Tuesday, March 1, 2022

An open letter to Michael Voris

Michael and the never ending battle

Dear Michael Voris,

I'm here to help you out in what seems to be a dilemma for you. I have the answer to Church Militant's problem. Whether or not you'll listen is up to you.

A) Recognize the problem

Church Militant's problem is that it's fighting a losing battle. You're constantly playing ecclesial Whac-A-Mole. No sooner does Church Militant whack down one priest, bishop or cardinal for sodomy, stealing or some other equally nefarious thing, than another worse problem jumps up and you then have to whack that problem down. It's never ending and will never be controlled. It's impossible because you're fighting against the Modernism that Vatican II placed within Christ's Church. It's everywhere in every crook and corner of every diocese in every parish in the entire world.

In The Orlando Truth I once wrote a spoof piece on the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. (Remember "It was a dark and stormy night"?) The contest asks entrants to compose the worst possible opening sentence to a novel by using bad prose with long strings of adjectives. 

In my article I suggested a new category - "Religion" - and wrote my entry: Heresy hung over the diocese like a dank dark cloud of doom dripping its poison to form one giant river of Modernism that flowed unimpeded through the diocese with tributary streams to the parishes, trickling down to the soul of each and every man, woman, and child, therefore despite the flood of new diocesan programs and policies, the loss of faith soared.

You're battling against that, Michael. Lately you've looked around and thought of new ways to help the Church. Recently you must have cast your gaze over parishes and their aging parishioners and wondered where all the young people are. Where are they? Where are young families? Where are the MEN? Where are all the good solid priests?

In order to fix the problem and bring youth back into parishes in hopes that possibly a few of them will become priests, Church Militant will have and train, as you and Christine age, a staff of young people - Joe, Nadia, James and Hunter. You've made each of them a "Producer" on your staff. You think that they'll be examples for young people to see how cool or whatever it is to be Catholic then they'll want to come back to the Church or at least not leave in droves because of all the boring or silly Novus Ordo Masses emptied of meaning.

B) Someone solved this problem for the Church before you did

Once upon a time not too long ago there was a kindly archbishop whose backbone was solid steel. He had spent the early part of his priestly life far away from the madding crowd, traveling by canoe skimming along on the rivers of Africa, walking through jungles from post to post, parish to parish. He built churches and schools, hospitals and seminaries across French Africa. He was much loved by the African people.

After being elevated to Apostolic Delegate to French Africa (among many other honors) he was called back to Europe by the pope to participate in Vatican II. After a few decades in Africa, he was less than happy with the progressive thought roiling through the minds of worldly bishops and cardinals and foresaw the future results of Vatican II....the results that you, Michael, are now fighting against.

We all know the rest of the story and how the Society of St Pius X was born (they are not in schism). Thank God for Archbishop Lefebvre who will one day be declared a saint for preserving what was handed down in the Church from age to age - Tradition....where there are no priests "blessing" parishioners with a giant guitar held upside down and high up like a monstrance. That Novus Ordo priest "blessed" the 15 or so people who hadn't already fled the parish for the nearby big evangelical church filled with ex-Catholics. How horrible are the innovations of Vatican II. So vile. Disgusting. But as long as the diocesan bishop says nothing, anything goes.

Here's what you need to think about, Michael: the young people are all at the SSPX (the SSPX is not in schism). Young families are at the SSPX (they aren't in schism). Real MEN are at the SSPX (the SSPX is not in schism). SSPX seminaries (they're not in schism) are FULL to capacity with young men. Remember Michael Rose's book Goodbye, Good Men? While diocesan bishops continue to accept sodomites and intellectually weak dough boy type seminarians into their seminaries, the SSPX (not in schism) says, Hello, Good Men! because young men with true callings to the priesthood - true vocations - are entering SSPX seminaries in droves. Overflowing.

C) Michael, I have to say it - "Do as I did"

Although no one paid me to write anything or bought me a publishing company, I was just like you however on a far lesser level. For a decade I fought against the Diocese of Orlando, the chancery sodomites, priests saying that abortion and sodomy are Catholic teaching and all the rest of the vast array of demented heresies the latest new VII priest or nun bellowed out.. 

I caught the diocese red-handed in the hiring of a priest secretly moved from Albany to Orlando. No one here knew he was a priest, not even the Orlando priests. He was hired as the Diocesan Director of Youth and Young Adults. We then caught a pastor of a large parish with a school going to an out-of-state nude gay resort with his priest lover from Asheville. Nothing happened. He's still here. The diocese never listened. They cared for nothing but furthering the Modernist agenda. They cared nothing for the teaching of Christ. So I quit. I thought, "Fine. Let them all go seek Satan since that's what they want. I can at least tell God that I tried." 

Along the way people would suggest I go to the SSPX (not in schism) but I refused - just like you. I believed the lies told about Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX (they're not in schism), including the ones you and Church Militant told. I was a Novus Ordo girl and was going to remain that way, thinking - because I'm a convert and what did I know - that that was what God had wanted for the Church with the Council. (I converted 38 years ago and am a repentant sinner just like you.)

A year ago Mary Ann visited me here in Florida. She wanted to go to the SSPX - St Thomas More in Sanford - so I went with her. I stepped inside and was astonished. There, in all its beauty and glory, was what I had converted for all those years ago. In an instant I saw. In an instant I was free. I am so done with the Novus Ordo and will never go back. Now I have a lot of catching up to do.

It took 37 years looking and wondering what the hell had happened to the Catholic Church, trying to make it all good again. Make things right. Make people behave. It can't be done, Michael. So forget the Opus Dei money. Forget the VII Novus Ordo Church and let Our Lord sort it out. Let Him make His Church whole again. Meanwhile, the SSPX is the real deal - the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and two thousand years of Catholic teaching, Tradition, beauty and glory. The Church is still there, and will be until the end of time. Go there and be happy. 


  1. There's a difference between heresy and raping kids and stealing money. When criminal actions are known that can put others in danger, it is good to raise the alarm and to seek the Justice be done. We don't wait for the Lord to fix all crimes. So, as long as he does it justly and carefully, exposing evil doing is a service. Whether he does it justly and carefully is another question. But I think it is good to try to bring light on criminal behavior so that parents and parishes can be warned and be careful.

  2. I agree with you, Mary, but it matters how you do it. I started a newsletter in my diocese 25 years ago to shine the light on scandal. A priest friend told me, it you can't stop a scandal, the next best thing is to expose it. So I've been doing that ever since and we've been able to help stop a number of awful things in the Diocese of Arlington. But Church Militant is poison. They are willing to lie, exaggerate, rashly judge and attack those who they should treat as allies. I supported them at the beginning until they went rogue. Now, Susan and I think it's important to warn people against them. Their latest target is the pro-life "movement." They seem to be clueless that the pro-life "movement" is not a conglomerate, but various apostolates all working individually toward the goal of saving unborn babies and rescuing their parents. The only way it is a "movement" is the fact that, hopefully, we are all moving in the same direction. But to attack US like Joe Gallagher and. David Gordon recently did calls for a response and they are going to get one at some point.

  3. Susan a Catholic,do your part God will do the rest. We dont need to abandon our Churches as you did going to SSPX ....everywhere there is darkness. If you Found Jesus and you know Him you dont have to leave your Church. By the way did you Pray Novena to The Holy Face of Jesus?

  4. I agree with that. But that is not what your article said.

  5. I gather what you are saying is that the whole institution is irretrievably beyond reform by our efforts, except for the sspx. Hmmm..... I thought when you said leave it to Jesus you meant until the last judgment but I see you mean to adjourn from the novus ordo Establishment.

    1. Dont feel so sure that you are in the right place. SSPX is not the only one Celebrating TLM. The important is that Priests and the community must keep seeking personal holines. We must look ourselves at the mirow , what do we see,do we See Jesus? or the mirrow needs to be cleaned??? Have a very blessed holy Lent.🙏🕊

    2. We should be thankful for haveing a Professionsl Faithfull Catholic Reporter and investigstor as Michael Voris , that he is doing his job very well. We are the Church what are we doing with all his information. Hes is doing his job....are we doing ours???

  6. Mary Ann, you sum up the problem neatly noting that Voris and Church Militant "attack those who they should treat as allies." Intolerance of natural allies and tolerance of natural enemies is a characteristic of cults.
    I also suggest that Voris has fallen for the old magician's trick, focusing on the what the left hand is doing (the criminal behavior of clerics) and missing the greater problem (the VII changes in doctrine, worship, and governance).
    I also agree with your argument that Voris will never see progress in his mission of rooting out bad clerics until the Church restores the unity of 2000-year-old doctrine, worship, and governance. And having agreed with you, I suppose we are both targets for Voris' vitriole.

  7. First of all, Mary, it's not my article. Susan and I are not clones. Nor do we agree on every single thing. We would hardly be human if we did. I go to the NO for daily Mass and neither of us doubts its validity when it's said by a priest who doesn't turn it into a mockery like Fr. Pfleger routinely does in Chicago. Although I really have no right to speak for Susan.

    I'm in Arlington where most Masses are reverent and said by priests whom I'm confident are trying to do God's will. Susan is from the Orlando Diocese which has been a sideshow for decades.

  8. Susan M. Read Sacred Scriptures Pray The Holy Rosary First Fridays and Saturdays Devotions. Listen To Our Queen Blessed Mother Messages... Consecrate to Jesus through Her Immaculate Heart only in that way you will have Wisdom from Her beloved Spouse The Holy Spirit.focus on yourself and Pray fast and Do Penance

  9. Well, Unknown, if you want to trust people who exaggerate, use loaded language and manipulative videos, who lead young "whistleblowers" with questions that elicit what they want, and outright go ahead and trust the tyrannical trio of Voris, Niles, and Rafe. We've documented many of their lies and distortions on our CM page. Read it or not, it's up to you. Jesus said you could trust those who are truthful in small matters. I don't trust anything coming out of Church Militant. The devil doesn't mind giving the flock a few sapphires if he can take all the diamonds. Truth is often used to hide the lie. Tasty treats can hid poison.

  10. I thank everyone for their comments and concerns. What I'm basically saying is that I'm done with the SPIRITUAL TORTURE of the Novus Ordo which I've endured for far too long.

    For 20 years when I saw Jesus on the Cross I saw Him all white from head to foot, and alive being tortured on the Cross by spiritual abuse. It was horrible. At the SSPX I don't see that anymore. I don't see it because there Christ is being worshipped properly.

  11. RE: Their latest target is the pro-life "movement."

    I don't watch the Voris and Niles show and if I wind up clicking into their site from another site's link, I immediately click right out because I don't want to give those people the satisfaction of another metric.

    So they're going after pro-lifers now? First the SSPX, then the Carmelites (big, big mistake there) and now the people who are on the front lines trying to save innocent babies from being slaughtered? The Voris and Niles show went too far long, long ago. They are in big spiritual danger right now and I hope the whole thing comes to an end soon. If anyone reading this is sending money to those people, please, in your charity, divert the funds to something Catholic like the SSPX, a Carmelite Monastery or a pro-life organization. Why should the Voris and Niles show require "premium memberships" anyway? There's free Catholic content to be had on dozens of good sites like this one as well as in Sacred Scriptures, the books written by saints and at your church every Sunday.

  12. Church Militant is in a state of psychotic self-absorption. No doubt there is ardor, talent and resources there but to no constructive purpose. Once a frequenter of the site I can no longer endure what has become the National Enquirer of katholicism. They are absolutely and demonically untrustworthy. They revel in there status as "accuser", and you know who he is. Whether they realize it or not they are in a state of self-eradication. It can't be accomplished soon enough.

  13. Thank you for this post today. I needed it. I love it. I am a cradle Catholic, loved the TLM and hated the changes in our parish in the late 60s. I remember going to the TLM in Milwaukee when I was a teen visiting my grandparents in the 70s, but it was an underground Catholic Church--(never knew why the Mass of my early youth was suddenly forbidden in exchange for guitar Masses) I struggled with the NO throughout most of my life and then I too found the SSPX in Phoenix and fell in love. While we no longer live near OLS parish, we do attend a TLM, but the SSPX will always hold a special place in my heart. These priests are the real deal.

  14. God Bless you. I also attend an SSPX Chapel. The graces and inspiration my family have received are immeasurable. Thank you Lord Jesus for sending us Archbishop Lefebvre.
