Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Rush Is On by the Left to Get Us Into World War III!

It boggles the mind to see how cavalier so many are about the prospect of a nuclear war with Russia which, by the way, may very well mean a nuclear war with China. 

I remember the Cold War, and it was a scary time. I remember the Bay of Pigs when it looked possible that Russia would lob nukes into the U.S. from bases in Cuba. I remember the air raid drills when we were told to get under our desks and put our arms over our necks (Operation Duck and Cover). Of course in the event of a nuclear strike that would have been about as useful as using an umbrella to protect against radioactive fallout. But it kept us all quiet and in place. It would be more useful for children to sit at their desks and pray the rosary!

But most of those alive today have no memory of any of that nor do they know anything about history. Ask a millennial on the street who won the Civil War and they are likely to guess (in a tentative voice) "France?" Ask who Neville Chamberlain or Joseph Goebbels or Karl Marx was and wait for the blank stare. 

But there are still some statesmen among us who live in the real world and understand it. Pat Buchanan is one of them. Would that the idiot politicians in Washington listened to people like him. He has a great article on Lew Rockwell titled, Is a US-Russia War Becoming Inevitable? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, and some of the elitists in government seem to be champing at the bit for the nukes to start flying. 

Hey it will prove how evil and crazy Putin is! 

Here's just a bit from the article:

At the NATO summit in Madrid, Finland was invited to join the alliance. What does this mean for Finland?

If Russian President Vladimir Putin breaches the 830-mile Finnish border, the United States will rise to Helsinki’s defense and fight Russia on Finland’s side.

What does Finland’s membership in NATO mean for America?

If Putin makes a military move into Finland, the U.S. will go to war against the world’s largest nation with an arsenal of between 4,500 and 6,000 battlefield and strategic nuclear weapons.

No Cold War president would have dreamed of making such a commitment — to risk the survival of our nation to defend territory of a country thousands of miles away that has never been a U.S. vital interest.

To go to war with the Soviet Union over the preservation of Finnish territory would have been seen as madness during the Cold War.

Meanwhile, Biden and company are impoverishing us while they pour billions into Ukraine with no accountability for how the money is spent. How much is ending up in offshore accounts of their corrupt puppet president and his cronies? How much military equipment is being sold off on the black market to countries that may end up using it against us? Nobody knows!

Furthermore, does anyone really believe we can win a war against Russia when we've failed at almost every military operation since World War II? And what if China joins with their ally? We've pushed Putin into China's arms. Can we really compete against those two superpowers? 

I don't think China's military offer pregnancy uniforms or
guidelines allowing longer hair, bigger mustaches and beards, and offering more body locations for tattoos. Really! My dad, a World War II vet must be spinning in his grave.

Tom McFadden of Front Royal Catholics sent an email out yesterday that also addresses the world situation. He talks about the fall of several warmongers which offers a little hope. The people of these countries aren't all insane as their votes show, just those in power. People waking up and fighting back is a real threat to the evil left. That explains why the elitists are so determined to keep using scare tactics to justify draconian control measures. Watch a new plague to appear about the time of the midterms. We're already hearing that we should gear up for a new COVID variant in the fall. Really, haven't they cried wolf a few times too many?

Tom's take on the world situation is on target:
Since the U.S. and Europe decided to fund a direct economic and a proxy military war for the purpose of "weakening Russia,"it hasn't been working out. First to fall was Macron of France. He was narrowly re-elected President but in the subsequent parliamentary election his Party got swamped. Just recently the new parliament shot down the covid passport policy that was Macron's pet project. Look for France to back off on its war support.

Boris Johnson, PM of  the UK, a frequent visitor to Kiev and promoter of the fight to the last Ukrainian, has had to step down recently.

The PM of Russia's NATO neighbor, Lithuania, lost support and a new government must be formed. Among other mistakes, the PM tried to break a Treaty with Russia and blockade a Russian city. Italy’s Prime Minister  Mario Draghi just announced his resignation. The next to fall will probably be Germany.

Who can say what the cause of all of this is. It's a combination of the covid tyranny that those politicians imposed and the self-inflicted energy/inflation crisis brought on by the EU meddling in Ukraine?  I never liked the lack of "checks and balances" in the parliamentary form of government but I can now see its advantage when parliament listens to the people it can dump bad leaders. We are stuck with Biden or Harris until January 2025 no matter what Congress looks like in January 2023.

I considered including a video of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but those videos are so awful I decided not to. The horrific results show what happens when man plays God and drops all restraint against "the enemy." Will we see Washington, D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, or Chicago, get the Hiroshima treatment in a nuclear conflict? 

It's time to stop flirting with disaster and playing the devil's game. We never should have gotten involved in Ukraine's fight. It isn't ours! All we've done is extend the war which has meant increased devastation to the people of Ukraine. But it may come home to haunt us. Are we next?

No one should get wrapped around a pole by all this. The answer is in the monks' motto of ora et labora. Pray first, then work. God has a job for each of us. Listen to Mary, "Do whatever He tells you." God doesn't hide His will from us, if we are seriously committed to doing it. Let's all get busy praying, listening, and then acting. 

Viva Cristo Rey!


  1. Our satanic leadership along with the rest of the global oligarchy believe that they are invincible and that all they have to do is hail Satan and hide in their underground bunkers and that they will live forever. Evil blinds and they are blinded to the real consequences of their actions.

  2. Our satanic leaders along with the rest of the world oligarchy are blinded by evil which leads them to believe that they will suffer no consequences for their actions. Their underground bunkers are ready to be occupied when the weapons are detonated. Unfortunately they are deceived by Satan and will not live forever as he has promised. Then will come their judgement .

  3. There will be a nuclear war - and Russia is appointed by God to punish the sexual decadence of the West.

    It is clear this is happening as the West has gone gay and trans.

    God exists and His punishment is coming.

  4. My prayers is that, like the people of Nineveh, we repent. I pray that God will find the equivalent of ten just men who would have saved Sodom and Gomorrah from annihilation. My Jesus, I trust in you.
