Friday, March 10, 2023

German Church Votes to Approve Same Sex Blessings! One More Rotten Fruit from the Synodal Way.

While Rome crusades to stamp out the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacred Tradition in the name of "unity," the real apostles of disunity and heresy, the German Church, just passed a resolution calling on Holy Mother Church to bless sodomite unions. This is what the "Synodal Way" is giving us: a repudiation of Church teaching and putting a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance on the level of a sacramental of marriage. This resolution was spawned in the depths of hell. 

While Pope Francis has spoken against same-sex blessings, he simultaneously called for same-sex civil unions, the obvious precursor. We can thank him for once again undermining the faith and leading the Church down the way of division. The German Church magnifies the evil already promoted by the pope in a satanic imitation of Mary who "magnifies the Lord."

In 2020, Bishop Schneider wrote an admonition to Pope Francis, identifying clearly the cruelty of confirming homosexuals in mortal sin, endangering their salvation and calling for the conversion of the pope:
"Most Holy Father, for the sake of the salvation of your own immortal soul, for the sake of the souls of all those persons who through your approval [are in] danger of being eternally lost, convert, retract your approval and proclaim [the] unchangeable teaching of the Church" 
Every true Catholic, every true Catholic priest, every true Catholic bishop must with deep sorrow and a weeping heart regret and protest against the unheard fact, that Pope Francis, the Roman Pontiff, the successor of the apostle Peter, the Vicar of Christ on earth, uttered in the documentary film “Francesco” that premiered on October 21, 2020, as part of the Rome Film Festival, his support for civil same-sex unions. Such support of the pope means support for a structure of sin, for a lifestyle against the Sixth Commandment of the Decalogue, which was written with the fingers of God on stone tables on Sinai (see Ex. 31:18) and delivered by the hands of Angels to men (see Gal. 3:19). What God has written with His hand, even a pope cannot erase nor rewrite with his hand or with his tongue. The Pope cannot behave as if he were God or an incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Quoting Vatican I, Bishop Schneider wrote:

The Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His revelation they might make known new doctrine, but that by His assistance they might inviolably keep and faithfully expound Revelation, the Deposit of Faith, delivered through the Apostles. (Dogmatic Constitution Pastor aeternus, chap. 4)

The Synod on Synodality should be immediately suspended! Like the synods before it, we can expect nothing but novelty, heterodoxy, and dissent from its outcome. Bishop Schneider calls on all Catholics to pray for the pope. Let us respond with the love of children suffering from an abusive father. May God bring him to repentance and to undo the damage he is doing to the Bride of Christ.


  1. I am convinced that the ape church came into being with the murder of Sister Lucia in 1958-9. The "synodal church" is a completion of

    Whether Bergoglio is or is not pope, he officially retired the title "Vicar of Christ" years ago.

    The exile of the TLM from the ape church's buildings, and the synodal church's embrace of fornication, adultery, sodomy, abortion, the genocidal carbon hoax, and the democidal death shots--all of these are steps in the expulsion of Catholics from the institution that presents itself to the world (including spiritually blind and dead nominal Catholics) as "the Catholic Church."

    1. Father, can you provide further information on the claim of the murder of Sister Lucia? I too see the huge difference in the facial features of the second ‘Lucia’ vs the young Sister Lucia and this makes so much sense re: the Ape Church. Thank you!

  2. Lots of info at

  3. When one has an abusive father, one should certainly pray for him; however, there is also applicable the principle and law of self defense. For approximately 10 years Catholics have been at the mercy of an abusive father who attacks their physical and spiritual health. While praying is called for, it’s time for the exercise of self defense against an evil man and his sycophants without being slaves to false obedience. What form should this take? I am uncertain and open to suggestions. I am morally certain that Bergolio and his henchmen are in schism from the Catholic Church.

  4. And (some) people get upset with me when I say there's an anti-church.

    1. Imagine the frustration of the '58 As a fairly new SVist myself, I really admire the ones who caught on a lot earlier than I, and remain charitable and humble in their responses.

  5. And people get upset with me when I say that Sr Lucy was never murdered but lived until 2005. No one will convince me otherwise.

  6. I'm stunned! A "church" priesthood infiltrated by unholy homos is making honest "women" out of themselves! How bold and loving! How unpredictable! What a "church" of surprises!
