Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Carnage in the Classroom: Questions about the Uvalde Massacre that Need to Be Asked!

We're living in the Wild West. Can you protect yourself against the gunslingers?

My colleague, Janet, at Restore DC-Catholicism has an excellent post asking sensible questions about the Uvalde massacre a few days ago. Here's a bit from her excellent post:

We are approaching an election cycle.  Certain Democrats would very much appreciate a crisis like this to take the public's eyes away from the utter mess that Biden et al are making of the country.  Saul Alinsky, in his book "Rules for Radicals", said "never let a crisis go to waste".  The Democrats are excellent students of Alinsky, and they would chomp at the bit to exploit such a crisis like Uvalde, perhaps even to the point of contriving one.

Each oddity about this situation, by itself, might raise an eyebrow and not much more.  But when so many oddities are apparent, their combination is much too coincidental:
  • That a cash-strapped kid obtained two rifles, ammunition, body armor, etc
  • That no school police officer was present that day
  • That a door was propped open for Ramos's entry
  • The strange stand-down behavior by local police
  • The refusal to allow parents near the school
I agree with Janet that there is more to this event than meets the eye. Every mass shooting has one effect looming above the grief that engulfs the families of the victims and the nation that watches with compassion. 


There's no talk about how to protect the schools, just confiscate the guns from all the law-abiding citizens. Oh...wait...not all. The security staff of the elites may keep their guns to protect the important people among us. The rest of us are expendable.

Is that the way to protect the children? NOT HARDLY!
Suppose one of the murdered teachers had a firearm and was trained to use it. Think of the woman who recently stopped a massacre by killing a shooter firing at a graduation party. He certainly will not engage in any more killer events. Suppose one of teachers carried a pistol safely on her person, say in a holster strapped to her leg under a skirt where it was easily accessible. 

Who would likely be dead before he could inflict carnage in the classroom.

I have a friend who teaches gun use and safety. Think I'll take his course and get a concealed carry permit before THE LEFT makes it impossible. The elites exempt themselves from all the laws they impose on the rest of us. It's time we realize that we can't depend on the police or on an administration that is clearly an enemy of the people. If you live in the Wild West, you'd better be able to take care of yourself!

One last thought. Eleven of the victims will be buried from the local Catholic church, Sacred Heart. The Catholic community has been particularly hard hit by this atrocity. Let us join our prayers with theirs for all the victims and their families.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.


  1. An interesting character in this drama - the mother who heard about the shooting on the radio, while at work *40 miles away*! She immediately drove to the school and, after failing in the attempt with other parents to get the Oakley sunglasses boys in their body armor and ARs to save the lives of their kids, immediately went on her own personal rescue mission to save her two children.

    She was, of course, apprehended by the brave Oakley boys - knee in her back, handcuffed.

    Well, what would you do, lying there in handcuffs thinking of your precious children in the sights and under the control of a demon from hell?

    She quietly, discretely found a sympathetic Officer who released her from her handcuffs. Then she quietly, discretely tip toed her way behind the chaotic scene and disappeared behind the line of buses used as a line to keep the parents away from their dying children. She then went in, climbed through an open window and got her kids.

    Oh, yeah, Momma Bear!

    Oakley boys ... hang your heads in shame forever. An illegal order is no order.

    The police will not help you. Ever. The best you can hope for is they won't hinder and harm you. Protect and defend ourselves and those we love. Arm up. You are completely correct. THAT is the correct response to this wake up call in Uvalde. Strange, strange goings on. We are slowly waking up to a very strange new reality of government violence and injustice in this country of ours.

    My Patron Saint is Benedict. I took it, because when I converted to the one Faith, I saw him as a hero for our times of institutional and social collapse. Those elements that sent Benedict into the desert where he eventually established the first Monastic Order are very much present today. Respond accordingly.

  2. What should be criticized is the target "gun free zones" have put on school children's backs.

    More generally, our whole society is better protected from gun violence by the supposition that any given citizen that the bad guy encounters *might* be armed. Whether you own a gun or not, just think about how you are protected by the *supposition* that you*might* have one.
