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Jesus bringing me ivermectin horse paste from the feed store |
In 1918 my grandfather died in Stafford, Virginia from the Spanish flu pandemic. He died, as did millions of others, from the Spanish flu's secondary infection: bacterial pneumonia. Therefore two years ago when I refused to get the Covid vaccine my younger daughter, trying to guilt-trip me into getting the shot, said, "You should be ashamed of yourself! If your grandfather had been able to have a vaccine he wouldn't have died!"
I explained that the millions of deaths from the Spanish flu were caused not because the flu was a viral infection and there was no vaccine, but because it turned into bacterial pneumonia and in 1918 the miracle drug of penicillin had not yet been discovered. It wasn't discovered until 1928 and even then not put on the market until 1942. In 1945 the three scientists involved in the development of penicillin were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Ivermectin is another miracle drug. It was discovered in 1975, approved for human use in 1987 and in 2015 the two men responsible for its discovery and development were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine. Ivermectin is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines and is approved by the FDA as an anti-parasitic agent so why is there such animosity against prescribing ivermectin to combat Covid? Ann Barnhardt explains that HERE. She answers all other ivermectin questions HERE.
Let's now fast forward to last week when I got Covid and was miraculously cured by ivermectin horse paste de-wormer. The horse paste is the same thing as an ivermectin people pill. For instance if an ivermectin pill is pounded into powder and a little bit of water added, it becomes paste....paste for horses or humans. Also, this isn't the first time I've taken horse medicine. In the race horse business we used to take "bute" (Phenylbutazone) on the fly if we couldn't get into town right away. Of course no one took an entire giant horse pill but rather just a small portion (crushed into powder) since we didn't weigh 1200 pounds.
I've refused to get the Covid shot for several reasons, the main one being unexpected side effects, one of which can be permanent headaches. Nine years ago I had a serious case of shingles of the left cornea and almost went blind in that eye. One of the residual effects of corneal shingles (among several others) are headaches on the left side of my head everyday 24/7 for the rest of my life. I've refused the two treatments offered - pain pills since I don't want to become addicted, and Botox injections under the scalp because...well...just no. I use only coffee and Goody powders to help curb the headaches and I don't want to risk having worse headaches as a result of Covid shots.
My friends (she and I went to nursery school together when we were 4 years old in Old Orlando and her husband and the rest of them I've known since we were 18 years old) who have a small ranch in Montana invited me to visit for a week. Several days before leaving I was incredibly tired. On the trip out, when walking through the Salt Lake City airport from one long terminal to another I was weak, shaky, tired and out of breath. The next day in Montana a few of us took a walk. I wore a heavy jacket because I was chilled, but turned around less than halfway because I was shaky, tired, out of breath and wanted to lie down. A few days later I began to cough. My face felt hot however I had a normal temperature. No fever at all.
I hacked and coughed all day Saturday, Saturday night and into Sunday morning and early afternoon. By that time I had a raging headache and my back hurt, more than likely from coughing so hard. The cough got worse and worse although I had no sore throat, no mucus discharge, no fever. Just a worsening cough that seemed oddly connected to nothing. At one point my friend gave me Sudafed which helped a bit for awhile but the cough returned with a vengeance.
All I could do was lie in bed miserable and coughing. Wistfully I thought of home 2,300 miles away and the three tubes of ivermectin horse paste in my cabinet. I thought of calling my doctor of 22 years but remembered that he retired on August 12th. His office is permanently closed and my medical records are in limbo waiting to be transferred to a new doctor who just left for Spain for two weeks. My friend asked if I wanted to go to the hospital but I told her no because they'd probably kill me.
Over the years whenever I had a bad cough the doctor would prescribe penicillin so I asked my friend if she had any penicillin in the house but she did not. Even though at the time - Sunday, two days ago - I had no idea that I had Covid, for some reason I realized that my only hope was to get ivermectin horse paste so asked her to stop by the feed store after Mass and pick some up.
She brought it back about 2:30 but when I opened up the tube it was different than what was in my cabinet in Florida. In Florida the ivermectin was a clear paste but what Montana's feed store had looked like Elmer's Glue. I looked up the recommended dosage on Ann Barnhardt's ivermectin dosage conversion table and took about a third of a teaspoon instead of one full teaspoon since I was confused... clear or opaque... were they the same thing? After about an hour I decided to email Ann to ask if there was a difference between the two pastes. She kindly emailed back and said they were the same. That was about 4:30 Sunday afternoon. At that time I took another 2/3 of a teaspoon of the horse paste.
Within 20 minutes I started feeling better and by 7pm was downstairs helping with dinner. The cough was waning fast, I ate all my supper then we watched a movie. I kept interrupting the movie...blurting out telling everyone how great ivermectin was, that it cured my cough...that it was a miracle. I kept saying, "Whatever that cough was, it's gone! Can you believe that?! The horse paste miraculously cured it!" (I still didn't know it was Covid.)
On Monday morning I was feeling great and marveled that just 24 hours prior I had been lying in bed completely debilitated from an ever worsening cough. Now I had no cough and felt fine when walking through the Denver airport from one terminal to another and was likewise fine all the way home to Florida. It wasn't until I got home at 10pm and took an at-home Covid test that one of my daughters had sent several months ago that I realized I had Covid. The test registered positive with a big purple line.
I was astounded that I had Covid. Then I marveled that the ivermectin horse paste had completely wiped it out of my body within three hours. After that I was happy because only one of my friends in Montana believed in ivermectin while the rest equated my taking it to "poisoning yourself with horse de-wormer". I was happy because they saw the miracle of ivermectin HORSE PASTE from the FEED STORE ($10) miraculously cure me in front of their eyes!
I realized that there was never a fever because there was never any bacterial infection. There was just a deep hacking cough that kept getting worse and worse. I kept wondering where the fever was...why my body temperature remained perfectly normal while the cough worsened.
So whatever thing causes Covid, it's immediately eradicated by ivermectin. A few hours after taking it the cough was GONE and I was up and about and eating - just like Jairus' daughter:
23 And he besought him much, saying: My daughter is at the point of death; come, lay thy hand upon her, that she may be safe, and may live.
40 And they laughed him to scorn. But he having put them all out, taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying:
41 And taking the damsel by the hand, he saith to her: Talitha, cumi; which is, being interpreted; damsel, (I say to thee) arise.
42 And immediately the damsel rose up, and walked: now she was twelve years old: and they were astonished with a great astonishment.
43 And he charged them strictly that no man should know it: and commanded that something should be given her to eat.
Yes! I bought a boat load of the injectable ivy. True story: my best friend's Dil has a golden retriever, he had quite a large tumor (cancerous, I believe). Vet said $10,000 + surgery with no guarantees, I told her to try ivermectin. Tumor is gone and dog is fine.....that was 18 months ago.
ReplyDeleteHi Debbie, my dog has a reoccurring benign tumour. Can you find out from your friend how they administered the ivy to their dog and how long did it take for the tumour to disappear as I would prefer not to have my dog undergo a second operation. Thanks.
DeleteDebbie I would be grateful if you could find out from your friend if the ivermectin was injected directly into the tumour or administered orally via food and drink.
DeleteI buy the Agrimectin and sip on it at the least sign of a cold or allergy—-miracle drug!
ReplyDeleteI take the "Vitamin I" every 2 weeks as a preventative. I use the paste/gel too. Never a side effect and have not been sick this whole time. Would never ever take any jabs. Period.
ReplyDeleteHello! Can you pls share the exact brand you use? I wrote a comment below about vision probs
Have the tests changed since the peak of the madness? My best recollection of their accuracy is that they gave a high percentage of false negative results, and a high percentage of false positives. Further the *tests* were manufactured by the same people that stand to gain by high numbers of *positive* results.
ReplyDeleteIt is really wonderful that your ailments have departed. We all should have a supply put back, just for events like your story here. Peace.
Of course, whether you had "Covid" or not is based on a test which may or may not detect what's called SarsCoV2, and that the latter actually exists. Nonetheless, that was a great story. As you said, the wonder drug knocked out whatever was ailing you, and it did it faster than you could even get checked into an emergency room. Everyone should keep some in the refrigerator at all times.
ReplyDeletedo not keep in refrigerator--------check the bottle for directions---room temp I believe
DeleteFighting cancer with Methadone. I’ve lost 3 family members to cancer. I began prophylactic treatment with methadone and Laetrile 10 years ago. I am cancer free. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QwosuhFe1rkR/
ReplyDeleteI took it last fall when I had the crud. Used the injectable with an oral dose as Miss B suggests. I had AWFUL vision side effects; double vision, head spinning, it was dreadful. Almost had a couple of accidents because my depth perception was whacked. I stopped taking it and everything went back to normal. I've heard that can be a side effect. I didn't get markedly sick, but it didn't knock it out immediately either. I was sad because I WANTED it to work!
ReplyDeleteI had scary vision effects using the swine/cattle injectable (bimectin) orally also! I thought nothing of it, because I’d heard that was possible. I think it helped clear my covid in Nov 2021, but I’d been on nebulized Budesonide for 8 months for asthma by then. Months later I thought I’d try it prophylactically, but the vision side effects were even scarier, so I stopped. THEN 2 months later I had to have emergency laser iridotomy for narrow angle glaucoma in one eye, and in the other to prevent another emergency situation. I wonder if this particular ivm brand is problematic.
DeleteI’ve had the same side effects with ivermectin tablets (human). Can we please stop acting as if the veterinary ivermectin is something special/different?
DeleteThank you for your comment! I too had vision effects that made it difficult to want to continue the I. Felt like I was doing something bad to my body so I stopped after three doses. I followed Ann’s dosing to a T and tried to blow off her mention of vision side effects. Mine wasn’t double vision or floaters. It was as if I was constantly standing underneath a ceiling fan that was throwing shadows all over the room. Constant movement. If that makes sense. Well here I am with a cough (only bad at night oddly) that’s been keeping me up for two weeks. Any suggestions? Is it worth trying a different Ivermectin? Thank you for sharing your comments about vision probs!
Aspen ivermax is the one I took by the way. Anyone with the vision probs take that one?
We had a similar experience. We are both 70 and unvaccinated. My husband caught covid on a trip to AZ. The night we got back to Texas, he had a fever of 102 and the chills. He immediately dove into 30 mg of Ivermectin which we had bought in tablet form. The next day he was SOOOOOO much better, low fever, no chills and over the next four days he came right.
ReplyDeleteI was slower to take my Ivermectin but when I upped the dose to what Americas Frontline Doctors suggest... bingo.... It was surprisingly mild, probably thanks to the Ivermectin. I'd suggest hit it hard before it worsens.
Sad that so many suffer because of the lies told about this drug.
I was in India for business in June, a saga to get there....i was the first unjabbed person the Singapore Airlines staff ever checked in. In India Ivermectin is available over the counter, i bought 60 x 12mg tablets, all good.
ReplyDeleteHad a hell of a time getting back to Singapore....no jab, it really confused the check-in and immigration staff. They don't read their own documentation, go figure.
Anyhow, all good. Had Covid in feb, a mild flu for 4 days is all.
What a scam this has all been.
Mark 5:25-29
ReplyDelete25 And a woman who was under an issue of blood twelve years,
26 And had suffered many things from many physicians; and had spent all that she had, and was nothing the better, but rather worse,
27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the crowd behind him, and touched his garment.
28 For she said: If I shall touch but his garment, I shall be whole.
29 And forthwith the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the evil.
Note particularly verse 26 and realise that medical malpractice was already long and well established by Jesus' time.
Mark 5:25-29
ReplyDelete25 And a woman who was under an issue of blood twelve years,
26 And had suffered many things from many physicians; and had spent all that she had, and was nothing the better, but rather worse,
27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the crowd behind him, and touched his garment.
28 For she said: If I shall touch but his garment, I shall be whole.
29 And forthwith the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the evil.
Note particularly verse 26. Sounds familiar? Medical malpractice was already long and well established by Jesus' time!
BTW, I fully support use of Ivermectin. I visited a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice a couple of months ago and asked for a dark-field microscopic live blood analysis. Within a couple of minutes, my wife and I were looking at my blood on a large monitor. The TCM doctor within seconds identified parasites swimming in my blood. The good thing about LBA is that you can see what the doctor can see - not just numbers (which only relate to substances tested for), but also qualitative, visual information (that doesn't look right ...). I had some spare horse paste Ivermectin I'd been saving in case of Covid. Took one 0.2mg/kg dose, retired to bed with a bit of a headache and slightly raised temperature and woke up next morning absolutely fine.
Most likely parasites came from salmon sashimi or sushi, which Japanese never have, but is popular in other parts of Asia, such as Hong Kong.
To anonymous who says: “ I’ve had the same side effects with ivermectin tablets (human). Can we please stop acting as if the veterinary ivermectin is something special/different?” Are you saying you had side effects affecting your eyes? Thanks, if you reply! I’m the one who got glaucoma requiring laser iridotomy surgery.
ReplyDeleteThere are no viruses. There is no COVID. It's been a fraud from Day 1. Once I found out, I threw away my "McCollough Protocol." Yes, he is a fraud too as is Malone and a bunch of other clowns. If I had only known then what I know now (sigh).
ReplyDeleteDunno buddy. The polio vaccine works. Small pox vaccine works. What are they vaccinating against then?
DeleteJust because you watch a video of a well thought out hypothesis does not make it true, its just a hypothesis like all the others.
Koch's postulates should be your guide on this.
Incidentally, the HIV AIDS hypothesis fails Koch's postulates so it seems HIV does not cause AIDs. Why do we think it does? Because if HIV causes AIDs then Fauci's NIAID gets the 4billion in funding for research.....so it MUST BE a virus, else Tony doesn't get the money.
See how how this works?
At least we can obtain veterinary ivermectin. Ivermectin tablets for humans are forbidden by the CDC for use in curing covid.
ReplyDeleteMy paste is green gel apple flavor. I took it when I had C but I'm not sure I took the right dose and I didn't know how often to take it. It was before Ann posted her dosing chart. I'm not sure I took enough because I was sick for 15 days, fever for 6. But I still have it and used it once when I felt a sniffle. My doc actually prescribed it to me and my husband too! Just 3 doses, but still. Good doc. I gave it to my kids too and they only had the C for one day.
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I had Covid back in March 2022 and we immediately started on the paste. Within 4 days mine was gone and my wife’s 6 days. No side effects what so ever! I would recommend to anyone who doubts it…
ReplyDeleteMy experience has been with the horse paste and there was never any vision problem with that. The exact brand in Florida is Durvet. Not sure what the brand in Montana was. I have not used the liquid form. Go to the links for Ann Barnhardt's site where you'll find all the information you need.
Thank you!
DeleteI use Noromectin, which is the generic brand. I also have Durvet Ivermectin. 1% sterile solution. I got whatever the local feed store had available, back when I was stocking up. I have given away half my stock and still have six bottles. I use a syringe to measure 2ml into a splash of water, and that's that. I take it whenever I feel like it, as a preventative - nothing fancy, just drink it down from time to time. Doesn't taste great, but not terrible. I have had zero side effects. And I haven't been sick since ... I don't know when.
ReplyDeleteThe thing I like about Ivermectin, as a concept, is that it is (apparently) an anti-parasitic, parasites being far more common inside than we can imagine (apparently). And from what I can gather, Ivermectin is *safer than aspirin*, *assuming* you are taking the injectable or the paste (*not* the ointment, which is dangerous).
I got the same kind of crud about 3 months ago. I felt a terrible congestion in my chest. I had bought the pony paste (gel apple flavor) last year. After the first dose, I immediately felt a lot better. I did need another 2 doses and even after that, I had a linger mild dry cough. I use homepathic meds as needed and so I took the one for dry coughs and poof, I'm back to normal.