Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Don't You Wish You Could Do to Your Budget What the Feds Do? Print Money!

Written in the blood of taxpayers!

I was at the hospital yesterday getting blood work done. It felt like a metaphor of what the Biden administration is doing to the taxpayers these days. (Not that bleeding the taxpayers is anything new or restricted to Democrats!) The phlebotomist taking my blood was a delightful young mom with a four-year-old. She was telling me how she has nothing extra this year to buy gifts. She lives in an apartment building with her parents on the floor upstairs and an elderly friend downstairs. Her son and her cat roam the building freely among these loving neighbors.

My heart was lifted just talking to her! What a blessing to meet someone who knows the true meaning of Christmas. The Grinches in Washington had no power to turn her into their mirror image. She was like the folks down in Whoville singing Christmas carols around the tree stripped by the Grinch. 

That's exactly what Congress hopes to give us all for a Christmas gift this year, a barren Christmas tree. McConnell and Schumer were busy working together to pass a 1.7 TRILLION DOLLAR omnibus spending bill before going home to their own rich homes to eat, drink, and be merry at the expense of the slave population they hold in contempt. Ho-Ho-Ho! The busy little elves want to put the bill on Santa Joe's desk before they leave on the 23rd. Were they thinking of the elderly on fixed incomes or all the small business owners who shuttered their shops forever due to the draconian and unnecessary mandates? 

Whenever I drive to Frederick, MD to visit my sister in a nursing home, I pass a lovely restaurant where I often went coming home to enjoy a meal with whoever traveled with me that day. It had Tiffany lamps and a permanent Nativity and Christmas room. Sometimes we sat in the booth built from an old horse-drawn carriage. The placemats had half a dozen grace before meal prayers used by different denominations. I loved going there!

They closed during the COVID debacle. While I don't know the details,  I suspect the mandates did them in after almost 60 years in the restaurant business. What a sad loss!

I have a silly young relative who doesn't get economics at all. We engaged in a back-and-forth on Facebook once where she ridiculed me for thinking the government needed to budget like a family does. It was a head-shaking incident with a child. Of course she's right. The government can legally print all the money on worthless paper they want, leading to the devaluing of the currency and its buying power and massive inflation. If you do that in your basement, you go to jail. 

We're seeing the impact of inflation right now as the young mom at the hospital said. Been to the grocery store lately? Eggs are over $4.00 a dozen which makes me glad I had the foresight to get chickens. Of course, their food has gone up as well, but I can use free pine needles for their bedding and I do, and we don't waste a scrap of food!

Despite everything, God is still in charge and we would be remiss if we didn't recognize that "All things work together for good for those who love Him and serve according to His purpose." Sometime it's hard to see the good He's bringing out of a bad situation, but we can be confident that it's there. Hard times often turn people back to God. So may we all have confidence in Him and stay close to Mary, our guardian angels and our patron saints. 

1 comment:

  1. I believe you are referring to the Shamrock. I went to the Mount and the Shamrock was always a treat. I was hoping to go there in June but unfortunately the spot that it was located in now empty. God bless your site is wonderful. Thank you
