Monday, December 12, 2022

Blooper deleted my post on the damage of shooting up with the CO**D thingy!

Really! We're all brainless children who need to be protected by the ignorant bots run by the Blooper fascists who want to exercise mind control on anyone stepping off the woke path.

Nobody is allowed to know the truth and if you encourage people to do the research with links to the reputable docs telling the truth, "Bye-Bye Blooper post." They make Pravda and China's thought control media look like pikers.

Well, thanks be to God, the post was copied and pasted in toto at a colleague's site that is not on Blooper's stinking platform. Go read it there to see the dangerous info Blooper doesn't want you to know. I urge you to share it with others who are totally clueless about the danger of letting the guys in white lab coats shoot you up.

I was at a party yesterday with square dancing friends and got into a conversation with one who will get every needle as soon as it's offered. Sadly, most of those folks are in the true believer class. (I wonder if they burn candles in front of Dr. Science's icon.) But it's no wonder when the truth is being deplatformed, suppressed, and censored by the Big Media accomplices. 

I need to talk to my son-in-law about getting off Blooper and moving to a more hospitable platform that recognizes the value of free speech. 


  1. Take heart. You’re getting flak because you’re over the target. Heheh…..Blooper. Indeed! Mike B

  2. Make a backup. Then switch to substack.

  3. God Bless Mark Docerty for posting this very important post on his site. Keep up the good fight Mary Ann and Susan. God WILL reward you for all you’re doing. Death to freemasonry and all its rotten fruits (I.e. Google). Christ the King now and forever.
