Monday, April 18, 2022

Parents, Protect Your Children from Abuse!

There's been a lot in the news lately about the abuse of children through brainwashing in the classroom. It's hard to believe what some of the pierced, purple and pink haired, tattooed teachers are doing to little innocent children. Believe it! I suspect many of them are possessed and the devil hates innocence above all things! We are way past the time for abuse to be treated by going to the superiors of the abusers or the abusers themselves. We've seen too often how badly that turns out.

Parents, if your child is molested or abused in any way, immediately involve the police! 

Children must be taught that if anyone, anyone at all (grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts or uncles, teachers, coaches, celebrities, strangers -- even a parent) talks to them or touches them in ways that hurt them or makes them uncomfortable, especially genital touching, they immediately need to tell! Tell a parent or a responsible adult they can trust! Children should also be warned that they must immediately tell if anyone urges secrecy, unless it's about a surprise gift or a surprise party. 

And if someone shows them nude pictures or reads them the perverted stories found these days in diversity bookbags for kindergarteners, they need to immediately tell their parents! Many of these books are grooming tools for pedophiles. It's Perfectly Normal is perfectly poisonous to innocence. So are all the good touch/bad touch programs. They are grooming tools for pedophiles and perverts.

Children must know that if an adult offers drugs or alcohol or any illegal substance instructing them not to tell, they are grooming them for abuse. In an age-appropriate way, warn children and instruct them to come to you immediately. 

Kittens and puppies are often the bait used to snatch children. "Wouldn't you like to see my puppy? There are others in the car; come see." Children are particularly susceptible to this. In their innocence, they trust adults and are captivated by baby animals. 

If someone says, "Don't tell your parents!" it should be a trigger warning! Instruct children to immediately come to them, especially if the person threatens to hurt them or anyone else or tries to make them feel guilty! And if parents see a change in their children's behavior, their antennae should go up and they should start probing. Has the child experienced a trauma?

Some evil adults turn the age of innocence into the age of corruption.

Unfortunately, some parents abuse their children! Look at the diary of Joe Biden's daughter revealing that the groper-in-chief was engaging in bizarre behavior with her. A parent abusing children is a particularly difficult situation because those parents are not going to protect their children since they are the victimizers. In some cases, the non-abusing spouse refuses to believe or is even afraid to take action. In that case, one prays that other family members, like grandparents, will intervene.

But most parents love their children. Their first priority is to protect them from the increasing number of sexual predators, even in the peer group. But parents can't be with their children every minute. They need to be sensitive to their children's body language and any out-of-the-norm behavior. Any abuse should immediately be reported to police -- not to the pastor, the principal, the coach, or anyone else. Report it to the police! They have the duty and the resources to investigate crimes and that's what child abuse is -- a crime!

Preparing children without putting them in panic mode is important. Small doses of warning are like the small doses of germs in a vaccine. Going to the park or the playground is a perfect opportunity for a few warnings sentences. Visiting the animal shelter, another opportunity. Taking a walk and commenting on the beauties of nature can lead into a short discussion on how sad it is that everyone is not good and not everyone loves God and wants to do His will. Tell your children most people will not harm them, but some people hurt others on purpose, even children. 

I had a stranger expose himself to me when I was eleven and out bike riding alone in Falls Church, VA near Seven Corners. I was only a stone's throw from home and got off my bike to walk carefully around a blind curve. A convertible pulled up next to me and the young driver, probably in his 20's, motioned for me to come over. I thought he wanted directions. He was wearing a bathing suit and was bare on top. I won't repeat what he said to me as he exposed himself. I walked quickly away and went home. It was traumatic and I never told my parents until I was an adult. Why? Because I felt ashamed. This is typical of a child's reaction to abuse. Several years later when I was in high school, my sister and I were bike riding on Creek Rd. in Hartsville, PA. (My dad, a naval officer had been reassigned to the Naval Air Station in Willow Grove.) A man had stopped his car in the middle of the road, got out, dropped his drawers and was defecating in the street. We didn't realize what was happening until we were right on him. We passed and were kind of laughing about it until he pulled up beside us, slowed down, lowered his window, and started saying things to us. It was terrifying, and we just peddled faster and didn't look at him until he sped off. We told my dad who immediately called the police. We were too inexperienced to get his tag number. 

Those were the halcyon days of the late 50s and early 60s before Woodstock and the insanity of drugs, sex, and rock and roll. Even then, though, there were evil people who welcomed the opportunity to assault children. How much worse it is today!

We live in a culture that preys on children from the moment of conception. As Sr. Lucy of Fatima said, it is an era of "diabolical disorientation." The atrocities committed against the innocent are legion. We need to arm our children for spiritual combat by giving them weapons and making sure they know they have superiors in the fight to whom they can immediately turn for help. Parents, you are the generals. Prepare your children and lead them in the fight with courage and wisdom. Let the Holy Spirit be your constant companion and the Blessed Mother our twelve star general "dressed in battle array." We are never alone on the battlefield. We simply need to keep our eyes on the standard of Christ.

May Jesus Christ be praised!


  1. It's in the Fairfax County Schools. I received this video from Maureen Brody who's running for state delegate. She pointed out that although this dad is from Florida the Fairfax County School Board has allowed these books to remain in the schools. This is poison and it's diabolical.

  2. I was talking to an old high school friend yesterday who lives in Wisconsin. She helps her daughter by babysitting her granddaughter who is in third grade. Yesterday she told me that her granddaughter had told her that half of the kids in her class don't know if they're boys or girls.

    My friend thought it was horrible but was laughing a bit. I told my friend that it was in no way funny. It was evil. EVIL! And that the parents need to cause a ruckus, go to the school board, go to the local TV station, home school, anything just to make it stop.

    I told her that the National Education Association was to the left of Karl Marx and that they had a transgender girl on the cover of their magazine several years ago therefore the transgender agenda has been pushed in America's schools for a long time.

    My friend could not understand the depth of the evil of confusing children to the point that they didn't know if they were a girl or a boy.

    And people say the West is the "free world". It's only a world of license to commit wickedness and make the entire population incapable of forming a good conscience according to God. Schools are forming children to conform their minds to the opposite - to Lucifer, wickedness and evil.

  3. About 10 years ago, the public school system of the state of Oregon (from where I recently escaped) sponsored an annual weekend at the Oregon coast. Junior high school and high school students could attend and spend a couple of days talking about their fantasies and fears, with volunteer teachers and school employees. Some of the kids got to be student leaders. This went on for over five years. A small Portland newspaper repeatedly printed articles about it, and it was horrifying! But some thought it was OK because the kids got a free weekend at the coast. (!!?) It was so vile! Finally, a local news station got involved and the whole system blew up. There were no repercussions for those adult 'volunteers' who helped kids 'explore their thoughts'. These groomers were paid public employees. Nothing ever happened to them. The posts in the newspaper were too creepy to read. Yet they are among the 'professionals' who teach America's children. The public school system is where it begins. I paid attention because I wanted my children to realize that their kids would be starting school in the next few years. I wanted them to start exploring other options. I thank God that my grandchildren are either home schooled, or attend traditional Catholic schools.
