Sunday, December 18, 2022

"Curiouser and Curiouser:" Living in the Francis Bizarro Church!

I would have said "Wonderland," but there is nothing of "wonder" in anything that comes out of the Francis Vatican these days, only of the bizarre. Let's look at some of the latest abominations:

1. Vatican dismissal of Fr. Pavone -- Yes, it's true, crazy but true, and one more event that damages belief of faithful Catholics in the legitimacy and authority of Rome. Here's Fr. Pavone's response to this abomination.

You can read more about it in the articles below:

Vatican dismisses Father Frank Pavone from priesthood 
Apparently this was done without notifying Fr. Pavone. What are the facts? When was the canonical trial? What opportunities was he given to defend himself? If you read the biography of Archbishop Lefebvre, something similar happened to him. The Vatican has become a rogue state!
Catholic Bishop Condemns Vatican Dismissing Pavone: “The Blasphemy is This Holy Priest is Canceled”  Thank God for Bishop Strickland who wasn't afraid to put his neck on the line defending the pro-life activist priest. Remember the pathetic bishops of England who went along with the attack on marriage by Henry VIII? There was only one brave bishops, St. John Fisher who remained faithful to the truth. Can anyone take seriously a Vatican that names pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia "experts" to the Pontifical Academy for Life Death, treats the evil Jesuit, Fr. James Martin, like an icon of pastoral compassion, and betrays and abandons the faithful priests of the underground Chinese church and Cardinal Zen?

LifeSiteNews has a petition you can sign.  

2. Rumors report that Bishop Heiner Wilmer will replace Cardinal Ladaria as head of the CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) as soon as tomorrow. 

Bishop Heiner Wilmer, this Catholic Moment, and the Catholic FutureIf that happens, it will be one more assault on Doctrine and Tradition. Wilmer is fully supportive of the German Synodal path which will gut sexual moral teaching and pave the way for women's ordination if embraced by the Church. The timing is interesting for this rumor and even more interesting if the pope names this radical to the important position. 

Catholic World Report recently described Ladaria's critique of the German Synodal Path, the path Cardinal Mueller said would be a "hostile takeover" of the Church if adopted: his address to the German bishops gathered in Rome in late November, Cardinal Ladaria offered a calm but devastating theological critique of the German Synodal Path that Bishop Wilmer so fervently supports – and which he in fact embodies. In that address, the cardinal reminded German Catholicism that it is part of a universal Church that has settled teachings on the goods of human love and its expression; a Church that must reject gender ideology as incompatible with the biblical Word of God; a Church that is governed by bishops by the will of Christ; a Church that has determined that it has no authority to admit women to Holy Orders; and a Church that reads the “signs of the times,” not through opinion polling among ill-catechized Catholics, but through the lens of ancient, timeless, and irreformable convictions grounded in revelation.

So what can we presume about the Vatican if Wilmer is named? Nothing good! 

It's time for some serious fraternal correction of the pope. Who will do it? Our U.S. episcopacy seems unlikely. Most appear to be ideological liberals at worst and do-nothing-to-rock-the-boat cowards at best. Which is why we should say a prayer of gratitude for Bishop Strickland and send hims a message of gratitude. 

We need to pray for our bishops that they will not run away from Jesus when times get tough like the Apostles in the Garden of Olives, but run to him as the great prophet of Advent urges. Isaiah says this: "They that hope in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall take wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." (Is. 40:31) And if the bishops refuse to do their duty, we must not imitate them, but take up the staff and call for repentance and renewal like that other great prophet of Advent, St. John the Baptist. Remember, John was a layman. Let us imitate him and the prophet Isaiah by loving God above all things and loving His law. Reject evil especially when it is embraced by hierarchy speaking with forked tongues. They are not serving Christ, but anti-Christ.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


  1. This is what you get for not protesting Vatican ONE. It made the pope an unquestionable dictator. Rail against Vatican two till the end of time, but its a waste od time. Vatican ONE was even more hererical.

  2. "It's time for some serious fraternal correction of the pope. Who will do it?"

    Nobody! Because Vatican ONE gave him the ability to fire bishops at will! The culmination of the wer dream of the evil pope that caused the Great Schism! Finally his successors have the power he desired! And with it they've burned the Western Catholic church to the ground! and salted the earth.

  3. I've been reading the documents of Vatican I and they do not give the pope unlimited power. Jesus Himself called Peter "the Rock." After mentioning previous councils' respect for papal teaching, comes this paragraph which gives the pope very limited infallibility:

    "Therefore, faithfully adhering to the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith, to the glory of God our savior, for the exaltation of the Catholic religion and for the salvation of the Christian people, with the approval of the Sacred Council, we teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman Pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA, that is, when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church, he possesses, by the divine assistance promised to him in blessed Peter, that infallibility which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals. Therefore, such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are of themselves, and not by the consent of the Church, irreformable."

    Only a few times in history have doctrines been defined infallibly. You need to make your case to prove your contention that Vatican I was heretical and made the pope "an unquestionable dictator." You have not done so. Just making a statement and repeating it multiple times is not an argument. Prove it! How was it heretical? And how did it make the pope a dictator?

    1. The quote: "in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority". As You can see, that statement, can be manipulated, by any person ando people in charge there are specialized in doing so.

  4. Archbishop Vigano needs to come out of hiding and take charge.

  5. The majority of the Bishops are approvers of the heretical Bergolio agenda. It is only going to get worse without Divine intervention. Is the Church headed by Bergolio still the Catholic Church founded by Jesus? A sincere question. I know the Church of Jesus exist and always will. I am no longer sure where that Church is.

    1. Anonymous, according to Fr. Linus Clovis and Ann Barnhardt: The Catholic Church and the AntiChurch currently co-exist in the same Sacramental, Liturgical and Juridical space. Problem is neither one can tell you which one you're at at any given time. Apparently God resides with evil now.

  6. Sigh. What none point out is that pavone has been a steady supporter of president warp speed, even after j6 and after the year trump authorized the quack national emergency, platformed fauci, and rolled money out to democrat! Governors to lockdown. Pavone is still sending emails promoting every one of democrat Trump's rallies. Given Trump's rape exceptions and his choice to emphasize states rights instead of the inalienable right to life, I question the priorities of pavone.
