but 3 jabs. He caught the Omnicron and tested positive. His wife had two jabs and last week suffered a seizure. My neighbor across the street had two jabs, he has been in and out of the emergency room ever since with heart and blood troubles. Another client had two jabs then suffered a massive heart attack. The list goes on and one. Do they think we're idiots?! LOL don't answer that. I adapted the Hodge twins phrase, "unmasked, unvaxed, and unafraid". I got the Omnicron a couple months ago. It was like a cold with a bad dry sore throat which is also what my client Mr. 3 jab had. I had no jabs and got it, he had 3 jabs and got it. What's wrong with this picture. It still amazes me as to how many people are buying into this. I live in Illinois and do not wear a mask. I go to the stores and am the only one with no mask. All I can say is people what is wrong with you!!? Never mind I know. Every day I pray my rosary while walking around the neighborhood. One of the neighbors saw me and told me he felt great because all the data shows covid numbers are way down. I told him what do you expect its an election year and fatso wants to get re elected governor. I got the biggest down trodden look. Then I told him don't worry if fats gets re elected look for a new "Varient" come December. By the way great post by Ann Barnhardt today on this topic

  7. Catholic in Brooklyn (Mary): You have a lot of yourself invested in the hope that the Covid threat is as real as the tyrants you follow is true, don't you? You have masked yourself and your kids and fundamentally altered all your social habits; stopped attending Mass for many months; you have taken all the vaccines and boosters they told you to take, possibly are experiencing current complications, ongoing unexplained medical symptoms; you have socially distanced yourself and altered your life at every level .... because of a virus with a 99.8 survivability rate; ypu have taken the side of tyrants and applaud the suppression of freedom and smile when the non-compliant suffer social, personal, business penalties. As with all the other Covidians, you have gone all in on the propaganda that we must spend every day, hour and minute consumed with safety precautions in riser to survive.

    Meanwhile, here in the great State of Texas to which I fled with my family from blue State Covid believers like yourself, no mask, no jab, no thought, no nothing ... me and my family are enjoying the afternoon sunshine on the front porch with our chickens - we never give Covid a thought unless we read about it in reference to fearful people like you who want to transform their fears into total social control.

    It's been two years of hysteria. I knew, when my Chinese adoption community connected wife warned me of some new viral threat emanating from China that it was a Commie Psy-Op. I literally told her in January 2020 when she warned me we had to start stocking up for the apocalypse that it had all the hallmarks of a psy-op, calm down,! We have been avoiding people like you for two years. We fled our West Coast lives for Texas because of people like you. I retired early from my job, because I just couldn't take all the drama and restrictions emanating from ... people like you.

    And here we are, on the sunny and worm front porch, not a mask in sight. I am thankful I can be free of the drama and tyranny from the fear of people like you that think they know better than people like me and have the right to tell me and mine - what I must and must not do. Injections? I will never, ever let it happen as long as I have freedom of movement.

    You do you. I'll do me.

  8. I had a pro-vax a relative ask me recently if I was going to get it and when I said no never she said why in a tone of voice indicating she was just itching for a fight. I didn't give her any facts, any number, I didn't bring up VAERS or blood clots, or dozens of elite athletes dropping dead of heart attacks last year, I just said, these people who are relentlessly and single-mindedly pushing these vaccines are clearly evil and I'm not doing what evil people tell me to do. Shockingly, it shut her up completely. She and the other pro vac relative that was there both kind of just nodded and said yeah. Its obvious to most, even if they think vaccines are good and protecting your neighbors are good, that the ones pulling the strings are evil. I mean look at Trudeau. And he's not at the top, he's just a puppet but he's one of their puppets

  9. Extract from the news link - (I pity the poor young lady) ...

    - quote -

    "Claire Bridges, 20, admitted with severe leg pain and was diagnosed with myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, mild pneumonia, cyanotic and acidosis. A few hours after being admitted, her heart stopped ... Over the span of an hour and a half, the 20-year-old had to be revived two more times ... The next morning, she was placed on a Tandem Heart and additional life support. And only a few hours later, she was placed on continuous dialysis because of her failing kidneys ... While all of this was going on, pressure was building in her legs, not allowing blood to flow. Ultimately, it was decided the damage to her legs was too severe and irreversible — they needed to be amputated. Both her legs were surgically removed on Friday."

    - end quote -

    If anyone thinks that this physical apocalypse to an otherwise healthy young lady was caused by a virus - that is crazy.

    If anyone fails to see how this directly fits with the correlation with experimental vaccines injury - that is willful blindness.

  10. I went thru the same thing with a client Whitney. A very liberal client I have asked me about 6 months ago if I got my vaccine shot. I told him no for two reasons one, morality, these jabs are made with the DNA of murdered babies and safety those things are not tested and people are having negative effects from them. Remember that video when Ben Stein got the second clot shot all the weird dreams he reported and strange health problems? My client Jim angrily refuted that, "There are no fetal tissue in any of these vaccines. I told him to check out life site news. BTW he had both clot shots and now has developed congestive heart problems. I like Jim he is fun to work with and to an extent I consider him a friend. BUT he is a Liberal Chicago Jewish Democrat so the seal of blind liberalism is pretty much embedded. He moved to Colorado to spread his liberalism out there. Fr. Hewko is constantly condemning the jab on its immorality. He said the babies DNA is in those jabs and it now circulates thru your body. He sited its like organ donations. A man got a heart transplant and the person he got it from died in a horrible car accident. Since the transplant he has had nightmares about a horrible car crash. Think of the bad vibs from these poor murdered children in your body. Another organ transplant a person the donor loved chocolate, the person receiving it never did until the transplant now he craves chocolate. Father said in essence shipping these clot shots all over filled with infants DNA is nothing more than child trafficking. He has been put in youtube jail twice for his sermons along these lines. I saw a meme on this that seems to sums things up. A person says its allergy season and my Clarition is not working because no one else is taking it.

  11. Al Schroeder - I was interested in the Ben Stein video about his vaccine experience that you mentioned. I like Ben Stein and haven't heard from him lately. I looked for the video and it appears it may have scrubbed from YouTube. Do you have a link? I'd be grateful if you could share it.

  12. Hi Aqua, I found it, it lives on rumble and your right, scrubbed everywhere else. I also downloaded it just in case. Here it is

  13. Al Schroeder - thank you!

    They banned the video and yet he said nothing worse than that the shot had serious flu-like complications and it really wiped him out (maybe they didn’t appreciate him exposing his psychedelic dreams).

    He seemed almost embarrassed to say anything negative about the vax - which is really surprising for Ben Stein, who I’ve been following since my college days in the ‘80’s when he wrote for Robert Tyrell’s conservative subversive American Spectator. He was always way out there speaking witty conservative truth in a post ‘60’s liberal wilderness … so to see him quasi-apologizing for his negative vax experience was startling. Not the Ben Stein I remember.

    Thanks again!

  14. Aqua, Ya but anything going against the jab narrative is considered treason these days so I can see why he was shaken. Also its dangerous to have conservative ideals and be in the public light these days. I think it was the 2012 GOP convention Clint Eastwood did his thing on the empty chair. He also said there are conservatives still in Hollywood but they just have to keep a low profile. This kind of backs him up as to what happens if you don't keep a low profile. A warning as it were. Where I live in Illinois "Crook" county came out with a slew of PSA's about getting the jab and all the safe malarkey and don't listen to these people telling you its dangerous and don't listen to these never vaxers. They were all doctors in their white garb with the stethoscope hung around their neck. You know, visual effect. I looked into these people and they were doctors but all worked for the cook county department of health many on staff at Stroeger hospital. Bottom line if you want to stay employed then parrot the company line. I posted the Stein video in my little social network as well. Be interesting to see the reaction. Will keep you posted.
