Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Guest Post: Spiritual Diocesan Malfeasance in the Diocese of Arlington? by Brian Kopp

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, Linden, VA

Editor's note: All the information in the commentary below by Brian Kopp is first hand witnessed by Brian himself and the people involved and/or their parents. The situation in the Front Royal area is tragic. Rather than recognizing who the real enemy is, the local diocese and parishes have chosen to attack the SSPX and those who attend the chapel. It is hard to believe a priest would label a faithful believing and practicing Catholic as "not a Catholic." My question would be, "Father, is James Martin a Catholic as he promotes sins that cry to heaven for vengeance? How about the new head of DDF (Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith) who is about to be made a cardinal? Víctor Manuel Fernández covered up abuse allegations for years. Is he a danger to the faith? Is he a Catholic? Is Archbishop Paglia, who put a blasphemous homoerotic fresco in his cathedral complete with his own image in a red zucchetto, a faithful Catholic? These men occupy high level positions at the Vatican. And you're going to tell me that those who go to the SSPX chapel aren't Catholic? Really?"

Bishop Burbidge and some of our diocesan priests are doing everything they can to undermine the ministry of the SSPX. At the same time, they cannot honestly assure local Catholics that the sacraments in the traditional form will continue. Unfortunately few of our bishops will stand up to the papal overreach of Traditionis Custodes.

I saw Brian's comments on his Facebook (FB) page. I also saw them on the Traditional Latin Mass -- Diocese of Arlington FB page where most quickly disappeared apparently censored by the administrators. Goodness, can't let local Catholics know anything about the chapel. They might visit it. 

I've gone to the Arlington TLM page occasionally where they pretend that the SSPX doesn't exist. Fortunately, the article in Crisis included the SSPX as one of the traditional sites available in Front Royal. Apparently the FB Arlington TLM group are among the Diocesan appartchiks. Just disappear the SSPX in a snap. POOF! 

The chapel doesn't recruit. We don't have to. The Holy Spirit does. 

The diocese and local pastors would be wise to follow Gamaliel's advice. If it's not from God it will disappear. If it is from God, they will find themselves fighting against God. Frankly, I have no doubt whatsoever. "By their fruits you will know them." Among the fruits of the chapel are an abundant harvest of little souls for the Lord. 

Archbishop Paglia is a good Catholic while those attending the SSPX chapel are not? Really? And the diocese expects us to believe it?

Spiritual Diocesan Malfeasance in the Diocese of Arlington?
by Brian Kopp

Yesterday, Crisis Magazine ran an article, Ten of the best Cities in America to raise a Catholic Family, that mentioned the FSSP was permitted by the local bishop [Michael Burbidge] to come to Front Royal, VA to establish a small apostolate there. [Editor's note: The FSSP priest has been assigned as chaplain to Chelsea Academy.]

This of course draws my intense interest as I’m only 15 miles away, and the local diocesan TLMs have been banished to gyms or small local Catholic school chapels. I attend a local diocesan parish so I make these observations from that perspective.

I think what brought this to a head was the number of faithful flocking to the local SSPX chapel. During the Covid lockdowns, while the local parishes “obeyed” the demand that “non essential businesses” close (while Walmart and the local abortuaries stayed open nationwide), the SSPX came into Front Royal and took care of these spiritual orphans. The faithful rewarded their efforts by forming a thriving - and still growing - SSPX chapel.
Of course this drew away many of the most faithful - and financially contributing - members of local parishes.

For this, the local diocesan pastors will not “forgive” the local SSPX efforts. In their opinion, and this was told to me personally by one of the pastors involved, Catholics are sinning in going to the local SSPX chapel when "orthodoxy and orthopraxis are available in local diocesan parishes."

The situation was further exacerbated when members of local parishes married members of the SSPX chapel and the chancery refused to recognize their marriages as they’ve been instructed by the Vatican.

Finally, local diocesan Catholics who requested as their sacramental sponsors faithful who were attending the local SSPX chapel were told they could not have that individual as a sponsor as they “aren’t Catholic.”

And expecting parents who had planned to have their child baptized in the ancient rite were told they couldn’t, due to the recent TLM guidelines, so they too went to the SSPX to have their rightful desire for sacraments in the traditional rite fulfilled.

The FSSP has a big mess to clean up if they take this on.

These spiritual abuse victims won't easily be drawn away from their SSPX chapel and the priests who gave them spiritual nourishment while the diocese and some local pastors dropped the ball during Covid - if not committed spiritual malfeasance - and continue to do so.


  1. It's an all-too-familiar story. I encourage patience with the Arlington TLM group. I am a member of a similar group in another part of the country, and we are constrained from showing *public* support of the SSPX lest we endanger the TLMs that our diocese currently "allows." The SSPX here understands the situation, and agrees that, in prudence, we shouldn't promote their Masses and events at this time. That time may come if all the diocesan TLMs are shut down. I suspect they are in the same pickle in Arlington.
    The real villains are those that are attempting to suppress the TLM. Let's have patience with everyone that supports it, even including those who bad-mouth the SSPX — though I really wish they'd cut it out — and especially those that are doing everything in their power to promote it.

  2. Interesting layout. Who sits in the pews to the sides up front?

  3. The layout was designed to accommodate as many as possible. We're in a small office building at present and repurposed the space. There are two Masses on Sunday. At the Mass we attend, generally several of the families with small children fill in on both sides.

  4. In reference to “the interesting layout” … I used to attend an FSSP chapel, granted limited permissions by the Bishop to exist as long as we could find space. One of the “spaces” for our chapel was in the “crypt” of a Catholic cemetery, where all the Bishops and leading citizens over the years of the Church were buried.

    It was an amazing experience to assist at Mass among the dead.

    The best part, however, was the side seating, referenced in the question above. The “crypt” was relatively small. Every inch mattered. So the seats on the side were very, very close to the altar. I was a relatively new Catholic at that time and considered it a special privilege to be first row next to the altar. There I could see my Priest as close as an altar server; could see his motions, his lips moving, where his eyes were directed. It was special, and very helpful since then as context in memory for now, always seated farther away.

  5. “Catholics are sinning in going to the local SSPX chapel”. Not true:

  6. It’s the theology, stupid. When 98% of the Priests and laypeople, along with the Vatican no longer hold the dogmas of the Church as taught for almost 2000 years, you want to tell me this is the Church founded by Jesus? Really? Where is that Church? It’s not the one run by Bergolio and soon to be Cardinal “Kissy “. When is enough, enough?0

  7. The issue I have with "hiding Mass times" is as anyone would have. Why? Isn't the purpose of the SSPX to serve the sheep? Why hide your Masses? I absolutely abhor this mindset. So many times I have searched for TLM in a diocese only to find one which is hidden and/or because it is very full, they are hesitant to tell people the time for Mass. This is especially frustrating for visitors and people moving to an area alike. The SSPX don't have to worry about the local ordinary canceling who cares? I want to go to Holy Mass and save my soul.

  8. Natsuki,

    The SSPX does not hide Mass times. All of their chapels in the United States with Mass times are listed at:

    In the UK, they are listed here:

    I don't know about chapels in other countries.

    I'm sorry you have had that frustrating experience. We have several families who moved her for the chapel. They had no problem finding it. We welcome visitors at our little chapel in Linden, VA.

  9. Hi Mary Ann,

    Thanks. I have done a lot of moving for my work. Thankfully, an SSPX chapel has been an many locations near me each time. I'm a regular SSPX-er, and I do know about the SSPX website. Unfortunately, I also know that local chapels will sometimes arbitrarily change Mass times and not tell anyone except on their exclusive, closed FB group or during the prior Sunday Masses. It was the Linden SSPX that I was referring to which was troublesome getting information for, except to join a mailing list. I live over an hour away, or I'd just stop by. I know space is limited...and a park and ride is necessary due to constraints. I attend a crowded local TLM said for traditional Carmelites since I moved back into the area. Unfortunately they are also hush hush about Masses. I am hopeful that more SSPX priests will be ordained and more chapels will go up...especially in this area.

    1. Natsuki,
      I have experienced what the problem you are referring to in the past. I think it depends on the chapel and whether anyone exists there to volunteer their time to update the communication tech for the layity.

      We used to drive almost two hours to a chapel and more than once we would show up and realize everyone but us were informed that Mass times were changed by an hour or more. The SSPX web site is never updated to reflect this, only the local site. This chapel had no one to inform the public that Father’s schedule had changed.

      My takeaway: this is not something SSPX Priests are equipped to do. Only the laity from the chapel can do this for others. Not every chapel dies this - it is volunteer. I agree, someone SHOULD do this. It is very inconvenient if someone doesn’t. But, personally, since I have never volunteered my own time, nor do I intend to, I can’t personally complain.

    2. One last addendum: I checked our chapel’s web site, curious about it after your comment. We have a significant time change this Sunday - 6 hours difference. A pop-up window appeared that blocked the site until dismissed by the user, warning of the time change.

      I know the lady who is the keeper of the tech … an older lady, which is kind of cool when you think about it … so through her efforts, the community is informed.

  10. Natsuki,

    In the beginning when we were moving around the Mass times sometimes (rarely) changed depending on the availability of the priests. For the past two years or more they are very stable. The low Mass is at 8:00 a.m. and the high Mass is at 10:30. Once we rented the whole building and remodeled into a normal church arrangement we have accommodated the number of attendees very well. We welcome all who wish to come.
