Thursday, December 1, 2022

Are We Catholics "In Season and Out of Season?"

Heaven is NOT inclusive! Don't lose it for the fleeting pleasures of this world!

I'm a fan and follower of Mundabor's blog and found this statement on today's post sobering: 
Paradise is not really inclusive, and in hell there is absolutely no compassion. In fact, not even the blessed souls in paradise have any compassion for the damned. The damned have obtained what they have deserved. That’s it. Every form of “sadness” for the damned is simply not compatible with the unimaginable (to the human mind) happiness the souls enjoy in paradise; a happiness that is fuelled by the constant knowledge that everything is exactly as it should be, and no damned soul is allowed to disturb this perfect harmony in the least degree.

In paradise, no mother has any sadness, and therefore any compassion (that is: the ability to suffer with another one), for her damned son. Let that sink in.
He was talking about the loss of faith in Britain and the decline of Christianity. Among his points he described the types of homilies that come out of the mouths of woke Catholic bishops who are more likely to tickle ears than preach the unadulterated and sobering truth. How many souls will be lost because of lukewarm bishops who rarely, if ever, preach the hard truth which cuts like a surgeon's knife. No, they prefer to allow the cancer to grow. And if one of their younger physicians dares to wield the sterile instrument of truth to admonish the sinner and attempt to cut out the sin, he will quickly find himself on the butcher's table being cut to ribbons himself by his spiritual father bishop.

Sad times, eh?

Mundabor ends his post saying:
Let me put it bluntly: you can’t try to find points in common with the enemies of Christ. It is fully irrelevant that, in their own stupid way, they want “a better world”. The problem is exactly that they don’t want Christ and His commandments in it.

We are called to be Catholics in season and out of season.

To my knowledge, not one single prelate, here in England, is up to the task.

This is why Christianity declines.

I would like to think Mundabor is wrong and he likely is. There must be at least ONE bishop in England who follows in the footsteps of Christ. If not, may the Lord raise one up.

We suffer the same drought here in the U.S. among our hierarchy. So many, especially those most honored by Rome, are wolves tearing the faithful, especially priests, limb from limb if they dare to cling to and profess the truth. But I could still mention several bishops who seem to be truth-tellers who love the flock. 

Let us commit this Advent to praying for our priests, those lowly pastoral associates, pastors, and bishops. And pray for seminarians who have no idea of the challenges they face from bishops who will happily sacrifice them on the altar of woke politics and media criticism. I've seen too many good men thrown under the bus by bishops who were more concerned about their image than about the souls under their care. 

But maybe we are getting the men we deserve because of our own lukewarm attitude. I need to give that some serious thought. Am I willing to really sacrifice for the priests in my life or am I too attached to my own pathetic little pleasures?

Mea culpa!

1 comment:

  1. hieronymous of logictownDecember 1, 2022 at 10:02 AM

    Mundabor fails to realize or refuses to acknowledge that the fall is due to marriage to the state. Catholicism has had the same problem for the same reason. Marriage to the state only works out so long as the state considers Christianity useful to its aims. State married churches fall apart after the state no longer finds them useful: this is why Vatican I and then II happened! Only churches that are independent of the state can carry Christianity forward into the future now because all states are hostile to Christianity now. The Catholic church is trying to remarry the state and therefore doesn't mind if it has to be a gay marriage: that's what Vatican II and its aftermath like the Synod on Synodality is about. To marry GAE the RCC must endorse gay marriage as its the only marriage GAE is interested in, and therefore the RCC is fallen, as the Anglicans fell as well. The Episcopalians are also married to the Yabkee Empire since the Civil War: they are the state religion of the North, the Yanks, the Feds, that keep persecuting the South, but the South persists in Christianity due to following a variety of de-centralized churches like Baptists, Church of Christ, Pentecostals, etc.
