Saturday, August 27, 2022

Join in a Healing Prayer Through the Intercession of Blessed Karl of Austria

Editor's note: I received this email today from my friend Bob Marshall, former Virginia state delegate and often called the "conscience" of the Virginia legislature. Sad to say he was replaced by a transgender "woman" whose campaign ads included how he put on his makeup which always brings to my mind the expressions about putting lipstick on a pig or not being able to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. Sorry, Dan, you're still a man! After you pray the healing prayer, please say a prayer for poor deluded Dan (Danica) Roem whom Manassas voters continue to support and is now running for state senate. God help Virginia! Blessed Karl and Venerable Zita, pray for us.

Blessed Karl and Venerable Zita on their wedding day October 21, 1911
Mary Ann,

We received a prayer request to petition for a particular person who needs a miracle as proof of being a Saint!


We are asking everyone to pray for the intercession of Blessed Emperor Karl of Austria on behalf of our mom. He needs one more miracle to complete his canonization. We would be so grateful if you could share this with whoever you know, and ask everyone to pray the following prayer. We are asking for a complete recovery and healing for Cindy Patterson. Thank you so much!

Holy Trinity, I adore you from the bottom of my heart and thank You for the gifts You have granted to Blessed Karl of the House of Austria. As a result of his deep Faith, he gave his entire life in selfless and willing service to Your divine Glory and the well-being of those entrusted to him.
Strengthen us through his helping intercession when discouragement, loneliness, lack of readiness to forgive others, and sickness oppress us, and grant us through his intercession a good death.
Through the intercession of Blessed Karl of the House of Austria, in Your mercy, also hear my personal request . . .
Praise and thanks be to You, eternal and almighty God, now and forever. Amen.

 Please share this, and thanks much.


And now enjoy this clip of Karl and Zita on their wedding day. Their life was a hard one of much suffering. You can read more about them in the article Eternal Love.

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