Friday, June 10, 2022

Guest Post: Defeating the Pride Month Proclamation in Holly Springs, NC

Evil demands the pinch
of incense!
Editor's note: Our godson, who is also a nephew, attended a town meeting in Holly Springs, N.C. on Tuesday, June 8th, to speak against the town adopting a Pride Month proclamation. I applaud him for his commitment to the truth. We see our children and grandchildren indoctrinated daily with immoral and false teachings magnified by proclaiming "pride month." Accompanying it are all kinds of celebration events that promote a false image of sexuality and encourage children to experiment with deviance.

We celebrate our country's founding on the 4th of July, a testimonial to America's commitment to freedom. What does Pride Month celebrate? Sodomy and lies about man's very nature. People can celebrate their sin privately, but forcing it on the rest of us is wrong. It reflects bigotry and tyranny. However, evil is never content with tolerance; it demands approval. There is absolutely no tolerance for those who embrace God's laws and holy will. Evil demands the pinch of incense. I'm happy to say that there was no Pride Month proclamation in Holly Springs!

I applaud my godson and I asked him to send me his testimony. You can watch it yourself as he's provided the link below to the meeting. I include his email to me followed by the text of his testimony. Please pray for him and his family and for all our families rearing children in these troubled and confusing times. So many today are people of the lie playing Pan's pipe to lead our children to destruction.

Good Evening Aunt Mary,

Attached is my 3 minute commentary to the mayor and town council of Holly Springs.  I decided to make a public comment at the town council meeting in response to a petition that was circulated on Facebook demanding that the town release a proclamation that June is Pride Month.  I estimate that about 100 people were there.  Many of them were wearing rainbow garb.  I am guessing there were about 30 people there who were opposed to a pride month proclamation.

When it came time for the public comment period, the mayor decided to extend the typical 15 minute session to 21 minutes.  This would allow 7 people to speak despite there being about 14 who wanted to speak. (I'm guessing at that number).  It was simply whomever signed in first, so I ended up being the only person offering testimony against the idea of a pride month proclamation.

It has become clear that the left was organized and planned to attend this meeting to make a run at the mayor and council; which ultimately ended in Councilman Wolfe making what seems like a pre-prepared statement at the end of the meeting.  After reading the newspapers today and seeing a lot of social media posts, it seems like this was all a stunt to allow Councilman Wolfe an opportunity to grandstand on the issue and make our mayor appear like an intolerant bigot.  Contrary to their efforts, the mayor presented a Juneteenth proclamation during the meeting.  Oh the irony.

Thankfully, and despite some heckling during my portion of the comment period, there was no violence or tense encounters after the meeting.  I was naturally feeling a bit concerned since I was the only speaker to be hectored during their 3 minutes. 

This is a link to the video of the meeting with timestamps I consider significant labelled.

36:01 - Beginning of the public comment period.
46:15 - Beginning of my 3 minute comment.
1:28:48 - Mayor comments on his decision not to sign onto the Wake County Non-Discrimination Ordinance
1:31:28 - Councilman Wolfe delivers his remarks to promote himself (what else could it be?)

Here is a link to the article that was released first thing this morning (June 8) that covered the meeting.

We really do need more people to stand up for the truth.  This is all very sad.

Your Godson,


Testimony to Town Council of Holly Springs

My name is Steve Schneider. I live at 121 Morena Drive and have been a resident of Holly Springs for 16 years. I am here this evening to ask the mayor and town council not to proclaim June as Pride Month. I believe that the town has an obligation to treat its residents fairly and continually strives to do so. Ordinances and proclamations must apply equally to all citizens and not favor some people over others. If we believe that then there is absolutely no reason for a proclamation affirming pride month. I am aware of no ordinances or town proclamations that disparage certain groups.

In his speech last June, President Biden said that pride month stands for courage of all those in previous generations and today who proudly live their truth; but truth is objective and nobody can have their own personal version of it. And when it comes to generations, future generations suffer if we deny the reality of two genders or that men cannot become pregnant or that homosexual "marriage" is not a marriage at all. Being true to who you are means accepting the way that God made you. God does not make people gay or trans the same way that he doesn't make serial killers or pedophiles. 1John Chapter 2 verse 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.

President Biden also said in that same speech that pride month stands for love and making our country more fair, free, and just. Loving your neighbor means caring for their whole person, body and soul. Love doesn't mean approving of everything that someone may do so we can protect their feelings. When we love someone we want what is truly good for that person. Many people wrongly believe that the opposite of love is hate. The opposite of love is indifference. When we don't tell people the truth, we are being indifferent toward them. There is a long running phrase that says just be nice; which is really a euphemism that means we shouldn't say anything that might offend. My father told me that being nice (in this sense) is poor council when things are important. He wasn't saying that we shouldn't be nice. He was saying that the truth can be hard to hear or say sometimes but it's still the truth and we shouldn't avoid it. Telling someone the truth is an act of love and must be carried out with compassion. In James chapter 5 it says, he who causes a sinner to be converted from the error of his ways, shall save his soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins.

Pride month with its flyers, posters, commercials, and proselytizing by employers is an assault on the family and thus a degradation of society; which is a sin against social justice. We can't tell people to be proud of who they are and at the same time tell them that if they don't feel like a woman, they can become a man. Does that sound like being proud of who you are? Children are now being expected to participate in this disordered behavior. Apex has Drag Queen story hour during their pride event this Saturday; targeted at children. Despite the mayor of Apex saying that drag queen story hour was removed from the event, the event organizers have posted on social media claiming that they fully intend to include it. The country doesn't become more fair or free this way. And it certainly isn't a display of love.

For the month of June, I am forced to change the channel, visit stores less frequently, turn off the radio, and bite my tongue in the name of being nice... all to protect myself and my children and my family from Pride Month propaganda. No more. Love your neighbor, tell the truth, pray, and do not proclaim June as Pride Month; be humble instead. May God bless all of us.


  1. Great speech. Very simply put and wise. Sodom was completely destroyed by God Almighty, not celebrated.

  2. God bless him for stating truth in a short amount of time. (The council would have certainly shut him down if he spoke over his 3 minutes.) It is vitally important for men to speak out on this and other issues, and your nephew did a good job of it. Tell him 'Thank you' from one of your readers.

  3. Very well said. I especially like "We can't tell people to be proud of who they are and at the same time tell them that if they don't feel like a woman, they can become a man. Does that sound like being proud of who you are?"

    Obergefell has unleashed this LGBT assault on children by giving parental credibility to non "Mom Dad" couples. Just as with abortion, reversing SCOTUS is not enough there must be a "mom and dad matters" amendment.
