Sunday, April 24, 2022

Of the Latest Attack by a Black Racist, the USCCB on Racism, and Bigotry in General: Let's Just Stop It!

This video shows the vicious attack by an Antifa mob against journalist Andy Gno  in Portland, OR in 2019. Gno was also attacked by Antifa in 2021. The video below is an example of bigotry of belief. Antifa claims to be "anti-fascist" as they use violence and hatred against those who oppose their ideas. They are themselves fascists! Not all bigotry is racist but all racism is bigotry.

I'm going to focus primarily on racism in this post.

The latest racist black crime against whites, the New York subway attack by black racist Frank James, is, as usual, being misrepresented by the mainstream media since it doesn't fit the agenda. Journalist Andy Ngo has the liberal media's bias pegged! The left is upset about the attack, not because people were injured, but because the shooter was a racist black man. They couldn't use the shooting as the latest proof that whitey is a bigot and white supremacist who goes around killing blacks for sport.

You know the drill! All whites are racists and only whites are racists. And all blacks who die while committing crimes are heroes who deserve golden caskets and haloes. What a disservice to honorable members of the black community who are often the targets of black crime. All racism is deplorable whether it's white on black, black on white, or any other combination. 

When CNN, liars extraordinaire, reported on the subway shooting they mentioned "violence" and "disturbing" videos, but you'll spend a month of Sundays trying to find CNN reporting on the content of Frank James' anti white, racist rants. In fact, the mainstream media are calling the New York subway shooter, Frank James, a right wing extremist. This is how they use "misinformation" to carry water for the liberal left. No mention of James ranting, "O black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys." Ouch! Not good for the meme. They've already tossed the event down the memory hole. Bury it quick and deep!

It's pretty obvious that James is mentally ill. One proof? He was a fan of CNN which hammers 24-7 on white racism. No wonder the man wanted all whites killed and lamented that the latest supreme court justice is married to a white man. How much of James' racism was reinforced by the deliberately-fomented racial divide by Obama, Biden, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Don Lemon, and other liberals? They all hammer on the same drum: all whites are racist; no blacks are racist. POOF! Make black racist events disappear as quickly as possible. Down the memory hole.

Racism is definitely a problem whoever the target is. Racists engage in irrational hatred against groups because of unchangeable characteristics, particularly skin color and ethnicity.  Many other forms of bigotry exist as well: hatred of people because of their religion or political views or certain beliefs. It's all evil and we need to fight it at every level.

In the last issue of the Les Femmes newsletter, I addressed racism, specifically the bishops document on racism released in 2018. Sad to say, it embraced the world's woke message and ignored black racism, also called reverse racism. The bishops continue, in many of their statements and actions, to advance the secular world's message. Note the reaction of some bishops to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement founded by avowed communists who used millions of money contributed to BLM to buy mansions for their personal use. Racism is real, but cynical politicians scam it to advance their own power and prosperity. And, sadly, often our bishops join and perpetuate the scam.

Here's what I wrote in The Twilight Zone Section of the winter newsletter:

***Are the Bishops Racists or Just Politically Correct? Have you read the bishops’ document on racism, Open Wide Our Hearts? It’s a real eye-opener about what the bishops think of white Catholics sitting in the pews who finance their massive bureaucracy. Like the liberal Biden administration, they send the message that only whites are racists and that all whites are racists, even if they don’t know it. Do the bishops agree with liberals who tried to defeat Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court? Is adopting two black children from Haiti a racist act? Ibram X. Kendi, director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, says so. He wrote this during the hearings, even including a photo, ostensibly of Barrett and her children, which actually wasn’t:
Some White colonizers "adopted" Black children. They "civilized" these "savage" children in the "superior" ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity.
Wow! Do the bishops agree with this rich, elitist grifter whose organization was funded in 2020 by Jack Dorsey to the tune of ten million dollars? He’s the guru of critical race theory which is destroying our children and dividing our country. The bishops have little or nothing to say about that or about crimes committed by “people of color” against whites. Catholics should be color blind. Are the bishops?

***Where were the bishops on these Racist Events? Consider a trilogy of racist attacks on whites and ask yourself where the bishops were? We hear over and over about “systemic” racism spread by evil whites. Where is the examination of conscience over racism by other ethnic groups against whites? #1: Let’s start with the rash judgment against the Covington, KY kids. Recall the speed with which several bishops rashly judged Nick Sandmann and the other students over the confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial with Native American hustler, Nathan Phillips, after the March for Life in 2019. They immediately condemned the kids based on a severely edited video by the biased media who are notorious for their lies. The racism at the Memorial was two-fold and aimed solely by ethnic minorities against the white kids. Phillips was the agent provocateur beating a drum in Nick’s face. The mature young man kept his cool and signaled other students to do the same. Even his smile was used against him. The bishops behaved in a shameful manner against a bunch of minors who were also being attacked by the Black Hebrews Israelites’ hate-filled heckling. How did the students respond? With school cheers and chants. Their behavior, unlike the bishops who condemned them, was admirable.

***#2 the disgusting fawning over Black Lives Matter, a racist group if there ever was one founded by a couple of black Communists who, like critical race theory guru Kendi, have made a mint with their tactics. The USCCB has four articles on their website promoting BLM. They try to distinguish between the slogan and the group, but that’s simply disingenuous. Most people identify the slogan with the group. The articles are biased and misleading, racist in fact, although the authors obviously don’t recognize their own racism. They continually compare today’s events with the very real racism against the Civil Rights Movement, which obviously dilutes the evil of those days. The writers also accept uncritically the woke attitude that every black death at the hands of police (even when officers involved are black) prove that police are systemically racist, a bold-faced lie. In February 2021, BLM and Antifa marched in D.C. attacking white patrons dining in the city and chanting, “Burn it down.” Such harassment has occurred in other cities as well, but all this anti-white racism is ignored by the bishops. They continue sending the message that whites are the only ethnic group capable of racism, a message affirmed by Open Wide Our Hearts, which says not one word about racism against whites.

***#3 Waukesha, WI Dropped Down the Memory Hole: There are many other examples of racism against whites. The perpetrator of the Christmas massacre in Waukesha, WI made no bones about his racist hatred. He deliberately targeted whites who were enjoying a Christmas parade, killing five and injuring over 40. But black on white crime is ignored by the mainstream media and by the bishops as well. Waukesha was out of the news in about 30 seconds. His act and his criminal background was whitewashed by the mainstream media.

Darrell Brooks, Waukesha suspect
In contrast, remember the months of coverage of the death of Trayvon Martin who was beating George Zimmerman and smashing his head against the sidewalk when Zimmerman fired. Despite Zimmerman being exonerated of murder at his trial, one of the articles on the bishops’ website still describes him as “a murderer.” And think of the more recent case of Kyle Rittenhouse. He was portrayed as a violent racist despite the fact that his attackers were all white and he was in Kenosha simply to help defend a car dealership at the request of the owners who had already faced massive damages from the rioters. During all the riots, lootings, and burnings by BLM and Antifa the bishops were mostly silent. One can hardly be blamed for wondering if the millions the bishops receive from the federal government, which was completely on board with the chaos, muted any response. Many hate crimes against whites are ignored. Nevertheless, in 2019, the FBI recorded 761 total incidents of hate crimes with an anti-white bias. In 2020, the number jumped to 1,072. including a 22% increase in “simple assaults” with an anti-white bias and a 34% increase in “aggravated assaults” with an anti-white bias. The offense with the biggest increase was “intimidation” with an anti-white bias, which saw a 54% increase between 2019 and 2020. But you are unlikely to learn about this from either the mainstream media or the bishops. They both populate a woke world where only whites are racists.

***Face it: Racism & Bigotry Cross all Color Lines! Let’s stop with the race baiting. It’s bad enough when government does it, but when the Catholic bishops join in? The worst racism against blacks happens at abortion facilities. Planned Parenthood thrives in the inner city killing minority babies. Blacks represent about 13 percent of the population but account for about a third of the abortions. That’s not only racism; it’s black genocide. And who is usually out front of the killing centers offering help, shelter homes, free medical care, etc. to the moms in crisis no matter what their race or religion? Mostly white sidewalk counselors. Are they racist for trying to save black babies? You can find lots of examples of racism against blacks in America’s past. Up until the election of Barack Obama it was dissipating. Today many of the vilest race-baiters are elitist black/Hispanic liberals: Don Lemon, AOC, Maxine Waters, Ibram Kendi, etc. Not long ago Kendi wrote an article about dishonest whites applying to colleges claiming to be black. Think about that! Were those students flaunting white privilege? No indeed! They thought they would have a better chance of admission if they belonged to a minority group. They’re right! When Kendi realized he was undercutting his own agenda, he disappeared the article. Elizabeth Warren illustrated the lie as well, pretending to be a native American. Being a minority today gives one privilege! And one of the groups suffering the worst discrimination is white males. As for the bishops and their relentless harping on white systemic racism, white privilege, etc. it’s shameful. It does nothing to foster love and unity among all races. It contributes to the division. And by equating opposition to the border invasion or concern over Islamic politics with racism, they embrace the liberals’ lie. Lyndon Johnson should be excoriated for destroying the black family with his Great Society. The reason there is a disproportionate number of blacks in jail is not due to racism, but to their disproportionate criminal behavior. The reason for that behavior is the deliberate liberal destruction of the black family. Fatherless homes breed out-of-control male children. Put the blame squarely where it belongs, not on “white privilege” but on white and black elitist liberals who use racism as a pawn in their grifter game. Making Uncle Sam the daddy of the family helped solidify their role of Massah on the liberal plantation. Put the blame where it belongs, bishops!

***Bishop Burbidge’s Advisory Council on Racism: The latest fad seems to be creating diocesan racism groups where members share all the injustices they’ve experienced. The goal? To wipe out the systemic racism and white privilege that infects all the white Catholics in a diocese. The members on Arlington’s council, all black or interracial except the priest member, Fr. Bob Cilinkski, are obviously sincere and serious Catholics who love the faith. Thanks be to God for each of them. But the fact is that blacks are not the only ones who experience bigotry. How many blacks hate and disparage “honkies” and “crackers” because of the color of their skin? To establish an all black commission to look at bigotry is like establishing a commission on healthy food choices that’s composed of all vegans. A commission on bigotry and prejudice is a great idea, but to limit it to racism against blacks is divisive and plays into the hands of the secular, woke culture. Liberals make everything about racism, not because they give a hoot, but because it serves their agenda. Hatred is the tool of tyrants! Racial hatred, class hatred, political hatred, etc. The bishop’s council is unbalanced even from a racial perspective. Where is the Hispanic member? The Asian? Every ethnic group experiences discrimination including whites. And then there is the bigotry based on crimethink. If you criticize Fauci or critical race theory or the local school board, you’re guilty and a racist! It’s time to stop contributing to the divisiveness and seek real solutions, to focus on respect for each member of the human family all created in the image of God. It’s not just about racism against blacks. So let’s just stop it!

“Bigotry in the main has always been the pervading omnipotence of those who do not care crushing out those who care in darkness and blood.” 
G.K. Chesterton

Let's pray and work for an end to racism and bigotry by treating everyone with respect even when we can't respect their erroneous ideas and evil actions. No one is beyond redemption and what a blessing if we can be a catalyst for a soul's conversion. I want to pray frequently the third glorious mystery, The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. We all need wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. Let's pray for those virtues and, above all, for charity.

Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us!


  1. This is such an important topic, not talked about nearly enough. People must overcome their paralyzing fear of being thought or called a racist. We must have these conversations if reality is ever going to prevail.

    I believe the journalist you are talking about is "Andy Ngo", not, Gno.

  2. I pray for Andy Ngo. He has worked hard to be a neutral on-scene reporter of the chaos on the streets of many horrendous protests. He has endured facial surgery after one particular attack by 'peaceful protesters'. We rarely hear about these un-heralded reporters who try to bring some balance to the chaos. It is so sad.

  3. Thanks Evangeline. I need a good editor. I think my inner dyslexic was at work in combination with senior moments. I fixed it.

  4. A million Americans murdered in hospitals with Remdesivir and ventilators. Bishops say nothing. Another million murdered with the injectable bio weapon. Bishops say nothing.

    Why? Because they know that the Holy Father would wreak vengeance on them if they objected. That's what they call him.
