Friday, August 26, 2022

What other people think of Western "values"

An Orgy in Imperial Rome
by Henryk Siemiradzky

What does the decadent West have to offer the rest of the world? Abortion? Sodomy? Drag Queens? Transgender studies? In our private lives we can block out cultural decadence but each time we simply go to the grocery store or shop at the mall we're inundated with current Western "values". It's in our face everywhere from ripped jeans (jeans so ripped that it looks like the girl is wrapped in bare threads) to girls wearing shorts so short that the lower part of their buttocks shows.

One clothing store at the mall had large Marc Jacobs posters with a pregnant transgender man in a bikini and a transgender woman wearing a silver shift holding up a pink bottle of perfume. The posters were placed in the middle of a main aisle so that every person entering and exiting the store had to see them, including children. 

I'm so sick of this filth. So when I read this article it was interesting to see what Russians and people in other countries think of the West and the "values" we force upon them. Below are just a few of their comments.

- Western culture is decadent and made so by a counter culture that grew up post WW II. They described it as the age of Aquarius, when in truth it was the dawn of Satanism.

- The negative Western 'values' are not 'Western' nor do they have any value. They are alien to the decent men and women who inhabit the Anglo countries who have no time for critical race theory, LGBT and Trans twaddle, climate change nonsense, vaccine passports, ID cards, idea's of a cashless society, social credit scores, BLM lies, unisex toilets and shared changing rooms, Marxist Theory, stupid politicians, unreasonable laws, Pride marches, unmarried mothers, abortion on tap, loose morals, people with no principles and authoritarian local councils who daily consult their copy of Mao's Little Red Book - and similar things along those lines. So we reasonable people in the Anglosphere are probably very similar to decent Russian people - it's just that unfortunately, Russia got the politicians who care and who can think.

- What are the Western "values"? Faux freedom and democracy, proxy wars, dishonest government, identity politics, unfair taxes, high prices, vilifying Russia, and shoving LGBT+ and genders down everybody's throat?

- The West has become the new USSR. And they want to turn everyone ghey.

- The West used to be considered "Christian", if not in a religious sense, at least culturally. Today, those in media as well as those in government, are anti-Christian. Both groups promote values that are at odds with Christianity. All you have to do is to listen to speeches from 60 or 70 years ago made by politicians, or just watch old movies. Look at how religious people were portrayed in the 1950s or before. And look at what comes out of Hollywood today. Sadly, Western values today don't have much going for them.

- The majority of the world is disillusioned with Western 'woke' culture.

- Not surprising that it's the under 35 year-olds who think they see benefits in the cultural mores of the collective West. After all, it's a culture developed by immature, under-developed, childish minds, specifically for under developed, childish minds, thus it's such minds that will appreciate it. With a bit of maturity, comes the realization of the shallow meaningless emptiness of it, and a natural turning away.

- American Culture has become perverted, lawless, criminal, degenerate and sick. It is to be avoided at all costs.

- Actual American people are also disillusioned with so-called 'Western values'. 

- What values??? I live in N America, and witnessed a sharp HUGE decrease in any moral, ethical, social values - we have criminal governments, fake doctors and complacent idiotic police and army. Nobody protects our Constitution, rights, freedoms of choice over own body, speech, and all else. We are going to witness soon the switch migrations trends: from West to EAST ! Russia is the future, a beacon of morality, Christianity, culture and wisdom.

- We Africans also want to hold a free referendum on joining Russia

- Come on Russians! Western values? Do they have any? Biological weapons? Destruction of other nations? Aggressiveness? Injustices? Confiscating Russian assets abroad? Sending arms in Ukraine? Attacking Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Congo, Somalia, Rwanda, South Sudan, ..., LGBT? What values does the West really have? The world would be better without the West

- "Western values" is basically to be a mindless consumer even if it requires you to kill or loot.

- Russia needs to stay a safe haven from the globalist Left/woke culture and migrant invasions.

- German advisor Florence Gaub, in an attempt to dehumanize Russians, wants people to know that Russians are not like Europeans, that they do not value life in the same way that Western European nations do.
Question: The same Western European nations that launched not ONE but TWO World Wars?

- NATO is a diabolical aggressive bloc kept together by the HATE that the USA injects towards Russia

- It is not Western values that led us to the present political predicament. It is rampant corruption and a complete disregard for the law - the fundamental law in most Western countries being a republican Constitution where our fundamental rights and civil liberties were established by our founding fathers. These corrupt psychopaths (Bill Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg, Schwab, the Clintons, Bush, Biden, Obama) have broken the first law, which is the Constitution. When the Judicial and Legislative branches of power have also failed to establish order and legality, then the sovereignty automatically returns to the peoples, who have the right and the duty to rise up in arms and overthrow these evil creatures who want the whole world for themselves. These psychopaths deserve to be strung up from the highest branch in the tallest tree in town! Let's fight for our rights - we, the Sovereign, must rise up. We must follow the Maximilien Robespierre and Saint-Just example. We must behead the this monstrous hydra called globalism!

- The USA and the rest of the West do not respect other countries values...they're compelled to change the way others live.

- Ukraine is a good example of a country constantly looking for an identity, praising NAZIs and backing Terrorists

- The West has no values if one considerers a valuable as having some value. The West only has death. It fakes its money, its values, and everything else. It has no morals, no hope and no future. Americans are not better than a feedlot and they smell just about like one in a spiritual sense. Yes, American values are the Ukrainian ones. You can see where it goes.

- Right now the US is killing Russians for no good reason other than power and money. This regional dispute could have been resolved peacefully if Ukraine hadn't adopted Western "values".


  1. Even so, Russia is a critical instigator of Western collapse and is not to be trusted. "There is no such thing as former kgb" (Putin). Read anatoly golitysn. There was never a Nuremberg for Soviet union. Putin pretense at being Christian is exactly that.

    1. History is filled with people with stained pasts that God used for the betterment of souls. St. Paul the apostle, St. Augustine, St. Mary Magdalene are just three examples. I think we need to be careful about demonizing Vladimir Putin and assuming that because of his (alleged) kgb past, he’s irredeemable. Under his leadership, hundreds, if not thousands of churches in Russia have been re-opened, restored and even more have been built. And, none of those churches are a-frame monstrosities with mangled metal modernist “art” representing crucifixes. There are no drag Queen story times in Russia. No so-called gay marriage either. Marriages are up and abortion rates are down. All the wrong people in the world are hating on Russia right now (Biden’s, Bushes, Clinton’s, Gates, etc.) As I look around and see my country taking the express train to hell and the rise of the antichurch under Bergoglio, I’m envious of the good things that are happening in Russia. Russia is moving closer and closer to God while the rest of the world is going in the opposite direction.

  2. According to Solzhenitsyn, Putin was never an agent of the KGB. Just sayin'.

  3. From Britannica:
    "Putin served 15 years as a foreign intelligence officer for the KGB (Committee for State Security), including six years in Dresden, East Germany. In 1990 he retired from active KGB service with the rank of lieutenant colonel and returned to Russia to become prorector of Leningrad State University with responsibility for the institution’s external relations. Soon afterward Putin became an adviser to Sobchak, the first democratically elected mayor of St. Petersburg. He quickly won Sobchak’s confidence and became known for his ability to get things done; by 1994 he had risen to the post of first deputy mayor.

    In 1996 Putin moved to Moscow, where he joined the presidential staff as deputy to Pavel Borodin, the Kremlin’s chief administrator. Putin grew close to fellow Leningrader Anatoly Chubais and moved up in administrative positions. In July 1998 Pres. Boris Yeltsin made Putin director of the Federal Security Service (FSB; the KGB’s domestic successor), and shortly thereafter he became secretary of the influential Security Council. Yeltsin, who was searching for an heir to assume his mantle, appointed Putin prime minister in 1999."

    "Putin served 15 years as a foreign intelligence officer for the KGB (Committee for State Security), including six years in Dresden, East Germany. In 1990 he retired from active KGB service with the rank of lieutenant colonel and returned to Russia to become prorector of Leningrad State University with responsibility for the institution’s external relations. Soon afterward Putin became an adviser to Sobchak, the first democratically elected mayor of St. Petersburg. He quickly won Sobchak’s confidence and became known for his ability to get things done; by 1994 he had risen to the post of first deputy mayor.

    In 1996 Putin moved to Moscow, where he joined the presidential staff as deputy to Pavel Borodin, the Kremlin’s chief administrator. Putin grew close to fellow Leningrader Anatoly Chubais and moved up in administrative positions. In July 1998 Pres. Boris Yeltsin made Putin director of the Federal Security Service (FSB; the KGB’s domestic successor), and shortly thereafter he became secretary of the influential Security Council. Yeltsin, who was searching for an heir to assume his mantle, appointed Putin prime minister in 1999.

    Although he was virtually unknown, Putin’s public-approval ratings soared when he launched a well-organized military operation against secessionist rebels in Chechnya. Wearied by years of Yeltsin’s erratic behaviour, the Russian public appreciated Putin’s coolness and decisiveness under pressure. Putin’s support for a new electoral bloc, Unity, ensured its success in the December parliamentary elections"

    Alexander Dugin is a big pal of Putin.

    Remember Golitsyn prediction and the fact that Soviets never had a Nuremberg for all the genocide they committed. Putin acting Christian would fit right in with the plan.

    Remember also how Putin and XI plighted their troth at the Olympics this past winter.

  4. Ah Britannica: "Once upon a time, Encyclopedia Britannica was an authority to be reckoned with. From its famous first edition over two centuries ago to its fabled eleventh edition to the one from the post-WWII era now gathering dust in the house where I grew up, readers and researchers and the idle curious turned to Britannica for a trustworthy education on myriad subjects." (

    I'll stick with Soltzhenitsyn, a truth-teller to be trusted.

  5. Ah national review: "stuck with them, however. The point where the NR plane started to seem like it was heading downward was when the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, declaring a right to have one’s same-sex union recognized as a “marriage,” was handed down. Literary editor Mike Potemra, a wonderful if somewhat eccentric guy, celebrated this decision on the website, as did managing editor Jason Lee Steorts—who might be a libertarian but is not really conservative and who declared that arguments that failed to satisfy his understanding took on “the air of an insult.” The three-legged stool of foreign-policy conservatives, free marketeers, and social conservatives seemed to be sagging quite a bit."

  6. It amazes me the amount of “ink” spilled debating the person of Vladimir Putin, which to me indicates a successful PsyOp … conducted by U.S. Mass Media and their leftist masters.

    What is happening in Russia is interesting, but ultimately means little or nothing to me.

    What is happening in the U.S. is very interesting, important and means everything, from a worldly, secular perspective - my life and the future of my family depend on the outcome of the power struggle between PsyOp expert leftists who are attempting a coup by nullifying our Constitutional order of government via never-ending emergency totalitarian orders and an open southern border.

    And we are fixated on Putin. Wierd.

  7. Maybe you should look into the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko. A former KGB agent living in Britain who had defected. The Russian FSB (KGB rebranded) under Putin hunted him down and killed him with a dose of polonium more than 100 times the lethal dose, hoping that the use of radioactive material would cause an unexplained death. Also note polonium can only be created in a nuclear reactor.

  8. And maybe you should look into all the deaths that implicate Zelensky and his allies.

    I've read the book, Death of a Dissident, so I'm familiar with the Litvinenko case. It's interesting that now Putin is being accused of murdering one of the poisoners, Dmitry Kovtun, because he had connections to an intelligence agency of an unfriendly country. True? Who knows?

    Whatever the truth, let's look at it in realpolitik terms. Kennedy allegedly was planning the assassination of Fidel Castro shortly before his own murder. Three weeks before Kennedy's assassination the president of South Vietnam, Diem, was murdered and the CIA and the Kennedy administration were instrumental in the coup. Sickening that a Catholic was involved in the murder of an ally! Putin has plenty of company in the political world for any evil he's done. I'm not justifying any of it, I'm just sick of double standards.

    Your hero, Zelensky, is also implicated in murdering his political rivals including a number of pro-Russian mayors. The mayor of Kreminna, Volodymyr Struk, was kidnapped, tortured, and shot in the heart earlier this year. The Zelensky administration celebrated saying, "There is one less traitor in Ukraine." Who engineered Strok's murder? Cui bono?

    The Zelensky machine also may be behind the car-bombing of Russian nationalist Alexander Dugin's daughter this month. According to reports he and his daughter switched cars at the last minute. He was driving behind and witnessed the explosion.
    What a horrible thing for a father! Kyiv said they weren't involved. Do you believe them? As corrupt as they are?

  9. Here is an article in the Remnant that gives a very good perspective on Russia:

  10. You don't have to be a fan of zelensky to be a foe of Putin. Litvinenko is very apt example of something only Putin could do considering the plutonium.
    And do look at the dugin debate. You don't have to be for his assassination to be against his and Putin's program. And Putin xi has still not been addressed.

  11. "The Zelensky machine also may be behind the car-bombing of Dugin's daughter" - you didn't read much about that case, did you, Mary? Allow me to enlighten you to the facts of that. I suppose you didn't notice them, but you really don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to get it. The FSB version of the events says that it was a car bomb that killed Darya. If so, why Darya's buried in an open casket and even her face is intact? I've seen the aftermath of a real car bombing. You'd need to find the real Darya with a mop in that case - human bodies aren't built to survive explosives of that caliber! She'd be looking like a Russian soldier after a HIMARS shot - nothing but few bits and maybe dried blood would've been left of her. And what of the funeral itself? Why, there's even a photo of Alexandr Dugin, Darya's mom and some "Orthodox priest" telling jokes at the funeral and smiling! Shouldn't the man who've supposedly just lost his daughter be beside himself with grief? Somehow, there were never any jokes at any family member funerals that I went to... And who did the Ukrainians supposedly sent to assassinate Platonova-Dugina? They've sent... Natalya Vovk (somehow, she served in Azov Battalion despite no record of her serving anywhere and the battalion in question NEVER accepting women? And her ex-husband - a guy by the name of Andrey Vovk, a pro-Russian traitor that helped organize the Donbass "referendum" in 2014 also suggests that Natalya is herself very probably pro-Russian in the first place). Natalya was a journalist in Mariupol - she was such a great hitman that she was photographed with Dugin's family in a forest and was staying with Darya herself for two weeks beforehand - and, get this - chose not to, I don't know, do the hitman thing and silently cap the victim with a bullet or get her a dose of Novichok but, instead, travel to an out-of-town poetry festival, shut off the traffic cameras at the site of the "assassination" for two (!) weeks beforehand (sorry, but only FSB would've been able to done that) and then, blow her up with a car bomb (despite having no expertise at the stuff) in front of witnesses (some say that Dugin himself witnessed the blast)... And that's what you call an "assassination"? Oh, and the Investigative Committee solved the case so fast, too! Imagine; they couldn't (still isn't solved!) solve the case of Boris Nemtsov's murder for more than eight years (and the traffic cameras were mysteriously turned off there too, somehow) - but it took them under 24 hours to solve the entire chain of events pertaining to Darya Platonova-Dugina? And, somehow, the "Western enemy" that the Russia and her pet FSB "church" claim to fight - embodied by Pope Francis, our favorite heretic and Commie Pope - sends Dugin his compassion right away? Almost reminds me of the "make a mess" blessing for the young Commies...

  12. I just now searched this page for a certain word. Incredibly, this word—a word absolutely fundamental to the topic—doesn’t appear anywhere in the post or in the comments. This blindness (or censorship of the comments) is inexcusable.

    What is this word?


    Read this book immediately:

    The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, by E. Michael Jones

    Get it on the Fidelity Press site.

    And on Rumble see this:

    The Goy Guide to World History

    Wake up. It's time to get real; really real.

  13. I'm closing the comments on this. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know that both sides in the Ukraine/Russia conflict are filling the airwaves with propaganda. And neither side is innocent. The West provoked the war which gives them an excuse to pound Russia which is one of the few countries fighting the globalist agenda.

    And a message to all commenters. Insulting other commenters is against the comment rules. I allow more of it than I should. I'm also tired of dissertations. If you have that much to say, start your own blog!
