Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Guest Post: The Real Problem Causing Kids to Kill!

Editor's Note: My brother-in-law nailed the "real problem" in today's society in his letter to the editor printed in the Wheeling News Register. Guns don't make people kill. Breakdown of moral norms and rewarding violence does. How many were charged during the BLM/ANTIFA riots? There were no consequences for criminal acts. In fact, those who looted, assaulted police, and torched buildings made out like the bandits they were carting off TVs and other electronic devices and entire shopping carts of loot. 

Liberal, godless ideals are giving us a growing crop of angry and disturbed young men determined to kill. Liberals deliberately destroyed the nuclear family unit and their recent efforts promoting "gender fluidity" take the attack on the family to a whole new level. First you destroy a child's innocence. Then you encourage drug abuse and promiscuous sex. Then you use psychotropic drugs to "fix" the problems you caused. Is it any wonder we're seeing an epidemic of violence with rising rates of murder and suicide? It's no accident! And God bless Rick for his straight talk.

Letters to the Editor
Wheeling News-Register:

The recent tragedy that occurred at the Texas Elementary School is beyond comprehension. My wife and I had an exceedingly challenging time sleeping that night as we kept thinking of the nineteen innocent young children and two of their teachers slaughtered by a deranged 18-year-old. The big question is why this happened and how to prevent such tragedies from ever occurring again. When one looks back over the years and looks for a pattern, one thing is clear, the killer is male, young, angry, and confused.

Possibly some or all the following contribute to their mental status: they come from a broken home with no father figure in their life. How long, if ever, have they been told they are loved? Do they have any religion in their life? What about the “junk” being preached in government schools, such as boys can become pregnant and have babies just like girls. They are told forget about history, and there are only certain pronouns that are permissible. The list goes on and on! Is it any wonder these young boys and girls are confused?

Think about this. The same politicians and citizens who cry about such tragedies and say our young children are our future and deserve better protection from being slaughtered, are the same individuals supporting abortion up to and including birth. Say what? So, I guess it is permissible to kill 60 million unborn babies without any remorse. Those who believe this had best examine their conscience. The real problem is today’s society. Let’s place God at the forefront, followed by family. That would be a great beginning to solving our problems!

Rick Kreitzer


  1. This article in the Federalist support Rick's points and is well worth reading.

    Here's a bit from the article:

    "Gun control is also about blaming the disorder, violence, and nihilism of American life on guns, rather than on a corrupt culture. Having encouraged almost every policy and cultural change that has made America less virtuous and more violent, the left has no idea how to make America peaceful, other than piling more restrictions on guns. Violent crime thrives in Democratic-run cities, and the seeds of nihilistic terrorism perpetrated by mass shooters are most commonly cultivated in the soil of family and social decay.

    "It is the left that is letting violent criminals out on low, or no, bail. It is the left that excused and even cheered the riots of 2020. It is the left that refuses to secure our borders as lethal rivers of drugs flow into our communities. It is the left that rejoices in the destruction of the traditional family, even as family breakdown leads to more children being poor and abused, and as fatherless boys turn to crime.

    'Gun control is also about blaming the disorder, violence, and nihilism of American life on guns, rather than on a corrupt culture. Having encouraged almost every policy and cultural change that has made America less virtuous and more violent, the left has no idea how to make America peaceful, other than piling more restrictions on guns. Violent crime thrives in Democratic-run cities, and the seeds of nihilistic terrorism perpetrated by mass shooters are most commonly cultivated in the soil of family and social decay.

    "It is the left that is letting violent criminals out on low, or no, bail. It is the left that excused and even cheered the riots of 2020. It is the left that refuses to secure our borders as lethal rivers of drugs flow into our communities. It is the left that rejoices in the destruction of the traditional family, even as family breakdown leads to more children being poor and abused, and as fatherless boys turn to crime."

  2. Very interesting post Mary Ann. Have you forgotten that your brother, my father was arrested in the 1960s for armed robbery but got off because his father was a Rear Admiral? Have you forgotten that he was charged for gun possession and building his own silencers in an attempt to terrorize the Taylor family. Please reference East Strousburg postings regarding the Taylor/Schneider drama. Are you then suggesting that your parents were less than stellar since their son had mental illness, including other family members? Your narrow minded view only supports your extreme right wing views that tolerate nothing less than what you believe. Keep wearing your tin foil hat.

  3. Oh Beth,

    You don't know what you're talking about.

    My brother didn't "get off because his father was a Rear Admiral." In fact, if anything, he was probably treated more harshly by the judge because Daddy was an admiral.

    Tom was 18 and was charged as an adult. I was in high school when he was sentenced to a federal prison halfway across the country where no family could visit him. He was gone for at least a year, maybe two, I don't remember now. He never talked much about the experience, but he was a very handsome kid and was probably raped in jail. He hinted at it.

    The one who got off was his friend who was a few months younger and still a juvenile. He was the one who brought the unloaded gun, his father's service revolver. They were stranded and stupid and didn't want to call home so they used the unloaded gun to hold someone up. Poor Tom often made bad decisions and he paid a big price for that one.

    As for the Jim Taylor fiasco, Taylor was a crook cheating on his taxes and using Tom as his accountant to hide the fact. When Tom turned him in to the IRS Taylor used his psychiatric status to have Tom committed. His son burgled Tom's apartment trying to get the evidence and Taylor later beat up a female doctor helping Tom.

    Get your facts straight.

    You sound very angry and bitter. I don't blame you for being angry at your Dad, he was never a father to you or to Rachel.

    I know you have your own family issues and I admire you for taking care of your grandchildren. Mental illness is complicated. Our society is certainly contributing to it. Home issues can too. That's not to say every parent with a child who commits a crime is to blame.

    I had to laugh at your "tin hat" comment. If I'm a "narrow minded" member of the right, you are a brainwashed liberal of the left. I think that's enough name calling.

    Shall we pray for each other? I have a card in my prayer box with your sons' and grandsons' names on it and often offer my rosary for all of you. May we all meet merrily in heaven one day.

  4. Oh I’m not bitter or angry. I wasn’t raised by a father so I can’t be bitter about something I know nothing about. Fortunately, I had a remarkable mother.

    Your post suggests that the root of all evil is a corrupt society, fatherless boys and left wing nuts. My point is that your family is very religious, had two very devout Christian parents and still had a child who had violent tendencies and shouldn’t have been in possession of a gun ever. As far as the Taylor fiasco, I am well aware as I was at the trial against Taylor and Pocono Medical Center regarding his commitment. Taylor may have been equally crazy, but firing a gun at his home and holding a gun to his son’s head doesn’t absolve him of anything. Your response suggests that Taylor was solely to blame.

    We do need strict gun laws. You can’t buy a pack of cigarettes or alcohol until 21 here, at least in PA but you can buy an AR-15? I live near Oaks where they conduct gun shows semi-annually. Those folks walk out with their purchased guns. No background check…nothing.
    If you so love the little children, then show your love to those who have been born and support gun laws that do not put guns and assault rifles in the hands of those who are mentally ill, those who have not been trained in their use.

    As a former trauma nurse I can be grateful I never saw a child with their face blown off. But I can assure you that if I had, I would be crippled with grief for the rest of my life. Until you have heard the anguish of a parent who has lost their child to violence, you can’t possibly understand.

    I will pray for you as well.

  5. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc. all are in states that have strict gun laws and have the highest rates of crime including violent crime in the country.

    I recently did some research on home invasions. They went up during COVID. Most of the victims murdered (and there are quite a few) had no way to protect themselves from the thugs with guns who broke into their homes. One particularly sad story was about the murder of a family including the pregnant mom. That was on Long Island -- where my Aunt and Uncle fled after crime became rampant in Brooklyn (in the 80s if I remember correctly).

    I think we better get to the root of the problem. Remember Waukesh? The murder weapon was a car. The statistics on murder show that knives and fists also kill a lot of victims. Why are people killing other people, especially random victims? The guns didn't make them do it. Why isn't anyone doing research on that?

  6. Remember this….

    Nineteen children and two teachers had their faces blown off. Only identifiable by DNA.

  7. And if one of those teachers had been trained in fire arm use and had one, chances are most of those victims would be alive. Just like all of the people at the graduation party in West Virginia who were saved by the woman with a pistol who ran toward the shooter (unlike the police in Uvalde) and killed him before he could kill anyone.

  8. What you wrote about above is the BIG lie. Parkland had an officer.

    I’m confused. You are against the regulation of an AR 15 assault rifle, background check and training but you expect every teacher in the US in every classroom to have a pistol and be trained in its use? How about the element of surprise? None of these teachers in Sandy Hook or Uvalde were ready for an armed gunman to bust in their door and start shooting a gun with the capability to shoot thirty rounds in minutes?Are the teachers guns going to be locked up in the classroom or will the children have access to them.

    Let us consider this. A gunman with an AR 15 comes in to a classroom. How quickly is that teacher going to be able to unlock the gun from a safe place and shoot the gunman? And the first target is the teacher.

    Be rational

  9. How does the gunman get in the classroom in the first place? I taught school. Every door was locked except the front door and there was a buzzer system to get in. The shooter walked in a door that was propped open after shooting his gun outside for at least ten minutes. Schools should be secured locations. Then there should be no advertisement of a "gun free school zone." That just advertises that they are sitting ducks. There should be a sign saying, "We have staff trained and experienced in the use of firearms who will use lethal force against anyone threatening our staff or students." There have been plenty of suggestions to protect students. How about a safe "closet" in classrooms. It can be used as the cloakroom, but if an active shooting incident takes place, provide a secure lockup for everyone." Schools have fire drills; how about an active shooter drill? It is not rational to think that confiscating guns, which is what the liberal has as their ultimate goal, will stop these events. Do you really think criminals will turn in their guns?

  10. Mary Ann,
    The door was not propped open like initially reported. The door failed to lock. Yes, there are active shooter drills. It’s a damn shame we need to have them. And oh yes, let us antagonize someone who is willing to die suicide by cop into our school….let’s bait them to come in.

    A safe closet????? A cloakroom to hide? Wow what a great way to keep the carnage contained! A door isn’t going to prevent an AR15’s penetration. The world isn’t the same place it was when you grew up or when I grew up. I don’t think our founding fathers thought that the right to bear arms included assault rifles that police weapons are powerless against.

    Do I really think criminals will turn in their guns? Of course not, they shouldn’t have them in the first place—-why we need some legislation to mitigate this.

    The most profound question I have is why won’t Republicans even consider to entertain anything at all. They won’t answer the question because the answer is simple. Power and Money. That is the evil and prevents any rational discussion.

  11. i guess you aren't aware that bulletproof classroom safe shelters already exist as well as bulletproof doors designed for school.

    The Democrats aren't interested in real solutions; they want to ban guns.

    I'm also well aware of the change in the culture. That's a main part of the problem. When faith and the family are under relentless attack and immorality and deviance are glorified, violence is inevitable. As Mother Teresa said, if a mother can kill her child what is left for us to do to each other?

    As for legislation. There is already a mountain of legislation. Look how the Soros financed Attorney Generals have given criminals a revolving door. The legislation doesn't matter!

    You're right about power and money, though. You just have the wrong party in your crosshairs although there are plenty of RINO's that are part of the problem.


    Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, etc. all millionnaires without every having a real job, much of it made by selling out the country. $500,000 a pop for Hunter Biden's kindergarten scribbles and big bucks from Ukraine and selling influence to his father? But that's another whole issue.

    We are just not going to agree on the solution to mass murders. You think the problem is guns. I think the problem is the evil in the human heart. I care about children every bit as much as you do. I've gone to jail several times for rescuing babies threatened with being ripped limb from limb. But to save children we need to get to the root of the problem. Banning guns won't do that. Remember 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing. Killers have plenty of options.
