Tuesday, December 27, 2022

After Christmas Day Random Thoughts: Celebration Time

1. It's only the third day of Christmas and already the Christmas decorations are coming down and the real trees are being dragged out to the curb. REALLY, PEOPLE, THE SEASON JUST STARTED! 


2. We are having a second Christmas dinner with our youngest and her family tomorrow, and I will make a chicken roaster with all the trimmings including a special punch with sherbet that the kids will enjoy and libations for the adults. Hmm...perhaps Irish coffee will make it to the menu.

3. The days are getting longer and after the short frigid cold snap, temps are supposed to be up to 60 degrees by next week. If that's global warming, I'll take it.  Actually, I remember many warm Christmases from my childhood. All the "climate change" hysteria is ridiculous. Can everyone please settle down and act like grownups?

4. Today is three French hens day from the Twelve Days of Christmas song. We don't have any French hens, but our ISA Browns, our Orpington, our Plymouth Blue, and our Americauna hens all weathered single digit temperatures well and are still laying like champs. If you are in the area, come visit us for an egg-cellent treat made with our chickies' eggs and our bees' honey.


Christmas isn't over until the Baptism of the Lord, or, if you want to celebrate as long as possible, until Candlemas Day on February 2nd.

Have a holy and happy Christmas Season.


  1. Christmas until February 2, as is the practice of the Ukrainian Catholic parish which I attend. Our artificial tree has been known to stay up until almost Ash Wednesday --inertia: the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest.

  2. Have to laugh at your comment. One year I couldn't bring myself to take the decorations down. It wasn't inertia; it was love for the lights and the cheerfulness. Finally did take them down on Ash Wednesday. Not sure what will happen this year. I'm certainly not taking anything down before February 2nd!

  3. I began decorating on Christmas Eve and I’m still working on getting everything up so Candlemas it will be. Tomorrow is forecast to be 70 degrees here so I will work on putting the outside lights up. Merry Christmas!!!

  4. Your climate comment made me chuckle. Indeed, calm down everyone! We will be going to look at Christmas lights today. There is a local park that has a beautiful set up. With temperatures rising, we’ll be able to comfortably walk through.

    From a mostly silent reader, Mrs. T
