Tuesday, August 9, 2022

From the "Ya Just Gotta Laugh File" wherein Francis Accuses Traditionalists of "Paganism of Thought."

So...those who love tradition are guilty of "paganism of thought." 


Does Francis ever listen to himself? Are traditionalists the ones whose fruits illustrate "paganism of thought?" Is it not instead the man who:

  • bends the knee to Pachama and engages in pagan smudging rituals honoring the "circle of spirits," 
  • who applauds missionaries who brag that they never convert anyone because pagan spirituality has so much to teach us, 
  • who praises atheists and abortionists and celebrates those committed to sodomite relationships.


Have we stepped through the looking glass?

In his meeting with Jesuit brethren in Canada, the pope said this about tradition:

The vision of the doctrine of the Church as monolithic, to be defended without nuance is wrong. That is why it is important to have respect for tradition, the authentic one. Someone once said that tradition is the living memory of believers. Traditionalism instead is the dead life of our believers. Tradition is the life of those who have gone before us and who go on. Traditionalism is their dead memory. From root to fruit, in short, that is the way. We must take the origin as a reference, not a particular historical experience taken as a perpetual model, as if we had to stop there. “Yesterday it was done like this” becomes “it always has been done like this.” But this is a paganism of thought! What I have said also applies to legal matters, to law.

What exactly is Francis' "vision of the doctrine of the Church?" Judging from his writings, it is modernist and relativist. There is no "monolithic" (read unchanging) doctrine. All is "nuance" that can be changed at papal will. Those who love tradition embrace a "dead memory. From root to fruit, in short." 

And what, exactly, does Francis embrace?

On a daily basis we see him kneading the unchanging doctrines of the Church like playdough into shapes unrecognizable to the faithful. All is called into question by his pastoral "nuance," for example, doctrine on the indissolubility of marriage. And will approval of contraception be next as Roman rumblings imply?

All is changeable; all is confusion; all is smoke and mirrors.

Why do the bishops continue to enable this? Because they are weak men like the pathetic bench of English bishops (except St. John Fisher) who nodded their heads to heresy in order to keep them on their shoulders. Few were willing to suffer for the faith. While priests and laity died for the Mass, they played Judas.  

We have many Judases today. Is it any wonder that Jesus asked, "When I return will I find faith on the earth?"

I pray every day to persevere because I want my Lord and God to find me -- faithfully serving Him in this valley of tears.

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.


  1. The antichurch is here and Jorge Bergoglio is the high priest. The last time I went to Rome and went inside the Vatican (2018), I sadly felt nothing. I have no desire to go back unless Bergoglio is removed and the entire place is exorcised and re-consecrated. I'd like to think that all of that could happen in the near future.

    Our Lady of Copacabana, slayer of the pacamammy demon, pray for us.

  2. It's hard to find accurate adjectives for Bergoglio at this point. None seem adequate. What do you call the man who has single-handedly destroyed Roman Catholicism around the world. That's not hyperbole, he has done it. I do not mean the faith itself, that he cannot harm, but he can certainly diminish it's practice, cause it to be mocked and derided, cause great numbers of people to avoid it or no longer practice it, repel many who would have found it, and worst of all, reduced the amount of authentic worship due to God Almighty. This, he has done, as well as abusing and tormenting faithful Catholics in the vale of tears, punishing them for their fidelity.
    The man is a monster. Whatever else he is he is certainly a monster, probably demon-possessed, certainly a Communist. As practicing Catholics, we want nothing to do with him at all, his words mean nothing to us, he is dead to us, invisible, as are the confreres who are just Judases who keep silent while this rape and brutalization goes on unabated. We will remain Catholic. We will keep the old faith and pass it on where we can. We will keep the sacraments and only attend the Traditional Latin Mass. They have made it impossible to continue to accept the Novus Ordo.
    The gates of hell should open up and swallow these evil men, if they will not be converted.

  3. Defending without nuance is not the same as forcing it on everyone else without nuance which is what he ironically does with his.

  4. I’m convinced he’s using the same kind of nonsense talk that Kamala Harris uses. String words together that don’t end up meaning anything. Tradition means what we think it does and not what he is trying to imply. It’s endofthebible bad when the supposed pope does this Mike

  5. Chairman of the BoredAugust 11, 2022 at 1:55 PM

    Francis Accuses Traditionalists of "Paganism of Thought."

    Memo to: Frank-on-Tiber

    Kinda takes one to know one, huh Frank?

  6. Bergoglio, in his vindictive hatred against God and the Church, ridicules the Catholic faithful using sarcasm, expletives. And to attack the Catholic faith he uses the manipulation of language and maliciously changes the meaning of words. He maliciously tramples on the Law of God to the point of calling homosexual male transvestites women.
