Monday, March 28, 2022

Going Out Like a Lion: The Predictable Repeated Attacks on the SSPX by Church Militant!

Surprise! Surprise! Church Militant is coming out with another hit piece on the SSPX. It's become their M.O. so no one should be surprised. I know nothing at this point about the piece except that I watched the promo. It's scheduled to air on March 31st and crackerjack investigator, Christine Niles, introduces it with the title "Black Trads Matter." Note the snide ridicule. Always, always, those of us devoted to the traditional Latin Mass are described and dismissed as "trads." That is a typical propaganda tool and one of Alinsky's rules for radicals. You freeze the opponent and then ridicule him. It's a tactic well known throughout history. Think of the terms kike, mackeral-eater, spic, cracker, nigger, gook, cockroach, etc. ad nauseum. CM is expert at that particular propaganda tool when it comes to labelling orthodox Catholics who attend the Latin Mass. Check out this brief description from Propaganda 101:
Name Calling or Substitutions of Names or Moral Labels:
This technique attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable. 
Types of name calling: 
Direct name calling is used when the audience is sympathetic or neutral. It is a simple, straightforward attack on an opponent or opposing idea. 
Indirect name calling is used when direct name calling would antagonize the audience. It is a label for the degree of attack between direct name calling and insinuation. Sarcasm and ridicule are employed with this technique. (Source)
There is little objectivity in anything coming out of Niles and her "investigations." She mixes the truth with lies and exaggeration to manipulate the viewer (not to mention using Hollywood-style images, music, voiceovers, etc.). And so it continues and presumably will continue until their disgusting cult disappears into obscurity which it no doubt will sooner or later. 

March is supposed to go out like a lamb, but there is nothing lamb-like about CM with their personality circus road show. March at CM is going out like a raging lion! They hate the SSPX with a passionate intensity that reminds me of Yeats famous poem:
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
That describes CM to a T. They use their "passionate intensity" and uncharitable zeal, with no love whatsoever, to attack everyone and everything that doesn't come from their studio.

I will watch the show, but anyone who does needs to pray and use discernment to recognize their manipulation tactics. The promo piece already indicates propaganda. Can the content be trusted? Certainly not uncritically. 

I already discussed the propaganda technique in the title. A second is the background music underscoring Niles' words in the promo. It's an African drumbeat. So...what is the impact of the drumbeat on the psyche? 
Drum beats were first synchronized with the physical body’s heart beats. But then, as drum-speed rhythms increased, so did the people’s heart beats move faster in order to remain synchronized. In Spiritual realms, Primitive African Shamans considered the Drum as a symbol of Primordial Sound. (Source)
It’s no coincidence that 4.5 beats per second corresponds to the 4-7 cps of the Theta brain wave activity that induce a very deep trance. It’s in this deep trance that the shamanic practitioner can then transport her consciousness into non-ordinary reality. Based on archeological and anthropological evidence this way of inducing the trance state with drumming appears to have been used by shamans throughout history, stemming back to the Paleolithic era. (Source)

The viewer is already being set up to put their critical thinking to bed and just accept whatever crackerjack investigator Niles says as gospel truth. Unfortunately, she has demonstrated that she is willing to lie as we've documented on our Church Militant page. Check it out. You cannot trust her. Period! 

I'll give my review of the piece after it's aired, but I urge viewers to be wary of simply accepting any CM "investigation" as trustworthy. They typically use "witnesses" whose credibility is seriously suspect. They treat rumors as documented fact. They also dismiss those who disagree with their analyses as brainwashed ignoramuses. After all, how can anyone question cult leader Michael Voris and his stooges? CM is the only "authentically Catholic," trustworthy "news" organ on the planet. 

Watch their antics with a jaundiced eye and remember: Mike Voris and company rival "The Greatest Show on Earth!" If you follow them uncritically you become a proof text for the saying attributed to P.T. Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute."


  1. Heard that CM has a connection to Opus Dei. Wonder why the society is so vilified when all they're doing is maintaining tradition without imposing a secondary church. It just strikes me as more than a little odd that this is a form of viciousness which isn't justifiable to their position in the world. It would appear tradition is very, very dangerous to the new church.

  2. Since Mary Ann is going to watch this and then review it, I would urge everyone else NOT to watch it and encourage others not to watch it either. The Voris and Niles show continues on because people are clicking into their site and reading it/watching content. As long as they have the metrics, they stay in business. Please everyone, don't give them that satisfaction. If you are still a subscriber to CM then please cancel and send your monthly donations to something that truly helps the Church (i.e. Carmelite Monasteries). If you regularly check their site to see what they're doing, please spend the rest of Lent and beyond, reading positive things like the writings of the saints (St. Therese of Liseux's 'Story of a Soul' is always a good read no matter how many times you've read it; Anne Katherine Emmerich's writings are very interesting and especially now). The Voris and Niles show is tabloid trash and it deserves a future rotting away in the landfill.

    1. With all due respect, I must take issue with that advice. I have known Mary Ann for years and respect her take on this matter. However, I believe it to be inherently dangerous to let others do your research and your thinking for you. If this matter concerns you, then do your own due-diligence research. Yes it will drive up CMs hit counts, but that's a small price to pay for coming to your own conclusions.

    2. Agreed, the truth is always somewhere in the middle.

  3. I am surprised people still go to church militant. I have not clicked on them for over a year now. But hey I shouldn't be surprised. People still buy the National Inquirer and believe what they say is gospel. Curious though I wonder if N.I. have ever done any stories on sodomite aliens?

  4. That's a good point, Janet. Too many people abdicate their brains to the cult leaders at Church Militant. You can tell that from many of the comments.

    We all need to practice critical thinking and be skeptical in a kind and charitable way. I welcome comments here that disagree with me. I've only ever blocked two people from commenting here and even they had free rein for a long time before I finally had enough of their ad hominem attacks.

    If you think someone is trying to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge, they probably are? Do you have a history with them that shows they can't be trusted?

    I appreciate the compliment in your comment, Al, but the more people who watch the piece critically the better. If you have time, Janet, I'd appreciate your take after it airs. I'm sure Susan will have something to say.

  5. I will pass on watching CM as I quit going to that site some time ago. They have become the "Enquirer" of "catholic" media always looking for a scandal or click bait. Whatever good they may have or are doing is overshadowed by their pettinesss and meanness and vindictiveness.

  6. I would say that the reason that groups like church militant attack the SSPX is because the SSPX dares to say the new order of the church is not good. They pretty much stand alone in that way.

  7. I’ll blog about it as soon as this latest wave of libel hits the fan. The more the say, the closer they come to declaring bankruptcy from defamation lawsuits. And the sooner those who ciontrol then financially will lose their fight against Catholic Tradition. Keep up the good work. - Okie Traditionalist

    1. Do you think it will send you to heaven? if you think they did wrong. Pray for them.I can not believe the way you all judging others even with hatred...if you read your own comments I can not believe are coming from People who stated are "Catholics" or have God in their hearts. If you think you are better , prove it with your words and actions. " We only can destry evil with Humility and Love." My Jesus Mercy. Seems You are acting almost like new era feminists. Nancy

    2. Unknown- I get so sick of people saying don't judge just give peace, love, humility etc.... Seriously God put us in these end times to fight to save the church! History is full of people going to battle for the church. We may not got into physical battles but we now have to do it with blogs and information sharing. It's called a discussion. It's sad that people don't have enough passion to get in and stand for something. If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.

  8. Church Militant has sacrificed any credibility on the altar of ... who knows? Is it narcissism? Is it money? Whatever it is they are no longer viable. I have not accessed the site in a while now and I do not miss it and surely I have missed nothing except exhibitions of Michael Voris' imperial egoism. I regard them as the National Katholic Enquirer -- I was told they recently had a piece mocking those who have critiqued their "tone." Instead of self-examination on a topic which has tanked them in the eyes of the conscientious they spit in the face of those who have held up the mirror to them.
    Church Militant and Michael Voris are getting real old and tattered. They won't gaze into any mirror which provides an accurate reflection. It is at once pitiful and pathetic.

  9. In reference to Andrew Dunn's intent not to watch the video, and let others review it for him:

    Janet of Restore DC-Catholicism recommends "However, I believe it to be inherently dangerous to let others do your research and your thinking for you."

    In general, true enough.

    Reading Andrew Dunn's post, I don't think he was saying he likes other people to do his thinking for him. If you read what he said, he said what most people have already concluded ... CM is a form of porn ... stay away, there is nothing good that can come from it. You just encourage more of what they are selling. Pornographers don't mind if you are offended and angry by what they sell ... just so long as you keep buying it.

    Porn? you say? Connected to the Church Militant video cowboys, how? In this respect:

    Porn def: "... emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a nonsexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience".

    There are many things in our degraded culture that qualify as porn under this definition - *compulsive interest* being the operative result.

    I will read Mary Ann's review, if she writes it. If she doesn't it won't disappoint me in the least. I am with Andrew Dunn on this one. CM , like all porn, has gone beyond outrageous into the realm of boring and stupid. And so they have to keep upping the ante just to be noticed.


  10. I used to watch their videos and share them on my blog. I quit when they went on their anti-SSPX downward spiral. I refuse to give them any traffic from me or the readers of my blog. And, just for the record, I am not an 'SSPXer'. In fact, I attend the NO out of necessity and the FSSP when I can.

  11. Aqua said, "CM is a form of porn."

    I had not thought of it in that way, Aqua, but your comment strikes the chord of truth. And in view of Michael Voris and Milo's backgrounds and their obvious narcissism, CM's vicious and biased "reporting" seems to be fulfilling their need for attention. It's also creepy to see how the aging Voris is surrounding himself with young, starry-eyed worshipers doing the news, most of whom appear to have absolutely no sense of history or context for what they discuss. Joe Gallagher's recent attack (with Dave Gordon) on the March for Life and the pro-life movement in general illustrated that in spades. I stopped watching them or going to their site for several years, but when they started attacking the SSPX so viciously, Susan and I decided to publicly expose their mendaciousness. Niles was tagging me on all her Facebook posts so I blocked her. She reminds me of Lady Macbeth.

  12. MaryAnnKreitzer, did you attached Church Militant video , I'm unable to see it. would you Please attached Church Militant vidro/Comments so we may be able to listen to it and make our OWN opinion... if they judge why you judge back and feel offended. Just Pray and kep silence if you now there is nothing wrong going on...WE NEED TO BE FOCUS ON PLEASING GOD AND AVOID DISTRACCIONS. Thank you. May God bless guide and protect us all!!!

  13. I didn't post the video, Unknown, because it was a teaser at the beginning of the evening news. I think I originally saw it on the March 24th "Headlines" with Niles. They were using drumbeats then. They have a different teaser on today with clackers and different video.

  14. Goodness, Unknown, sounds like you are "judging" us "even," perhaps, "with hatred" since you label us as "new era feminists." This kind of comment always makes me shake my head because you do exactly what you are accusing us of. Perhaps you should examine your own conscience before deciding that we don't have "God in our hearts."

    Susan and I don't hate anyone, but we do hate the slander and lies put out by Church Militant attacking those who love Sacred Tradition and the Latin Mass. We consider Church Militant a scandal and, as a priest once told me, "If you can't stop a scandal, the next best thing is to shine light on it." So that's what we are doing.

    As a matter of fact I pray for CM and their staff of Voris adorers almost every day and have had Masses offered for them. There's plenty of talent being misused at CM. I was once a supporter until they went off the rails.

  15. Unknown 2:48pm: I read your comment and shake my head, because I suspect you had no similar reaction to when the CM video cowboys did a hit job on Fr. Jackson (FSSP) in the immediate aftermath of charges filed against him. There was no presumption of innocence (even secular Americans are supposed to give him that), just a self-satisfied pile-on and inflaming of emotions against him in his (to them) obvious and already proven guilt and perversion.

    Mary Ann has spent much, much time carefully detailing these CM abuses over the span of many columns, carefully detailed and sourced. There is a problem at CM. They are a public forum, generously funded by someone and they have a reach into "Trad" Catholic demographics. As a public forum, they are legitimate targets of criticism and inquiry. If they are in error, that error must be exposed - which is, after all, the "calling card" of Michael Voris at the beginning of his every show. The exposer stands exposed. And it is not good. It is a service to the Catholic community to know the truth of this.

    I recommend you read Mary Ann's many articles on this topic. Skip the comments - just read the articles. They are jaw dropping. Even though many of us suspected something was amiss, now we know what.

  16. Easter is coming. People should be concentrating on that and not wasting time watching CM detraction.

  17. Good point, Jack. Think I'll wait until after Easter to address it. Today I'm focused on First Saturday. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

  18. I stopped clicking on that site so long ago I do not even remember. My reason back then was simple, I do not like listening to men with homosexual affectations. It's a free country and they can have their site, etc. but I am too old school to look past that. I miss the times when men were men and women were happy with that. I don't expect the likes of John Wayne to lead a Catholic site but let's admit that we have too many Catholic anchors who seem to be lacking enough testosterone to match Laura Ingraham's assertiveness... I'm not naming names but I can count at least three without much effort. I know you may come up with more.

    That entire operation seems a tool for diabolical disorientation. I know a thing or two about their "intelligence" agents digging dirt on people and keeping dossiers, etc. That used to be a mortal sin when I was a kid. If they at CM were investigated with the same methods, we would find a few juicy bits about them. Well, it has happened over the years and that's how I know better than going there for spiritual guidance. I am not into fairy tales.

    If you decide not to publish my comment I will understand but my conclusions come from seeing their hit pieces first hand. I believe that whole place is under demonic influence.
