Sunday, October 23, 2022

It's not just money any more. We're sending troops to Ukraine. WW III anyone?

The war uniparty is at it again. 4700 troops from the 101st airborne division have been deployed to the Ukraine border with Romania to engage in war games. WAR GAMES!
Another uber-escalation of tensions! Who benefits from all this? Not the American people in flyover country, that's for sure. It's our children and grandchildren who will be the cannon fodder going forward. 

Who profits? The military/industrial complex for sure. And all the elitists in business and government with their hands in the pockets of the American people while they conspire with corrupt foreign governments taking bribes. (Consider the corrupt Biden and Clinton families.) War makes money for lots of people while it sends American kids home in body bags. 

Who are you voting for in the midterms? If your only choice is between two pro-abortion warmongers, write your own name on the ballot. Otherwise, choose the one who will do the least damage. Unfortunately, many Republicans who look good before the vote turn into establishment hacks when they walk into the Capitol. I just sent a donation to Kari Lake in Arizona. She appears to be the real deal. And if we can only get more state governors with backbone, they can start pushing back against the feds. It really is time to secede from our corrupt central despotism!

But the first thing for all of us is to increase our prayer and sacrifice through Our Lady. She told us at Fatima how to achieve peace. We need to pray the rosary daily and accept every suffering in our lives in atonement for the sins of the world. 

Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.



  1. That is designed to get Putin's goat. But really: the 101st merely replaced the 82nd Airborne, which came home. Further, the 101 is in NO WAY capable of overcoming the heavy infantry Russia has deployed in Eastern Ukraine, much less in Mother Russia. The 101 may be troublesome to the Russkies, but that's about it.

    This is another propaganda move for Americans who love war movies and another irritant to Putin.

  2. Indeed, it is time to personally secede from the current corrupt regime in the federal government.

    Do not join their military.
    Do not send your children to their schools.
    Pray for their eternal souls as you avoid them.

  3. So... On one hand, the USA is considered "cowardly" for leaving decent Afghanis to die to the Taliban; at another time, it's also apparently guilty of everything when it sends just one piddly division for war games? Since when people think that the USA will actually fight for Ukraine? We won't have it that easily. In our history, it's a hard rule that no great power will fight for Ukraine - they only will fight against it. So I'm not sure about these "fears of war" from people who never knew war on their own shores.

  4. There is alot to unpack here and I'll make some comments and observations just because I'm a good observer.

    In one respect Dad29 is correct (I read Dad29 blog everyday), it is designed to get Putin's goat. But, as the Napoleon once observed "a dog fight can turn in to a war very fast".

    My general sense is that the folks in our leadership both state dept and military are incompetent and dangerous fools. No different than the great powers backing the small with foolish alliances that lead to commitments that should have been completely expected. WW1.

    mr slav is also correct. The most devastating war in our history was the civil war. Parts of Virginia were completely destroyed and occupied with the rest of the south. Look at contemporary photo's of Richmond in 1865 or the Shenandoah valley 10 years past that. That level of devastation is unheard of for the USA, And, many think (wrongfully) that is cant happen. Nukes?

    Washington was right to tell us to avoid foreign entaglements. I'm the first to admit I got sucked in to Iraq mess. I thougth that was the right thing to do. I dont anymore after learning all the lies told. No more. No more white soldiers killing each other. I have more to dread from my own leaders like Biden, Newsome than I do from Putin or any Russian soldier.

  5. In one respect, Slav is correct: the current generation of political elites have never seen a war in American soil. This is why that same elite is so quick to send us to battle: they will never suffer the political consequences of that decision. Their homes will never be touched, their lives will never be in danger.

    No, it is our sons (and now daughters) who will risk their lives, while destroying the lives and livelihoods of some innocent people in some faraway land. We will send arms and promises , which only serve to prolong the death, and then, when politically expedient, send boots over...all while they benefit with power and money.

  6. Mary,

    My intention was to state that America never knew anything like WW1, WW2 or any of the really big devastating European wars like the Thirty-Years War on it's own soil (or any of the other 20th century horrors that Ukrainians - and most Eastern Europeans - faced). Compared to the devastations that Europe went through in these events, the USA were actually were lucky to not face anything like that. Were the British, the Indians or the Mexicans wiping entire cities off the map with aerial bombardments? Were the Americans ever herded into concentration camps (discounting stupid actions by racists like FDR) by an occupier government? I dare say that the American casualties didn't exceed 2/3rd of a million in any war on American lands. In every conflict - even the Civil War - the USA held overall superiority. No enemy it faced on it's shores could actually win and subjugate it. Every enemy it faced was handicapped - Brits were all but bankrupt during the Revolutionary War and were outnumbered in 1812, American Indians were a bloody joke and had massive inferiority in numbers, Spain was a colonial power that seriously fell behind the times and Mexico was on the level of Spain. This is not the case with Ukraine, which is historically seen as a welcoming rag for every two-bit Eastern horde or a Western colonial imperialist; the Western imperialists always had technological advancements while the Eastern hordes always had the raw numbers. It got far worse starting from the 18th century, when even Russia begun to get some serious technological advances and no amount of folk rebellions were ever gonna overthrow the occupying empires that could afford to send hundreds of thousands - later, even millions - of soldiers into any war. Oh, and on the rare chance that some of these empires beaten the crap out of each other at some time and we used the chance to try and get our independence? It was no use. As soon as some of these empires recovered, we got invaded and occupied. Again. And in every such invasion, up to hundreds of thousands died each time (later, millions), nevermind all the centuries-long oppression that grinded down our intelligentsia and ordinary people. The worst part is when we got allies somehow, they were too weak to do anything - as Lithuanians, despite being very friendly to us, got suckered into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth like we did. Sweden and Turkey? Oh, that happened just when Peter the First updated his very sizeable army and navy to the latest European standards and managed to, at different periods, beat the crap out of both countries along with us.

  7. I thank God we haven't seen anything like WW I and WW II, but I live in the Shenandoah Valley famous for "The Burning." Women, old people and children were driven from their homes which were pillaged and burnt. The photos look a lot like the ravaged cities of Europe. Sheridan bragged to Lincoln that he'd turned the valley into a wasteland. The scorched earth policy was later studied by some of Hitler's staff who came to Monterey, VA and stayed in the historic hotel there. Yes, our country has seen some devastating and barbaric battles, Gettysburg and Antietam among them.
