Friday, December 30, 2022

Canada's Woke Blades of Glory and the Gender-Fluid West

1966 2022 Movie - A Man and A Man...
...because no one knows what a woman is anymore

"God removed His hand of protection and gave the people over to depraved minds"

"Skate Canada has updated its policy so that ice dance or pairs competing domestically can consist of any two athletes. Canada's governing body for figure skating announced Tuesday that it is changing its definition of team for athletes who train on the podium pathway to two skaters. The previous definition was a woman and a man."

"Skate Canada is pleased to be advancing its Skating for Everyone initiative with the updated definition of team in the Podium Pathway for pair and ice dance teams. The Podium Pathway definition of team will be revised to a team consists of two skaters. The previous definition of team was one woman and one man. That definition was inconsistent with Skate Canada's vision of Skating for Everyone and Skate Canada's commitment to non-discrimination, including non-discrimination based on gender identity."

Marine Corps may drop "yes sir" for gender equity

"The Marine Corps paid  $2 million for a report studying the effects of teaching recruits to discard sir and ma'am for genderless drill instructor because it would underscore the importance of respecting authoritative figures regardless of gender."

"The report reveals that the Marine Corps lags behind other branches in training men and women closely together. It says training staff in three of six branches of the military no longer use gender identifiers still commonplace in the Corps.

Gender fluid IDs "to bring whole self to work"

The UK's Civil Service Trans+ Staff Diversity Network offers secondary gender fluid ID passes so colleagues can "bring whole self to work".

"Colleagues who are gender fluid/non-binary/multigender and/or transgender may express their identity differently at different times. To assist them in bringing their 'whole self to work' they were told they may apply for a secondary pass or identity card. Both passes with different photographs are linked to the same staff number..... This is to make sure all colleagues feel welcome in the workplace."

                                     Theme from 1966 movie A Man and a Woman


  1. Olympics next? When that happens, I'm done with watching.

  2. "Drill Instructor"? Isn't that rather offensive since it is a masculine form? "Drill Instructrix" would be the feminine form. Should not the US Marines use the form "Drill Instruction Person" in order to be gender inclusive and senstitive to all alphabet lifestyles?

  3. The sir/maam article is deceiving I think or the author is confused. I think it means they are dropping maam and calling everyone sir just like in Hollywood movies since 2008.

  4. "Drill instructor" is also not indicative of the respect the position holds. "Sir" is. It doesn't have the same snap, but wokeism does not concern itself with what actually works.
    The scene and music from A Man and a Woman makes me homesick for the world I knew, as I'm sure it does many. This world is certifiable, a carnival show, but a tragic one for children and young people. I lament they have to grow up in it.

    At least in the states not enough people care about wokeism and the fallout to children. I know people going to Disney as if nothing had changed. They are literally supporting the organization that is blatantly about grooming children. It's a mad world.
