Wednesday, April 27, 2022

What Do You Think? Does Anyone Really Believe We Are Getting the True Story about the Russia/Ukraine War?

That the war in the Ukraine continues is a tragedy. That we are funneling billions of taxpayer dollars into it while people here in the U.S. suffer is immoral. Did Biden care a hoot when the Ukraine government killed 14,000 civilians in the Donbas region of the Ukraine over the past eight years? And why should we care about the Ukraine's border invasion by Russia when our own border invasion by the world doesn't matter? Where is the money gushing into Ukraine really going? Is this one more opportunity for Joe and Hunter to get Ukraine kickbacks? Where will all the weapons end up? In the hands of terrorists who hate us? Really, folks, are you so gullible you believe CNN's version of what's happening? They are as reliable as Joseph Goebbels ministry of disinformation. So what about this? True? False? 

People need to understand the background of what's happening in the Ukraine. It doesn't justify Russia's invasion but it certainly explains some of what's going on. Check out these articles:

The actual Truth behind the Russia-Ukraine War - 
"It may seem like American intervention may be the last hope for the Ukrainian government, we cannot ignore the fact that taking NATO and the USA out of the equation might have prevented the war in the first place."
"The favorable disposition that media around the world have toward the Ukrainian side, born of the reality that they are the ones being invaded, allows them to actually get away with repressive acts that people will not allow when it comes to Russia.

"For example, Ukraine this week banned all political parties except for Zelensky’s ruling party. He banned the main opposition party for being pro-Russian even though the party’s leader immediately condemned the Russian invasion, despite the fact that it holds 20 percent of the seats in Parliament. The Ukrainians also shut down all newspapers, print publications, and television stations other than the single official government ones, saying it was necessary so that people will get the “truth,” rather than “Russian disinformation.” Most of the Western media has not publicized these measures or has buried news of them in their back pages."

The only thing we can know for sure about the situation in the Ukraine is that you can't be sure of anything the media is telling us. Both sides engage in propaganda. We need to pray and fast for an end to the war. Mary's intervention through the rosary has often ended conflict. Let's pray the rosary daily for peace and give magnification to our prayers by some form of fasting. 

Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us. 


  1. That post about the Ukraines saying it like it is is hilarious.
    What imbecility grips the world! Even after coming off a two year gaslighting spree, people still can't figure out what is going on and who is pulling stings over their heads and making them dance Pinocchio, dance. Is there any hope for people as stupid as we are?

  2. The Ukraine broke the Minsk Accords. They never abided by them. The Russians asked to negotiate time and time again but the Ukraine would not sit down at the table and talk. The Azov troops would shoot its own citizens in the Donbass if they went outside. The Ukrainian military was lined up advancing into Donbass "to finish their project" (of "clearing out" - i.e., genocide - Ukrainian Russians from Eastern Ukraine).

    Over the past 8 years Ukrainians in the Donbass pleaded with Russia to help them. Russia would not interfere but rather kept asking for Ukraine to negotiate. The Ukrainian Nazi troops would not retreat their planned genocide a months ago, but rather ADVANCED when asked to back off, so Russia crossed the borders rather than sit back and watch Ukrainian Russians be slaughtered by the drug addicted puppet Zelensky controlled by the Collective West.

    Russia's initial plan at that time was to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine then leave. However the Collective West decided to punish Russia by putting sanctions against Russia - a plan that backfired because Russia then demanded gas for rubles. Now the EU will be in a deep economic depression while Russia's economy will be just fine. The Collective West is run by the far left. They're liars, cheats and only out for money. Russia is a more conservative country with a long history of Russian culture, traditions and religion. they now want no part of the liberal West.

    If the West had stayed out of the conflict, the war would have been over in two weeks, but the West is throwing billions into Ukraine plus sending weapons to prolong the war. Therefore Russia has had it and what will be left of Ukraine will be a rump state cut off from the sea because now the West is trying to bring Transnistria (Russian part of Moldova) into their conflict so that the fight will no longer be a Russia-NATO war by proxy but a real one. While the West was busy creating safe spaces for new recruits, Russia and the rest of the world was busy making their recruits into MEN who will protect their countries.

    Globalism is done. The iron hand of the EU sprang back and punched the EU in its own face. Their only hope for its survival is WWIII which they would have to win but with Russia now being pushed to ally with China and India - countries who did not force LBGT wokeness on their populations - the prospects of winning against Russia and China look dim. As usual for the liberals, it looks good on paper and has many woke speaking points, but real life is about to appear before them, and in a gigantic hysterical meltdown they will cry and rent their robes while the world and lives are put to ruin.

    What I cannot understand is how people who were fooled by 2 years of the Covid hype but then realized what was going on now listen to the anti-Russian hype the MSM is currently feeding us. Someone needs to start a "Russians Have Rights Too" campaign but since the EU just cancelled a Russian TREE, it seems unlikely that a Rights for Russians campaign would get through the current and unnecessary evil of hatred for all things Russian.

  3. The London Daily Mail is a reliable Ukraine-propaganda distributor, also using US "intel" (propaganda) sources.

    Other than the 'net, there is no "other side" to the story--although there's PLENTY of 'other side' to be told.

    Yes, the military-industrial complex is continuing its journey in Fat City. And since Democrats have a history of leading the US into war..............

  4. Susan, I think the Gell-Mann Effect might account for part of it.

    “Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.

    In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”
    – Michael Crichton (1942-2008)

  5. I have followed Patrick Lancaster's Youtube posts during the past few weeks. I also view RT news. As Susan said (above), how can anyone believe the media after the past two years of the Covid nonsense. But the immediate giveaway, for me, when that conflict started, was to note the characters who were loudly siding with Ukraine. Never in my life have I been aligned with the Bidens, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, the Obamas. That told me what side I am on, and my mind hasn't been changed yet. Also, of course, Zelenskyy is straight up creepy!

  6. Great article and comments. I want the other side's propaganda as well, but it is hard to come by. Do not blame me, if in this situation, I pay no attention whatsoever to the propaganda that is so generously offered to me. I want the other one, not this one. I actively seek it. More and more I am convinced that President Putin is genuine, when he talks about the empire of lies with utter disgust. I suspect that he has more honour in his little finger than all "our" Western leaders combined. With them it is like this - the more they lie, the more they have to lie. Yesterday's "conspiracy theory" is today's "well, we told you" or "out of abundance of caution we had to do it, for your own good". The worst thing of all is that the West has no qualms about scarifying all Ukrainians (and now Poles, my people) on the altar of "democracy spreading" which is - at this point - establishing a global Sodom and Gomorrah and its own playground for theft and human trafficking. Mining resources, human resources included. The other worst thing is that there are very many people who consume the West's propaganda as if it were most nutritious. Those two real-life Ukrainian refugees with their stories will quickly be forgotten, rejected with their false narratives, not at all in line with the BBC, CNN, CBC - the world's most trusted news. Stockholm syndrome or something will be the diagnosis of the eye witnesses.

  7. Similarly you could ask were we being told the truth about the Covid Scamdemic. The answer in both cases is a resounding no. I know many people who swore they would not fall for the government and media lies they fell to over Covid ever again. Now they are drinking the same KoolAid by the gallon about Ukraine and Russia. Funny how Russia always seems to be the boogie man hiding under the bed. First they helped Trump steal the election and now just like world war I propaganda posters they are bayoneting women and children in their pickelhaube helmets. I would love to know the real goal of all this misinformation is but I am sure American political cover up is part of it. The corruption of the Biden, Pelosi and Romney families all points to an equally corrupt Ukraine and must be covered up at all costs with Russia the fall guy.

  8. I also saw this in Non Veni pacem at last comments from some first hand witnesses.

  9. Historically the Black Sea coast was never ruled by Ukrainians -- or by Russians. I was under the control of the Tatars - Turkish tribes unaffiliated with the Ottoman Empire, with the Crimea as their home base -- and by bands of Cossacks, Slavic speaking, more or less Eastern Orthodox Christian people who had adapted to the Tatar way of life of war, raiding, and selling slaves to the Ottomans.
    In the nineteenth century the Russian Empire conquered this area, committing cultural and partial biologic genocide on Tatars and Cossacks.

    If the Jews have a valid claim to Palestine, the Muslims have a valid claim to the north shore of the Black Sea.

    John S. Belmont,
