Monday, June 26, 2023

Part 6: The Modernist Synodalistas are Back. Some Things Never Change!

Modernists work the problem of "updating" the Church to conform to the world with predictable strategies. They aren't particularly creative; they just repeat the same thing over and over. Sad to say, these repetitive attacks seem to do the trick more often than not -- at least in the short term. The secular world uses them as well. Perhaps that's why they succeed so often. They appeal to the worldly. "Hey! Give them another crisis and we'll scare them into submission!" The message from the Modernists is a little different. "Give them another excuse for their favorite sins and we'll have them by the nose!"

I've mentioned before, the USCCB's (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) Call to Action (CTA) conference held in Detroit in 1976. The bishops chose their colleague, John Dearden, a modernist on steroids, to host the event. Fr. Vincent Miceli (RIP) attended as a delegate and summarized the meeting as a "call to revolution" and it was. 

Cardinal John Dearden (+1988) paved the way for Pope Francis' synodal way,
a legacy of dissent reminiscent of the Call to Action Conference in Detroit in 1976.

The delegates, according to the New York Times were a "broad array of Church members." They were anything but! The delegates were selected by middle management bureaucrats in the Church, dissenting "reformers" who wanted to change Church teaching on women's ordination, contraception, divorce and remarriage, homosexuality, and every other doctrine that offended their modernist minds.What came out of the revolution? Nothing good. Well, maybe a few things - Les Femmes began in CTA's aftermath and we've been fighting the rebellion against the faith ever since. 

How did that happen? 

The rebel dissent group Call to Action formed shortly after the Detroit meeting and started a chapter in northern Virginia. They began to infiltrate parishes in the Diocese of Arlington where liberal pastors reigned. They promoted groups like CORPUS (priests who left the Church but offered their services for sale) and a support group for women having affairs with priests in active ministry whose name I've forgotten.

Some friends and I pushed back. 

At their second meeting at a Catholic church (Christ the Redeemer in Sterling) a handful of us were arrested. We ended up in court and subpoenaed the bishop, John Keating, as a witness. (He was the "owner" of the property after all. And the owner is responsible to authorize arrests for "trespassing.") The bishop wasn't happy and the diocese tried unsuccessfully to quash the subpoena. I had begged the bishop on my knees at a funeral luncheon to instruct the pastor (who hid the night of the meeting) to drop the charges. He wouldn't. So we went to court.

Bishop John Keating (1934-1998)
The end result was a blessing for the diocese. The bishop issued an order that groups dissenting from the faith could not meet on church property. CTA moved to Protestant churches and continued their rabble rousing until everyone got old and the group disbanded a number of years ago. Good-bye; good riddance! 

Unfortunately the national group still exists with chapters in 14 states, but they are definitely aging hippies with little appeal to the youth. they are knee deep in the "pride" movement and recently pledged their support for the disgusting anti-Catholic "sisters of perpetual indulgence." Here's their message:

Call To Action, the largest progressive Catholic organization in the United States, supports the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the countless acts of charity and justice they have performed over the last four decades. We condemn this hateful campaign targeting the sisters.

Really, CTA? "the sisters?" 

Earth to rebels: "THEY AREN'T SISTERS! THEY'RE A BUNCH OF DEPRAVED GUYS IN FAKE NUN HABITS!" (Check their drawers, idiotae!) 

The good news here is that if CTA is the "largest progressive...organization" attacking the Church, we have little to fear. As proponents of contraception and abortion, they've mostly murdered their future and are sinking into oblivion. Not to mention, they are almost all only a few short steps from the cemetery. 

No doubt they have some sugar daddy, like Catholics for Choice with Warren Buffet who gives them millions every year to keep them shilling for the Left and its evil agenda. That's the reality with these so-called "Catholic" front groups. Morally bankrupt millionaires and wicked foundations keep them on life support until they croak. 

Which brings me to the synods which echo the USCCB CTA meeting with its goal to "listen" to the laity and what they want as action items for the Church. The CTA meeting in Detroit and other USCCB sponsored meetings over the years exuded the  poisonous fumes of modernism. The Vatican-sponsored synods do the identical thing only at the Church universal level. The same delegate selection process and/or manipulation of the meetings with the delphi technique, etc. ends up producing the same kinds of ugly final documents we've seen before; all of which subtly (or not so subtly) undermine the faith. 

Consider the Modernist documents released after the synods. I could include Laudato Si and Fratelli Tutti, more of Pope Francis' bloviating, Modernist rants. I didn't because neither was associated with a synod. But they show how consistently Francis undermines the faith with his Modernist take on just about everything. We'll look briefly at the three completed synods and the upcoming Synod on Synodality:

Amoris Laetitia -- April 8, 2016 was the final document from the synod on the family. While much of the document was fine and even inspirational, it caused an uproar because of the implied permission for couples in invalid marriages to receive Communion. The implication was later confirmed when Pope Francis replied to a letter from the Argentine bishops that their interpretation, allowing couples living in adultery to receive Communion, was correct. Since the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic faith, this was no small concession but a nuclear bomb. Couples already ignore Church teaching. Now the number receiving sacrilegiously will likely increase with the erroneous belief that they are a-okay ignoring 2,000 years of doctrine. That endangers souls, especially the souls of clergy who tickle their ears with lies. The devil must love it! 

Christus Vivit -- March 25, 2019 was the final document coming out of the synod on young people: Matt Gaspars at Catholic Family News wrote an excellent article outlining the good, the bad, and the ugly. He describes well the Modernist elements in the document. Modernists are happy to sprinkle their message with the truth. It helps convince people to swallow the Kool-Aid. Modernists and Communists share this in common. They see the "long march through the institutions" as the means to their evil ends and don't mind how long it takes to accomplish their purpose. 

Querida Amazonia -- February 22, 2020 resulted from the Synod for the Pan-Amazon region. Catholics breathed a sigh of relief when the pope reaffirmed priestly celibacy and failed to fulfill the hopes of those demanding a female diaconate. (Thank you, Holy Spirit!) Nonetheless the document, like we've come to expect in the post Vatican II Church, was filled with what Bishop Athanasius Schneider called "lamentable doctrinal ambiguities and errors...and its dangerous ideological tendencies." Those included an implied pantheism and naturalism as well as that the work of the missions to convert is no longer necessary. (Source)

Can anyone forget Bishop Erwin Kräutler bragging that he had never baptized an indigenous person or the message that the Church can learn from the "spirituality" of the pagan people? Tradition, Family and Property ran a shocking article about the views of "missionaries" among the Yanomami, a warlike pagan tribe who practice ritual cannibalism and infanticide. Fr. Corrado Dalmonego, who lived among them for eleven years, praised them saying they can "even help the Church to cleanse herself perhaps from schemes, mental structures that may have become obsolete or inadequate.” Like defending the innocent and loving your enemies?

All these synods and their final documents advance the goal of Modernism even if they included positive statements about Church teaching. They invigorate dissent and give aid and comfort to enemies of the faith. Which reminds me of the 1966 papal birth control commission that advised in their majority report that the Church approve contraception.  Having raised the hopes of Catholics that the pope would overturn the ban on artificial birth control, the reaction to Pope Paul VI's encyclical Humanae Vitae was an earthquake of angry dissent and rejection led by Fr. Charlie Curran, a professor at Catholic University, among others. Silence from the pulpit exacerbated the problem.

Fr. Charlie Curran made a career out of attacking Church teaching on sexual morality. He was finally stripped of his right to teach as a Catholic theologian and removed from Catholic University in 1986. He moved to Southern Methodist as the Protestant he was.

I was in college down the street from Catholic University when Curran led the charge against the encyclical with large public protests. He had crowds of supporters plus a few curious spectators like me and my college roommate who went down to see what was going on. Nothing good for sure! The debate raged with hundreds of priests and laity signing a full page ad in the New York Times opposing the encyclical. 

And, let's face it, the dissenters won the debate since most Catholics today ignore the teaching. Curran was finally fired from Catholic University in 1986, but should have been booted years earlier. His dissent had disastrous consequences for those who embraced his scandalous teaching.

Unfortunately, many women paid for their dissent with injury and even death from dangerous chemicals and devices which sterilized some and killed others. How many women have died from breast or cervical cancer because of the "pill," a carcinogen more dangerous than cigarettes and other cancer-causing chemicals. How many died from blood clots and strokes or became sterile through pelvic inflammatory disease? Thanks, Charlie, for contributing to the anti-woman results of your orchestrated dissent.

Modernism, whether it's promoted through endless dialogue, formal dissent, or ambiguous teaching that casts doubt on doctrine is a disaster for the flock. And the synodal process has simply raised it to a new organizational level that goes on and on and on. The synodal process under Francis has been devastating for the Church, not to mention a monumental waste of time and money. It offers little but false expectations among those who want doctrine with no demands. The upcoming Synod on Synodality promises to be worse than the others, the "ring to rule them all!" And the synodal beat for Modernism goes on like the pagan drums of the Amazon tribes.

TO BE CONTINUED.... [For previous post in this serious go the Modernism page.]


  1. Well, thank you Mary Ann, for your years of service to Christ and to the truth. You certainly have the bona fides, and you've more than done your part.
    I'm looking forward to you talking about the latest persecution, the infestation, I mean "visitation" of two American bishops (Kicanas and Sullivan) to Bishop Joseph Strickland, which can only mean his likely removal, for the crime of being an actual Catholic bishop.
    My feeling is, this will harden hearts and cause greater division than we have seen. Maybe I am only speaking for myself, but being Catholic should not feel like a hostage situation.

    1. 9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

      (Matt 7: 9-11)

  2. Among my many failings is my Spelling Nazi persona.

    It is Cdl. DeardEN......and Fr. Vince Miceli (only 1 "L").

  3. Thanks for being my editor, Dad29. Misspelling someone's name is a biggie. I'll try to be more careful. Thank you for being my proofreader.

  4. Dear Mary Ann and Susan. I apologise for my boorish behavior on the other thread. I understand there are differing opinions about The SSPX and. mine annealed quite sone time ago (well before the 21st century) but I add nothing to the discussion about it because I become so combative it irks not only others but my own self.


    1. I salute you sir! 🫡
      I can relate.

  5. Thanks for your apology, Mick. Accepted. We all have the same goal, I think, of saving souls. May God bless our efforts and help us all to do it with charity and, perhaps, a little humor.
